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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Van Neer, W, Lernau, O, Friedman, R, Mumford, G, Poblome, J, and Waelkens, M (2004).
Fish remains from archaeological sites as indicators of former trade connections in the Eastern Mediterranean
Paléorient, 30(1):101-148.

Van Simaeys, S, De Man, E, Vandenberghe, N, Brinkhuis, H, and Steurbaut, E (2004).
Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analysis of the Rupelian-Chattian transition in the type region: evidence from dinoflagellate cysts, foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 208:31-58.

Vanacker, D, Hendrickx, F, Maes, L, Verraes, P, and Maelfait, JP (2004).
Can multiple mating compensate for slower development and shorter adult life in a male dimorphic dwarf spider?
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 82(2):269-273.

Vandenberghe, N, Van Simaeys, S, Steurbaut, E, Jagt, JW, and Felder, P (2004).
Stratigraphic architecture of the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic along the southern border of the North Sea Basin in Belgium.
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences/ Geologie en Mijnbouw, 83(3):155-171.

Vangeluwe, D (2004).
Les Oies grises. Petites, rares et menacées.
Aves Contact(40):6-9.

Vangeluwe, D (2004).
Kerguelen, Crozet, Falklands, un autre Antarctique, sans glace.
Aves 14/12/2004, Hôtel communal de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. Bruxelles.

Vangeluwe, D (2004).
The entire European population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose wintering in the Evros Delta, Greece?
In: Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project. , ed. by T. Aarvak S. Timonen, pp. 55-54, WWF Finland Report n° 20 & Norwegian Ornithological Society NOF Rapportserie Report N° 1-2004., Finland & Norway, Report 2001-2003.

Vangeluwe, D and Rousseau, C (2004).
Dynamique de recolonisation du Grand-Duc d’Europe en Région wallonne.
« Vingt-cinquième anniversaire de la Directive Oiseaux 79/409 » Division de la Nature et des Forêts, Direction Générales des Ressources Naturelles et de l’Environnement du Ministère de la Région wallonne, 21/10/2004 (com.or), Wépion.

Vanmontfort, B, Geerts, A, Casseyas, C, Bakels, C, Buydens, C, Damblon, F, Langohr, R, Van Neer, W, and Vermeersch, P (2004).
De Hel in de tweede helft van het 5de millenium v. Chr.: een midden-Neolitische enclosure te Spiere (prov. West-Vlaanderen
Archeologie in Vlaanderen, 8:9-77.

Verheyen, E, Africa, E, and Meyer, A (2004).
Response to Comment on “ Origin of the Superflock of Cichlid Fishes from
Science (New York, N.Y.), 304(May):963–964.

Vermeersch, P, Van Neer, W, and Hendrickx, S (2004).
El Abadiya 2, A Naqada I Site near Danfiq, Upper Egypt
In: Egypt on its Origins, Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta , ed. by Hendrickx S., Friedman R., Ciałowicz K., Chłodnicki M. . Peeters, Leuven, chap. N/A, pp. 213-276.

Warzee, N and Drumont, A (2004).
Contribution à l'étude des longicornes de l'ardenne avec la découverte d'une nouvelle espèce pour la Belgique (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Lambillionea, 104(1):45-57.

Warzee, N, Lempereur, J, Muret, P, and Drumont, A (2004).
Les Lucanoidea et les Carabaeoidea de Wellin: 2ème note sur les coléoptères de ce cantonnement
Lambillionea, 104(3):459-467.

Willenz, P and Hartman, WD (2004).
Storage Cells and Spermatic Cysts in the Caribbean Coralline Sponge Goreauiella auriculata (Astroscleridae, Agelasida, Demospongiae): A Relationship?
Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell'Universita di Genova, 68(673-681):673-681.

Y., R and Leponce, M (2004).
Characterizing termite assemblages in fragmented forests: A test case in the Argentinian Chaco
Austral Ecology, 29:637-646.

Ansieau, C and Polet, C (2003).
Découverte de sépultures à incinération de la nécropole du vicus de Waudrez (Hainaut, Belgique): analyse du mobilier et étude anthropologique
Vie archéologique , 60:119-151.

Arndt, A, Van Neer, W, Hellemans, B, Robben, J, Volckaert, P, and Waelkens, M (2003).
Roman trade relationships at Sagalassos (Turkey) elucidated by ancient DNA of fish remains
Journal of Archaeological Science, 30:1095-1105.

authors, A (2003).
Genomic enablement of aquacultured species

Averianov, AO, Bolotsky, YL, and Godefroit, P (2003).
First multituberculate mammal from Russia
In: Cretaceous continental margion of East Asia: stratigraphy, sedimentation and tectonics, ed. by G.L. Kirillova, pp. 27-28, Khabarovsk, Unesco-IUGS-IGCP.

Baeteman, C (2003).
How morphology and erodibility influence the origin and pattern of late Holocene tidal channels: case studies from the Belgian coastal lowlands
GI2S Coast, Research Publication , 4:35-36.

Baryshnikov, G, Germonpré, M, and Sablin, M (2003).
Sexual dimorphism and morphometric variability of cheek teeth of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus)
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 133:111-119.

Boer, P, Dekoninck, W, Loon, A, and Vankerkhoven, F (2003).
Lijst van mieren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) van België en Nederland, hun Nederlandse namen en hun voorkomen. List of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Belgium and the Netherlands, their status and Dutch vernacular names.
Entomologische Berichten Amsterdam, 63(3):54-58.

Boevé, J and Schaffner, U (2003).
Why does the larval integument of some sawfly species disrupt so easily? The harmful hemolymph hypothesis
Oecologia, 134(1):104–111.

Boevé, J and Wäckers, F (2003).
Gustatory perception and metabolic utilization of sugars by Myrmica rubra ant workers
Oecologia, 136(4):508–514.

Bogemans, F and Baeteman, C (2003).
Quartairgeologische Kaart en Toelichting Veurne-Roeselare (1/50.000). Vlaamse Overheid, 39p
Dienst Natuurlijke Rijkdommen.

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