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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Schoen, I and Martens, K (2004).
Phylogeography and genetic diversity of Eucypris virens, an ostracod species with mixed reproduction
ESF-PARTNER workshop 2.

Schoen, I, Horne, D, and Martens, K (2004).
Geographic parthenogenesis in non-marine ostracods
ESF-PARTNER workshop 3.

Schön, I and Martens, K (2004).
Adaptive, preadamtive and non-adaptive components of radiations in ancient lakes: a review
Organisms, Diversity and Evolution, 4:137-156.

Semal, P, Cornelissen, E, and Cauwe, N (2004).
MARS: multimedia archaeological research system
Notae Praehistoricae, 24:203-208.

Semal, P, Crevecoeur, I, Rougier, H, and Maureille, B (2004).
Nouvelles (re)découvertes de restes néandertaliens provenant de la grotte de Spy (prov. de Namur, Belgique).
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, n.s., 16:241.

Semal, P, Kirchner, S, Macchiarelli, R, and Weniger, GC (2004).
TNT: The Neanderthal Tools
In: Interdisciplinarity or The Best of Both Worlds. The Grand Challenge for Cultural Heritage Informatics in the 21st Century. Selected papers from VAST2004, ed. by K. Cain, Y. Chrysanthou, F. Niccolucci, D. Pletinckx, & N. Silberman. ARCHAEOLINGUA, Budapest, chap. Excavation Recording and Documentation, pp. 43-44.

Semal, P, Kirchner, S, Macchiarelli, R, Mayer, P, and Weniger, GC (2004).
TNT: The Neanderthal Tools
In: The 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST, ed. by K. Cain, Y. Chrysanthou, F. Niccolucci & N. Silberman, vol. Short Presentations, pp. 29-30.

Semovski, S (2004).
Chapter 14 Genetic Traces Of Environmental Variations In Ancient Lakes
In: Dying and Dead Seas, ed. by Nihoul, J.C.J.; Zavialov, P.O.; Micklin, P.P., vol. 36(February), pp. 341–358, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht PP.

Semovski, S, Verheyen, E, and Sherbakov, D (2004).
Simulating the evolution of neutrally evolving sequences in a population under environmental changes
Ecological Modelling, 176(1-2):99–107.

Smith, R and Smith, T (2004).
Les mammifères de l'Ypresien moyen du Bassin de Paris (niveau-repère MP8-9) sont-ils présents dès la limite Paléocène/Eocène de Dormaal (niveau-repère MP7, Belgique)?
Oryctos, 5:75-82.

Smith, T, Van Itterbeeck, J, and Missiaen, P (2004).
Oldest Plesiadapiform (Mammalia, Proprimates) from Asia and its palaeobiogeographical implications for faunal interchange with North America
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 3(1):43-52.

Soe, A, Bartram, S, Pasteels, J, Dettner, K, Boevé, J, and Boland, W (2004).
Biosynthetic origin of defensive compounds elucidated by use of stable isotopes.
In: Abstract book: Joint European Stable Isotope Users group Meeting, Wien (Austria), August 30-September 3.

Thandar, AS and Samyn, Y (2004).
Shallow-water holothuroid (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) biodiversity and biogeography of the subtropical coast of South Africa
In: Echinoderms, ed. by Heinzeller & Nebelsick, pp. 253-260, Taylor & Francis.

Theunis, L, Gilbert, M, Roisin, Y, and Leponce, M (2004).
Periodic pattern of species distribution in a ground-dwelling ant assemblage
Miscellaneous publication, Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Geographic And Conceptual Frontiers Of Tropical Biology, Knight Convention Center, Miami, Florida July 12th - 16th, p.113.

Udrescu, M and Van Neer, W (2004).
Looking for human therapeutic intervention in the healing of fractures
In: Diet and health in past animal populations : current research and future directions, ed. by Thomas, R, Fabis, M, Davies, J, Mainland, I, Richards, M, . Oxbow Books, chap. N/A, pp. 24-33.

Van Doninck, K, Schön, I, and Martens, K (2004).
Sex in space! The importance of reproductive modes in astrobiology
Astrobiology, 3:657-671.

Van Doninck, K, Schön, I, Martens, K, and Backeljau, T (2004).
Clonal diversity in the asexual ostracod Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870)
Heredity, 93:154-160.

Van Mol, B and Ruddick, K (2004).
The Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS): the future of hyperspectral satellite sensors. Imagery of Oostende coastal and inland waters
In: .

Van Mol, B, Park, Y, Ruddick, K, and Nechad, B (2004).
Mapping of chlorophyll and suspended particulate matter from CHRIS imagery of the Oostende core site
In: ESA Special Publication, vol. SP-578, European Space Agency.

Van Mol, B, Park, Y, Ruddick, K, and Nechad, B (2004).
Mapping of chlorophyll and suspended particulate matter maps from CHRIS imagery of the oostende core site
In: European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP, pp. 148-155.

Van Neer, W (2004).
Evolution of prehistoric fishing in the Nile Valley
Journal of African Archaeology, 2:251-269.

Van Neer, W and Ervynck, A (2004).
Apport de l’archéozoologie à la connaissance de l’exploitation de l’eau douce au Moyen Age et à l’époque Moderne en Belgique
In: Pêche et pisciculture en eau douce : la rivière et l’étang au Moyen Age. Actes des Premières Rencontres internationales de Liessies, 27, 28, 29 avril 1998, ed. by Benoit, P., Loridant, F., Mattéoni, O., Conseil général du Nord, Lille.

Van Neer, W and Ervynck, A (2004).
Remains of traded fish in archaeological sites : indicators of status or bulk food ?
In: Behaviour Behind Bones. The Zooarchaeology of Ritual, Religion, Status and Identity, ed. by O’Day S., Van Neer W., Ervynck A.. Oxbow Books, Oxford, chap. N/A, pp. 203-214.

Van Neer, W and Lesur, J (2004).
The ancient fish fauna from Asa Koma (Djibouti) and modern osteometric data on 3 Tilapiini and 2 Clarias catfish species
Documenta Archaeobiologiae, 2:141-160.

Van Neer, W, Ervynck, A, Bolle, L, and Millner, R (2004).
Seasonality only works in certain parts of the year: The reconstruction of fishing seasons through otolith analysis
International journal of osteoarchaeology, 14:457-474.

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