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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Ya ng, D and Grootaert, P (2006).
A new species of Chillcottomyia from Guizhou, with a key to species from China (Diptera: Empidoidea: Hybotinae)
Annales Zoologici, 56(2):311-313.

Yans, J, Strait, SG, Smith, T, Dupuis, C, Steurbaut, E, and Gingerich, PD (2006).
High-resolution carbon isotope stratigraphy and mammalian faunal change at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Honeycombs area of the Southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming.
Amercian Journal of Science, 306:702-735.

Damblon, F, Hauzeur, A, and Buydens, C (2005-2006).
Etude anthracologique des occupations rubanées et protohistorique du site de Remerschen-« Schengerwis »  (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg). Utilisation du bois, environnement et chronologie.
Bull. Soc. Préhist. Luxembourgeoise, 27-28:61-117.

Aberlenc, H, Leponce, M, Orivel, J, Corbara, B, and Roisin, Y (2005).
The IBISCA Winkler programme and focal taxa
In: ESF-UNEP-GCP Exploratory workshop. The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of canopy Life. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005, Brussels.

Adriaens, T, Dekoninck, W, and Zwaenepoel, A (2005).
Kwesties uit het veld: Geitenbegrazing in Schobbejackshoogte
Natuurpunct. focus, 4(4):137-138.

Arens, P, Wernke-Lenting, JH, Diekotter, T, Rothenbuhler, C, Speelmans, M, Hendrickx, F, and Smulders, MJM (2005).
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the dark bush cricket, Pholidoptera griseoaptera (Tettigoniidae)
Molecular Ecology Notes, 5(2):413-415.

Athen, K, Frömke, C, and Germonpré, M (2005).
Analysis of postcranial elements of cave bear material (Ursus spelaeus) from Goyet (Condroz/Belgium)
Bulletin de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Série Sciences de la Terre, 75:267-283.

Baeteman, C (2005).
The Streif classification system: a tribute to an alternative system for organising and mapping Holocene coastal deposits
Journal of Quaternary International, 133-134:141-149.

Baeteman, C (2005).
Verleden en toekomst lees je onder je voeten
In: België, De Tien Instellingen van het Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid. Publicatie naar aanleiding van 175 jaar België, ed. by De Vos, W & Cahen-Delhaye, A., pp. 112-113, Nard’One, Dossche.

Baeteman, C (2005).
Tsunami’s vastgesteld in de Noordzee en het Kanaal.
De Grote Rede , 12:7.

Baeteman, C (2005).
De Moeren and the Inland Dunes & The beach at the Panne. Field Guide, Late Quaternary Coastal Changes: Sea level, Sedimentary Forcing and Anthropogenetic Impacts, a joint INQUA-IGCP Project 495 Conference, Dunkerque, June 28 – July 2, 2005
No source specified

Baeteman, C (2005).
Abstract Book, Late Quaternary Coastal Changes: Sea Level, Sedimentary Forcing and Anthropogenetic Impacts, a joint INQUA-IGCP Project 495 Conference, Dunkerque, June 28-July 2, 2005
No source specified

Baeteman, C (2005).
How subsoil morphology and erodibility influence the origin and pattern of late Holocene tidal channels: Case studies from the Belgian coastal lowlands
Quaternary Science Reviews, 24:2146-2162.

Baeteman, C and Gehrels, R (2005).
Preface Late Quaternary coastal and marine deposits of Northwest Europe: a tribute to Hansjörg Streif
Journal of Quaternary International, 133-134:1-6.

Balian, E and Naiman, R (2005).
Abundance and production of riparian trees in the lowland floodplain of the Queets River, Washington
Ecosystems, 8(7):841-861.

Balzeau, A, Grimaud-Hervé, D, and Semal, P (2005).
Distribution de l’épaisseur crânienne chez les Néandertaliens.
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, n.s., 17:1.

Basset, Y and Leponce, M (2005).
IBISCA: Towards a Census of Canopy Life.
What's Up? The Newsletter of the International Canopy Network, 12(1):1-2.

Basset, Y, Curletti, G, Barrios, H, Cizek, L, Aberlenc, H, Leponce, M, and Barba, A (2005).
The IBISCA sticky trap programme and focal taxa: Auchenorrhyncha and Agrilus (Hemiptera, Coleoptera)
Miscellaneous publication, ESF-UNEP-GCP Exploratory workshop. The Last Biotic Frontier: Towards A Census of canopy Life. Brussels, 5-9 July 2005, p.36.

Berckmoes, V, Scheirs, J, Jordaens, K, Blust, R, Backeljau, T, and Verhagen, R (2005).
Effects of environmental pollution on microsatellite DNA diversity in wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) populations
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24(11):2898-2907.

Bertrand, S and Baeteman, C (2005).
Sequence mapping of Holocene coastal lowlands. The application of the Streif classification system in the Belgian coastal plain
Journal of Quaternary International, 133-134:151-158.

Boevé, J (2005).
Etho-ökologische Perspektive der Blattwespenlarven als Phytophagen und Beutetiere. Entomologentagung
In: Abstract book: DGaaE. Dresden (Germany), March 21-24, pp. 138.

Boevé, J and Müller, C (2005).
Defence effectiveness of easy bleeding sawfly larvae towards invertebrate and avian predators
Chemoecology, 15(1):51–58.

Boevé, J and UW (2005).
Filming defensive behaviours in tenthredinid larvae
In: Abstract book: Symposium "Entomology in Belgium", Bruxelles (Belgium), December 02, pp. 7.

Boni, M, Coppola, V, Dejonghe, L, and Fedele, L (2005).
Willemite in the Belgian non-sulfide zinc deposits: a fluid inclusion study
Periodico di Mineralogia, 74(1):87-100.

Bosmans, H and Drumont, A (2005).
Présence dans le Nord de l'Inde d'un coléoptère Lucanidae chinois? (99ème contribution à l'étude des Coléoptères Lucanidae)
Lambillionea, 105(4):609-611.

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