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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Bouchneb, L, Maureille, B, Semal, P, Louryan, S, and Hublin, J (2005).
The Bony Labyrinth of Neandertals: Additional Results.
In: Abstracts book, pp. A30, Paleoanthropology Society.

Bouyer, T and Drumont, A (2005).
Note synonymique sur le genre Guedesia Ferreira & Veiga Ferreira, 1952 (Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Entomologia Africana, 10(2):35-37.

Braet, Y and Leponce, M (2005).
Diversity of ground-dwelling ants in the Chaco National Park (Argentina)
Miscellaneous publication, Symposium “Entomology in Belgium”, December 2nd, 2005, Brussels, RBINS. Organized by the Royal Belgian Entomological Society, pp.62-63.

Burret, M, Boevé, J, Barker, A, and Spindler-Barth, M (2005).
Structure and mechanical strength of larval cuticle of sawflies capable of "easy bleeding" a defence strategy against predators evolved in Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera)
Tissue & cell, 37(1):67–74.

Casier, J, Lebon, A, Mamet, B, and Préat, A (2005).
Ostracods and lithofacies close to the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Chanxhe and Rivage sections, northeastern part of the Dinant Basin, Belgium.
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 75:95-126.

Chen, M, Wartel, S, and Temmerman, S (2005).
Seasonal variation of floc characteristics on tidal flats, the Scheldt estuary
Hydrobiologia, 540(1-3):181-195.

Chen, M, Wartel, S, Van Eck, B, and Van Maldegem, D (2005).
Suspended matter in the Scheldt estuary
Hydrobiologia, 540(1-3):79-104.

Chittapun, S, Pholpunthin, P, and Segers, H (2005).
Restoration of tropical peat swamp rotifer communities after perturbation: An experimental study of recovery of rotifers from the resting egg bank
Hydrobiologia, 546(1):281-289.

Claus, R, De Belder, W, De Fré, B, Degraer, S, De Groote, D, Dekoninck, W, Desender, K, Devos, K, Engledow, H, Grootaert, P, and Hardies, N (2005).
Proceedings dunes & estuaries 2005: international conference on nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats
Koksijde, Belgium, XIV ed.

Colangelo, P, Corti, M, Verheyen, E, Annesi, F, Oguge, N, Makundi, R, and Verheyen, W (2005).
Mitochondrial phylogeny reveals differential modes of chromosomal evolution in ther genus tatera (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) in Africa
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 35:556–568.

Constant, J (2005).
Revision of the Eurybrachidae (IV). The Australian genus Gelastopsis Kirkaldy, 1906 (Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 75:57-69.

Constant, J (2005).
Revision of the Eurybrachidae (III). The Afrotropical genus Metoponitys Karsch, 1890 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 75:41-56.

Constant, J (2005).
Revision of the Eurybrachidae (II). Description of the new genus Usambrachys, review of the genera Harmosma Fennah, 1964 and Neoplatybrachys Lallemand, 1950 and key to the Afrotropical genera (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 75:29-39.

Court-Picon, M (2005).
Pollen analysis in the historical period: methods and case studies
In: Luluc Summer School, La Bresse (France), 8-10th September 2005.

Court-Picon, M, Buttler, A, and de Beaulieu, J (2005).
Numerical approach of the modern pollen rain in the Champsaur valley (French Alps) and relation to vegetation and land-use
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 135(1-2):13-39.

Dauegeron, C and Grootaert, P (2005).
Phylogenetic systematics of the Empis (Coptophlebia) hyalea-group (Insecta: Diptera: Empididae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 145(3):339-391.

Daugeron, C and Grootaert, P (2005).
Atypical mating behaviour in the empidine dance fly Rhamphomyia (Lundstroemiella) magellensis (Diptera : Empididae : Empidinae)
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 135(1):97-99.

Daugeron, C and Grootaert, P (2005).
Empidine dance flies from Singapore and southern Malaysia (diptera: Empididae: Empidinae)
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 53(2):211-220.

De Bakker, D, Baert, L, Dekoninck, W, and De Koninck, H (2005).
The impact of spontaneous and induced afforestation on spider diversity in the Voeren-region.
Bulletin van het kKoninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Entomologie, 75:235-251.

De Bakker, D, Baert, L, Dekoninck, W, and De Koninck, H (2005).
The impact of spontaneous and induced afforestation on spider diversity in the "Voeren"region
Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Entomologie, 75:235-251.

De Block, M, Geenen, S, Jordaens, K, Backeljau, T, and Stoks, R (2005).
Spatiotemporal allozyme variation in the damselfly, Lestes viridis (Odonata: Zygoptera): Gene flow among permanent and temporary ponds
Genetica, 124(2):137-144.

De Cupere, B (2005).
Kemikkalıntılarıhakkındarapor/Report of the faunal analysis
In: Yıllarıarasındayapılankazılarınsonuçları. Results of the excavations 1989-1992 , ed. by Duru, R. &Umurtak, G.. TürkTarihKurumuYayıları, V.Dizi-Sa. 49, Ankara, chap. -, pp. 138-140, 205-220.

De Cupere, B, Van Neer, W, Monchot, H, Rijmenants, E, Udrescu, M, and Waelkens, M (2005).
Ancient breeds of domestic fowl (Gallus gallus f. domestica) distinguished on the basis of traditional observations combined with mixture analysis
Journal of Archaeological Science, 32:1587-1597.

De Naeyer, A, De Witte, E, Dreesen, R, and Dusar, M (2005).
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België (Ledesteen, Luxemburgse zandsteen, Veldsteen)
In: Handboek Onderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie, ed. by Kluwer Documenta. Kluwer, vol. Aflevering 24, chap. II.3 - Bouwmaterialen - Natuursteen, pp. 83-120. Aflevering 24.

De Naeyer, A, De Witte, E, Dreesen, R, and Dusar, M (2005).
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België (Brusseliaanse steen, Grandglise zandsteen)
In: Handboek Onderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie, ed. by Kluwer Documenta. Kluwer, chap. II.3 - Bouwmaterialen - Natuursteen, pp. 83-120. Aflevering 23.

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