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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Astoreca, R, Ruddick, K, Mol, BV, Rousseau, V, Parent, J, and Lancelot, C (2006).
Variability of the inherent and apparent optical properties in a highly turbid coastal area: impact for the calibration of remote sensing algorithms
EARSeL eProceedings, 5(1):1-17.

Baert, L (2006).
Arabel, de geschiedenis
Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 21(3):62-65.

Baert, L (2006).
Arabel, son histoire.
Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 21(3):66-69.

Baeteman, C (2006).
De laat holocene evolutie van de Belgische kustvlakte: Sedimentprocessen versus zeespiegelschommelingen en Duinkerke transgressies
In: Veen-Vis-Zout - Landschappelijke dynamiek in de zuidwestelijke delta van de Lage Landen., ed. by de Kraker, A.M.J., Borger, G.J., pp. 1-18, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Bert, W, Messiaen, M, Hendrickx, F, Manhout, J, and Borgonie, G (2006).
Nematode communities of small pools in an agricultural landscape
Journal of Nematology, 38(2):262-262.

Boer, P and Dekoninck, W (2006).
First record of the permanent social parasitic, salvemaking and Hapagoxemus sublaevis (Nylander, 1852) for Belgium (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Bulletin S.R.B.E/K.B.V.E., 142:21-24.

Boevé, J (2006).
The microhabitat hypothesis to explain differing chemically based defence strategies in herbivorous Hymenoptera
In: Abstract book: 22nd Annual Meeting, ISCE Barcelona (Spain), July 15-19, pp. 163.

Boevé, J (2006).
Differing patterns of chemically-mediated defence strategies in Nematinae versus Phymatocerini larvae (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)
In: Recent Sawfly Research: Synthesis and Prospects, ed. by Blank, S. M. and Schmidt, S. and Taeger, A., pp. 63–71, Goecke & Evers, Keltern.

Bornemann, A, Van Itterbeeck, J, Schulte, P, Steurbaut, E, and Speijer, R (2006).
Stable isotope (13C, 18O) analyses on marine ostracod shells from the Danian/Selandian boundary (Paleocene) of Tunisia
Berichte Institut für Geowissenschaften, 22:8-9.

Casier, J and Préat, A (2006).
Ostracods and lithofacies close to the Eifelian-Givetian boundary (Devonian) at Aisemont (Namur Synclinorium, Belgium).
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 76:5-29.

Casier, J, Berra, I, Olempska, E, Sandberg, C, and Préat, A (2006).
Ostracods and facies of the Early and Middle Frasnian at Devils Gate in Nevada : Relationship to the Alamo Event
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 51(4):813-828.

Constant, J (2006).
Revision of the Eurybrachidae (VIII). The Oriental genera Klapperibrachys Constant and Macrobrachys Lallemand (Hemiptera Fulgoromoprha Eurybrachidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 76:41-48.

Constant, J (2006).
Revision of the Eurybrachidae (VII) The Australian genera Hackerobrachys and Fletcherobrachys (Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 76:31-40.

Constant, J (2006).
Revision of the Eurybrachidae (V). Description of the new Australian genus Kirdaldybrachys Constant (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae)
Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie, 142:47-54.

Constant, J (2006).
Revision of the Eurybrachidae (VI). The Australian genus Nirus Jacobi, 1928 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Eurybrachidae)
Annales Zoologici, 56(2):305-309.

Court-Picon, M, Buttler, A, and de Beaulieu, J (2006).
Anthropogenic signals in pollen diagrams from mountain environments: use of modern pollen/vegetation/land-use relationships in the French Alps
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 15:151-168.

Court-Picon, M, de Beaulieu, J, Palet Martinez, J, Walsh, K, Mocci, F, and Segard, M (2006).
Holocene history of climate, vegetation and human action in mountainous areas (southern French Alps): palaeoecological and archaeological studies as a tool for understanding natural/anthropogenic processes interactions
In: XVe IUSPP Congress 2006, Lisboa (Portugal), 3-9 September 2006.

Damblon, F (2006).
Les restes paléobotaniques à Mitoc-Malu Galben
In: L'Aurignacien et le Gravettien de Mitoc-Malu Galben (Moldavie roumaine), ed. by OTTE, M., CHIRICA, V. & HAESAERTS, P.. ERAUL, Liège, vol. 72, chap. 1, pp. 67-80.

Damblon, F, Buydens, C, and Hauzeur, A (2006).
A contribution of charcoal analysis to knowledge of the Neolithic environment in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Actes du XIVème Congrès UISPP. BAR International Series(1520):19-26.

David, F, Damblon, F, Farjavel, G, Streel, M, and Berthier, F (2006).
Variabilité des enregistrements polliniques en montagne et reconstructions paléoécologiques
Belgio, 3:265-278.

De Bakker, D, Baert, L, Grootaert, P, and Leponce, M (2006).
Canopy spider diversity in Papua New Guinea : a never ending story ?
Miscellaneous publication, 23th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 04 -08 Sept. 2006, p.34.

De Bakker, D, Warzee, N, and Drumont, A (2006).
Spiders of some Forests in the Famenne (Walloon region, Belgium) sampled with pitfall trapping
Bulltin S.R.B.E., 142:127-132.

De Geyter, G, De Man, E, Herman, J, Jacobs, P, Moorkens, T, Steurbaut, E, and Vandenberghe, N (2006).
Disused Paleogene regional stages from Belgium: Montian, Heersian, Landenian, Paniselian, Bruxellian, Laekenian, Ledian, Wemmelian and Tongrian.
Geologica Belgica, 9(1-2):203-213.

De Naeyer, A, De Witte, E, Dreesen, R, Dusar, M, Elsen, J, and Groessens, E (2006).
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België (Massangissteen)
In: Handboek Onderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie. Aflevering 28, Juli 2006. II.3. Bouwmaterialen. Natuursteen, ed. by -. Kluwer Documenta, chap. 0, pp. 123-137.

De Naeyer, A, De Witte, E, Dreesen, R, Dusar, M, Elsen, J, and Groessens, E (2006).
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België (Euvillesteen en Savonnièressteen)
In: Handboek Onderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie, ed. by Kluwer Documenta. Kluwer, chap. II.3 - Bouwmaterialen - Natuursteen, pp. 45-77. Aflevering 29.

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