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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Dusar, M (2006).
In: Current status of chronostratigraphic units named from Belgium and adjacent areas., ed. by Dejonghe, L, vol. 9/1-2, pp. 163-175, GeologicaBelgica.

Dusar, M and Lagrou, D (2006).
The Cretaceous of the Hinnisdael underground quarries in Vechmaal (commune Heers, Belgian Limbourg).
In: Vander Auwera, J. & Boulvain, F., eds., 2nd Belgian Geological Congress, Maison de la Métallurgie, Liège, 7-8.9.2006, Geologica Belgica Abstract, vol. 36, Geologica Belgica.

Engel, M, Brückner, H, Kiderlen, M, and John C., K (2006).
Built near the sea, buried by the river: The Poseidon Sanctuary of Akovitika
Forschungszentrum Terramare Berichte, 16:83-86.

Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, and Van Neer, W (2006).
Mens en dier in de 12de eeuw
In: Het kasteel van Assenede. Van opgravingen tot historisch landschap, ed. by De Decker S.. Uitgeverij Mens & Cultuur, chap. N/A, pp. 45-55.

Gadoum, P and Pauly, A (2006).
Les abeilles sauvages du parc naturel régional du Vexin français. II. Les Halictes (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae: Halictus et Lasioglossum)
Courrier scientifique du parc naturel régional du Vexin français, 2:36-40.

Gautier, A and Van Neer, W (2006).
Animal remains from Mahal Teglinos (Kassala, Sudan) and the arrival of pastoralism in the Southern Atbai
Journal of African Archaeology, 4:223-233.

Gillikin, D, Lorrain, A, Bouillon, S, Willenz, P, and Dehairs, F (2006).
Stable carbon isotopic composition of Mytilus edulis shells: relation to metabolism, salinity, δ13CDIC and phytoplankton
Organic Geochemistry, 37(10):1371-1382.

Gingerich, PD and Smith, T (2006).
Paleocene-Eocene land mammals from three new latest Clarkforkian and earliest Wasatchian wash sites at Polecat Bench in the Northern Basin, Wyoming
Contribution from the Museum of Paleontology - The Université of Michigan, 31(11):245-303.

Girone, A, Nolf, D, and Cappetta, H (2006).
Pleistocene fish otoliths from the Mediterranean Basin: a synthesis
Geobios, 39:651-671.

Gluchowski, E, Casier, J, and Olempska, E (2006).
Crinoid and ostracod succession within the early-Middle Frasnian interval in the Wietrznia quarry, Holy Cross Mountains
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 51(4):695-706.

Godefroid, J, Mottequin, B, and Jochelson, E (2006).
Restudy of the Lower Carboniferous Scaphopoda described by de Koninck (1843, 1883)
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 76:137-163.

Godefroit, P (2006).
The latest Cretaceous hadrosaurid dinosaurs from Heilongjiang Province (China) and Amur Region (Russia) Abstracts of the First International Workshop on Dinosaurs in China, Heyuan, China, April 2006:15-16.
In: Papers from the 2005 Heyuan International Dinosaur Symposium, ed. by Geological Publishing House, vol. Beijing, pp. 103-114.

Godefroit, P and Bolotsky, YL (2006).
Latest Cretaceous dinosaur faunas from the Amur Region (Far Eastern Russia) and Heilongjiang Provinec (Northeastern China
In: Papers from the 9th International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota, Manchester, 2006, ed. by P.M. Barrett, S.E. Evans, pp. 159-161.

Godefroit, P, Hai, S, Yu, T, and Lauters, P (2006).
A new latest Cretaceous dinosaur locality in northeastern China
Abstracts of the 54th Symposium of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Paris, September 2006:12-13.

Govaere, J, Fernandez-Alonso, M, Meirte, D, De Coninck, E, De Ceukelaire, M, Demarée, G, Van Hauteghem, H, Heylen, C, and Smolders, S (2006).
GNOSIS: Interoperable access to scientific data using Open Web Standards.
In: The IAMG’ 2006 Annual Conference on “Quantitative Geology from Multiple Sources” sessie : Delivering geoscience information through open web standards, IAMG conferentie. Liège, Belgium. 3-8 September 2006.

Govaere, J, Fernandez-Alonso, M, Meirte, D, De Coninck, E, De Ceukelaire, M, Demarée, G, Van Hauteghem, H, Heylen, C, and Smolders, S (2006).
Generalized Natural Sciences Online and Spacial Information System.
GIS News(33):4.

Guasti, E, Speijer, RP, Brinkhuis, H, Smith, J, and Steurbaut, E (2006).
Paleoenvironmental change at the Danian-Selandian transition in Tunisia: planktic fioraminifera, calcareous nannofossil and organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst records
Marine Micropaleontology, 59:210-229.

Hajdu, E, Desqueyroux-Faúndez, R, and Willenz, P (2006).
Clathria (Cornulotrocha) rosetafiordica sp. nov. from a south-east Pacific fjord (Chilean Patagonia) (Microcionidae: Poecilosclerida: Demospongiae: Porifera)
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 86:957-961.

Hajdu, E, Willenz, P, Lobo–Hajdu, G, Desqueyroux–Faúndez, R, Carvalho, M, Häussermann, V, Försterra, G, and Scuteri, M (2006).
Marine Sponges Biodiversity. Project EMBARC: diving and wading at southern South America
JMBA Global Marine Environment, UK:28–29.

Handrinos, G, Atnanasiades, A, Rigas, Y, and Vangeluwe, D (2006).
Delta Evrou
KON Bibio Toy Kosmoy 93pp, Athina.

Heffern, D, Drumont, A, Sama, G, Komiya, Z, Tavakilian, G, and Santos-Silva, A (2006).
Reversal of precedence using the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature to maintain prevailing usage of Macrotoma Audinet-Serville, 1832 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 111(1):123-127.

Hugues, S, Hayden, TJ, Douady, CJ, Tougard, C, Germonpré, M, Stuart, A, Lbova, L, Carden, RF, Hänni C, and Say, L (2006).
Molecular Phylogeny of the Extinct Giant Deer, Megaloceros giganteus
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 40:285-291.

Jagt, J, Goolaerts, S, Jagt-Yazykova, E, Cremers, G, and Verhezen, W (2006).
First record of Phylloptychoceras (Ammonoidea) from the Maastrichtian type area, The Netherlands
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre , 76:97-103.

Jocque, M, Martens, K, Riddoch, B, and Brendonck, L (2006).
Faunistics of ephemeral rock pools in Southeastern Botswana
Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 165:415-431.

Knapen, D, Taylor, M, Blust, R, and Verheyen, E (2006).
Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the gudgeon, Gobio gobio (Cyprinidae)
Molecular Ecology Notes, 6(2):387–389.

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