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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Lesport, J, Cluzaud, A, and Verhecken, A (2015).
The Cenozoic Plesiotritoninae (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Cancellarioidea: Cancellariidae) of the Aquitaine Bassin, southwestern France
Palaeontos, 27:1-64.

Limbourg, F, Vercauteren, M, and Polet, C (2015).
Enthésopathies et marqueurs d’activité dans la population mérovingienne de Braives (Belgique, 6-7ème siècle).
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 27:S21.

Lin, C, Girone, A, and Nolf, D (2015).
Tortonian fish otoliths from turbiditic deposits in Northern Italy : Taxonomic and stratigraphic significance
Geobios, 48:249-261.

Lindeboom, H, Degraer, S, Dannheim, J, Gill, A, and Wilhelmsson, D (2015).
Offshore wind park monitoring programmes, lessons learned and recommendations for the future.
Hydrobiologia, 756:169-180.

Loveless, S, Hoes, H, Petitclerc, E, and Licour, L (2015).
Country update for Belgium
Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April 2015.

Luo, Y and Segers, H (2015).
The genus Mytilina in China, with description of a new species (Rotifera: Monogononta: Mytilinidae).
Zootaxa, 384(4):561-568.

Macheriotou, L, Braeckman, B, Rigaux, A, De Meester, N, Moens, T, and Derycke, S (2015).
Intraspecific functional trait variability does not result in higher fitness under thermal stress in a free-living marine nematode
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 472:14-23.

Marescaux, J, Boets, P, Lorquet, J, Sablon, R, Van Doninck, K, and Beisel, J (2015).
Sympatric Dreissena species in the Meuse River: towards a dominance shift from zebra to quagga mussels
Aquatic Invasions, 10:12 pp..

Martens, K (2015).
Preface. Emerging trends in aquatic ecology
Hydrobiologia, 750:1-4.

Martens, K and Schön, I (2015).
Asexuality in non-marine ostracods - patterns and processes. O1 of Session 10: Ecology and evolution of asexual organisms
Abstract booklet of the GfÖ 25th Annual meeting:121.

Martens, K and Schön, I (2015).
Asexuality and geographic parthenogenesis in the non-marine ostracod Eucypris virens
Abstract book of the Zoology 2015 congress:34.

Martens, K, Halse, S, and Schon, I (2015).
On the Bennelongia nimala and B. triangulata lineages (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in Western Australia, with the description of six new species
European Journal of Taxonomy, 111:1-36.

Martin, J, Delfino, M, Garcia, G, Godefroit, P, Berton, S, and Valentin, X (2015).
New specimens of Allodaposuchus precedens from France: intraspecific variability and the diversity of European Late Cretaceous eusuchians
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015:1-25.

Martin, P (2015).
Compte rendu des journées d'automne 2014 de la SFS : "L'arbre du vivant : 30 ans de systématique"
Bulletin de la Société française de systématique(52):7-13.

Martin, P (2015).
The groundwater oligochaetes (Annnelida, Clitellata) from the "Parc du Mercantour" (France)
In: 13th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta, ed. by Schenková, Jana, pp. 36, Brno, Czech Republic. Book of abstracts (ISBN: 978-80-210-7910-6).

Martin, P (2015).
L'arbre du vivant: classification phylogénétique des Annélides
In: L'arbre du vivant, trente ans de systématique, ed. by Martin, Patrick and Nadot, Sophie and Daugeron, Christophe, vol. 30, pp. 49-67, Editions Matériologiques, Paris, France. Biosystema, Revue de la Société française de systématique. (ISBN: 978-2-37361-039-0).

Martin, P, Nadot, S, and Daugeron, C (2015).
Les trente ans de la Société française de systématique
In: L'arbre du vivant, trente ans de systématique, ed. by Martin, Patrick and Nadot, Sophie and Daugeron, Christophe, vol. 30, pp. 7-9, Editions Matériologiques, Paris, France. Biosystema, Revue de la Société française de systématique. (ISBN: 978-2-37361-040-6).

Martin, P, Nadot, S, and Daugeron, C (2015).
L'arbre du vivant, trente ans de systématique
Editions Matériologiques, Paris, France, vol. 30. Biosystema, Revue de la Société française de systématique. (ISBN: 978-2-37361-039-0).

Martin, P, Schmelz, RM, and Olivier, M (2015).
The groundwater oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) from the "Parc du Mercantour" (France), with the description of one new genus and two stygobiont new species
Zoosystema, 37(4):551-569.

Martinsson, S, Cui, Y, Martin, PJ, Pinder, A, Quinlan, K, Wetzel, MJ, and Erséus, C (2015).
DNA-barcoding of invasive European earthworms (Clitellata: Lumbricidae) in south-western Australia
Biological Invasions:1-6.

Mathys, A, Brecko, J, Van den Spiegel, D, and Semal, P (2015).
3D and Challenging Materials: Guidelines for Different 3D Digitisation Methods for Museum Collections with Varying Material Optical Properties.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd international Congress on Digital Heritage 2015, Granada.

Mathys, A, Brecko, J, Van den Spiegel, D, Cammaert, L, and Semal, P (2015).
Bringing Collections to the Digital Era: 3 Examples of Integrated High Resolution Digitisations Projects
In: Proceedings of the Digital Heritage 2015, pp. 1-4.

Matsuda, J, Lansac-Tôha, F, Martens, K, Machado Velho, L, Mormul, R, and Higuti, J (2015).
Association of body size and behavior of freshwater ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) with aquatic macrophytes
Aquatic Ecology(49):321-331.

Matsuda, J, Martens, K, and Higuti, J (2015).
Diversity of ostracod communities (Crustacea, Ostracoda) across hierarchical spatial scales in a tropical floodplain
Hydrobiologia, 762:113-126.

May, S, Engel, M, Brill, D, Cuadra, C, Lagmay, A, Santiago, J, Suarez, J, Reyes, M, and Br\"uckner, H (2015).
Block and boulder transport in Eastern Samar (Philippines) during Supertyphoon Haiyan
Earth Surface Dynamics, 3(4):543-558.

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