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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Vangeluwe, D (2003).
Identification des mouettes et goélands en Wallonie. III L’évolution du plumage avec l’âge.
Aves contact(1/2003):2-7.

Vangeluwe, D (2003).
Le baguage.
Aves 04/11/2003., Institut de Zoologie de l’ULG. Liège, Aves.

Vangeluwe, D and Roggeman, W (2003).
Des oiseaux de toutes les couleurs.
Aves Contact(2/2003):24-25.

Vangeluwe, D and Roggeman, W (2003).
Vous avez trouvé un oiseau bagué ? Que faire...
ves Contact(1/2003):8-9.

Vangeluwe, D and Roggeman, W (2003).
Evaluation de la problématique des cygnes, oies et canards exotiques dans le Domaine Royal de Laeken.Rapport final à l’Institut Bruxellois pour la Gestion de l’Environnement, 11pp.

Vankerkhoven, A and Semal, P (2003).
Le Trou Félix (Falmignoul, Prov. de Namur): réexamen d'une sépulture collective du Néolithique mosan fouillée en 1903
Anthropologica et Praehistorica, 114:85-112.

Vanmonfort, B, Haesaerts, P, and Jadin, I (2003).
Deux dates radiocarbones par AMS au Gué du Plantin (Neufvilles, Province de Hainaut, Belgique)
Notae Praehistoricae, 23(2003):173-179.

Vercammen, E and Goolaerts, S (2003).
Doorzichtige plaatjes, gele poedertjes en goudklompen in steenbakklei. Een verhaal over mineraalvondsten in het Aarschotse
Brakona Jaarboek , 2003:18-23.

Verheyen, E, Salzburger, W, Snoeks, J, and Meyer, A (2003).
Origin of the superflock of cichlid fishes from Lake Victoria, East Africa.
Science (New York, N.Y.), 300(5617):325–9.

Verheyen, W (2003).
A craniometric and genetic approach tot the systematics of the genus Dasymys Peters, 1875, selection of a neotype and description of three new taxa.pdf
Bulletin de l'institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 73:27–71.

Versteirt, V, Dekoninck, W, Debakker, D, Pollet, M, Pauly, A, and Grootaert, P (2003).
The effects of nature restoration on the entomofauna in former arable land: restoration of brakish grasslands in the "Uitkerkse Polder" (Blankenberge)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 139:19-27.

Vigin, L and Di Marcantonio, M (2003).
Samenvatting v.d. volledige milieuvergunningsprocedure in de vorm v.e. flow-chart
No source specified

Waelkens, M, Van Neer, W, De Cupere, B, and Beuls, I (2003).
Hunting and stock-breeding
In: The Chora of Sagalassos. The Evolution of the Settlement Pattern from Prehistoric until Recent Times (Studies in Eastern Mediterranean Studies 5), ed. by Vanhaverbeke H., Waelkens M. . Brepols, Turnhout, chap. N/A, pp. 58-60.

Aubry, M, Ali, J, Berggren, WA, Brinkhuis, H, Dupuis, C, Gingerich, PR, Hardenbol, J, Heilmann-Clausen, C, Hooker, J, Kent, DV, King, C, Knox, R, Laga, P, Molina, E, Schmitz, B, Steurbaut, E, and Ward, D (2002).
The Paleocene/Eocene boundary Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP): Criteria for Characterisation and Correlation.
Tertiary Research, 21(1-4):57-70.

Baert, L and Maelfait, J (2002).
The influence of the 1997-1998 El Nino upon the Galapagos lycosid populations, and a possible role in speciation.
European Arachnology , 2000:51-56.

Baeteman, C and Declercq, P (2002).
A synthesis of early and middle Holocene coastal changes in the Belgian lowlands
Belgeo, 2:77-107.

Baeteman, C, Scott, D, and Van Strydonck, M (2002).
Changes in coastal zone processes at a high sea-level stand: a late Holocene example from Belgium
Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(5-6):547-559.

Barker, A, Schaffner, U, and Boevé, J (2002).
Host specificity and host recognition in a chemically-defended herbivore, the tenthredinid sawfly Rhadinoceraea nodicornis
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 104:61–68.

Baugnée, J, Minet, G, and Constant, J (2002).
Additions et corrections à la faune des Hétéroptères de Belgique (Hemiptera Heteroptera)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 138:52-58.

Beuls, I, Vanhecke, L, De Cupere, B, Vermoere, M, Van Neer, W, and Waelkens, M (2002).
The predictive value of dental microwear in the assessment of caprine diet
In: Archaeozoology of the Near East V. Proceedings of the fifth international symposium on archaeozoology of southwestern Asia and adjacent areas, ed. by Buitenhuis, H., Choyke, A., Mashkour, M., Al-Shiyab, A., pp. 337-355, Groningen, ARC-Publicaties.

Boevé, J and Schaffner, U (2002).
Defence strategy in sawfly larvae by integument and hemolymph adaptations and host plant chemistry
In: Abstract book: 19 Annual Meeting of the International Society of chemical Ecology, Hamburg (Germany) August 3-7, pp. 50.

Bonte, D, Baert, L, and Maelfait, J (2002).
Spider assemblage structure and stability in a hetrogeneous coastal dune system (Belgium)
The Journal of Arachnology, 30:331-343.

Bonte, D, Criel, P, Baert, L, and De Bakker, D (2002).
The invasive occurrence of the Mediterranean dwarfspider Diplocephalus graecus (O.P. Cambridge, 1872) in Belgium (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
The Belgian Journal of Zoology, 132(2):171-173.

Bonte, D, Dekoninck, W, and Grootaert, P (2002).
A contribution to the distribution and ecology of Asilid flies in the sandy regions of Flanders (Diptera Asilidae) with a focus on the paucity in the Flemish coastal dunes
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 138:20-28.

Bonte, D, Dekoninck, W, and Pollet, M (2002).
Duinstruwelen als habitat voor insecten in spinnen.
De Levende Natuur, 103:95-97.

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