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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Schoen, I and Martens, K (2003).
Phylogenetic reconstructions of ostracodes - a molecular approach. In: Park L.E. & Smith A.J. (Eds.) Bridging the gap: trends in the ostracode biological and geological sciences
The Paleontological Society Papers, 9:71-88.

Schoen, I and Martens, K (2003).
200 myr without sex
Graduiertenkolleg der Technischen Universität Darmstadt.

Schön, I and Martens, K (2003).
No slave to sex
Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B., 270:827-833.

Schön, I and Martens, K (2003).
Phylogenetic reconstructions of ostracods – a molecular approach. In: PARK, L.E. & A.J. SMITH (Eds.), Bridging the gap: trends in the ostracode biological and geological sciences
The Paleontological Society Papers, 9:71-88.

Schön, I, Martens, K, Van Doninck, K, and Butlin, R (2003).
Evolution in the slow lane: molecular rates of evolution in sexual and asexual ostracods. In: LOXDALE et al. (eds.). Intraclonal genetic variation: ecological and evolutionary aspects
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 79:93-100.

Smith, T and Smith, R (2003).
Terrestrial mammals as biostratigraphic indicators in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene marine deposits of the southern North Sea Basin
Geological Society of America Special Paper, 369:513-520.

Steurbaut, E, Magioncalda, R, Dupuis, C, Van Simaeys, S, Roche, E, and Roche, M (2003).
Palynology, paleoenvironments and organic carbon isotope evolution in lagoonal Paleocene/Eocene boundary settings in North Belgium.
In: Causes and consequences of Globally Warm Climates in the Early Paleogene, ed. by Wing, S.L., Gingerich, P.D., Schmitz, B., & Thomas, E.. The Geological Society of America , Inc., 3300 Penrose Place, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301, vol. 369, chap. 18, pp. 291-317. The Geological Society of America Special Paper. (ISBN: 0-8137-2369-8).

Steurbaut, E, Magioncalda, R, Dupuis, C, Van Simaeys, S, Roche, E, and Roche, M (2003).
Palynology, paleoenvironments, and organic carbon isotope evolution in lagoonal Paleocene-Eocene boundary settings in North Belgium
Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, 369:291-317.

Sturmbauer, C, Hainz, U, Baric, S, Verheyen, E, and Salzburger, W (2003).
Evolution of the tribe Tropheini from Lake Tanganyika: synchronized explosive speciation producing multiple evolutionary parallelism
Hydrobiologia, 500(1-3):51–64.

Theunis, L, Gilbert, M, and Leponce, M (2003).
Effets du micro-habitat sur l’assemblage des fourmis des litières dans une forêt sèche naturellement morcelée du Chaco argentin
Miscellaneous publication, Colloque annuel Section Française UIEIS, Bruxelles 1-3 septembre 2003, p.22.

Tilstone, G, Moore, G, Sorensen, K, Doerffer, R, Rottgers, R, Ruddick, K, Pasterkamp, R, and Jorgensen, P (2003).
REVAMP Regional Validation of MERIS Chlorophyll products in North Sea coastal waters: Protocols document
In: , vol. WPP-233, European Space Agency.

Tshibangu, J, Baele, J, Bultynck, P, Dagrain, F, Deschamps, B, Dupuis, C, Gerrienne, P, Godefroit, P, Gosselin, R, Hennebert, M, Legrain, H, De Ricqlès, A, Smith, T, Spagna, P, Steurbaut, E, Streel, M, Vandycke, S, Van Itterbeeck, J, Vanneste, C, and Yans, J (2003).
Sondages exploratoires dans le ‘Cran aux Iguanodons’ de Bernissart
Abstracts of the Academic Session for Pierre Bultynck, Brussels, November 2003:19.

van der Sloot, P, Damblon, F, Debenham, N, Fechner, K, Gob, A, Haesaerts, P, Hauzeur, A, Jadin, I, Léotard, J, Remacle, M, and Vanmontford, B (2003).
Le Mésolithique et le Néolithique du site Saint-Lambert à Liège dans leur contexte chronologique, géologique et environnemental. Synthèse des données et acquis récents
Notae Praehistoricae, 23(2003):79-104.

Van Doninck, K, Schön, I, and Martens, K (2003).
A perspective on the importance of reproductive mode in astrobiology
Astrobiology, 3(4):657-671.

Van Doninck, K, Schön, I, Maes, F, De Bruyn, L, and Martens, K (2003).
Ecological strategies in an ancient asexual animal group
Freshwater Biology, 48:1285-1294.

Van Doninck, K, Schön, I, Maes, F, De Bruyn, L, and Martens, K (2003).
Ecological strategies in the ancient asexual animal group Darwinulidae
Freshwater Biology, 48:1285-1294.

Van Doninck, K, Schön, I, Martens, K, and Goddeeris, B (2003).
The life-cycle of the ancient asexual ostracod Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870) (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in a temporated pond
Hydrobiologia, 500:331-340.

Van Doninck, K, Schön, I, Martens, K, and Godderis, B (2003).
The life cycle of the ancient asexual ostracod Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870) (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in a temperate pond
Hydrobiologia, 500:331-340.

Van Geet, M, Maes, N, and Dierckx, A (2003).
Characteristics of the Boom Clay organic matter, a review
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Van Neer, W (2003).
Restes fauniques du Château “Tour Louette” à Achet
Vie Archéologique, 59:16.

Van Neer, W and Ervynck, A (2003).
The late medieval heyday of the Flemish marine fishery : a fish-eye view
In: Fishery, trade and piracy. Fishermen and fishermen’s settlements in and around the North Sea area in the Middle Ages and later. VLIZ Special Publication 15 - IAP-Rapport 13, ed. by Pieters, M., et al., pp. 40-43.

Vanacker, D, Maelfait, J, and Hendrickx, F (2003).
Survival differences of the two male morphs in the dwarf spider Oedothorax gibbosus Blackwall, 1841 (Erigoninae, Linyphiidae, Araneae)
Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 52(2-4):255-262.

Vanacker, D, Maes, L, Pardo, S, Hendrickx, F, and Maelfait, JP (2003).
Is the hairy groove in the gibbosus male morph of Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall 1841) a nuptial feeding device?
Journal of Arachnology, 31(2):309-315.

Vanacker, D, Vanden Borre, J, Jonckheere, A, Maes, L, Pardo, S, Hendrickx, F, and Maelfait, J (2003).
Dwarf spiders (Erigoninae, Linyphiidae, Araneae): good candidates for evolutionary research
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 133(2):143-149.

Vandenberghe, N, Brinkhuis, H, and Steurbaut, E (2003).
The Eocene/Oligocene Boundary in the North Sea Area: A Sequence Stratigraphic Approach
In: From Greenhouse to Icehouse: The Marine Eocene/Oligocene Transition. , ed. by Prothero, D.R., Ivany, L.C. & Nesbitt, E.A. . Columbia University Press, New York Chichester, West Sussex, chap. 24, pp. 419-437. (ISBN: 0-231-12716-2).

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