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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

De Naeyer, A, De Witte, E, Dreesen, R, Dusar, M, Eslen, J, and Groessens, E (2007).
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België (Rode marmer).
Kluwer Documenta. HandboekOnderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie. Aflevering 31, Mei 2007. II.3. Bouwmaterialen. Natuursteen(31):117-136.

De Naeyer, A, De Witte, E, Dusar, M, Dreesen, R, Elsen, J, and Groessens, E (2007).
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België (Rode marmer).
In: Handboek Onderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie., ed. by Kluwer Documenta.. Kluwer, chap. II.3 - Bouwmaterialen - Natuursteen, pp. 117-136. Aflevering 31.

De Paepe, M and Polet, C (2007).
"Numerous and tall": a revision of the Late Neolithic human remains found in a collective burial site at Sclaigneaux (Prov. Namur), Belgium
Notae Praehistoricae, 27:163-168.

Deblauwe, I and Dekoninck, W (2007).
Spatio-temporal patterns of ground-dwelling ant assemblages in a lowland rainforest in southeast Cameroon
Insectes Sociaux, 54(4):343-350.

Deblauwe, I and Dekoninck, W (2007).
Diversity and distribution of ground-dwelling ants in a lowland rainforest in southeast Cameroon
Insectes Sociaux, 54(4):334-342.

Deblauwe, I, Dibog, L, Missoup, A, Dupain, J, Van Elsacker, L, Dekoninck, W, Bonte, D, and Hendrickx, F (2007).
Spatial scales affecting termite diversity in tropical lowland rainforest: a case study in southeast Cameroon
African Journal of Ecology, 46(1):5-18.

Decraemer, W and Coomans, A (2007).
Revision of some species of the genus Paralongidorus sensu Siddiqi et al. (1993), with a discussion on the relationships within the family Longidoridae (Nematoda: Dorylaimida)
Nematology, 9(5):643-662.

Decraemer, W and Robbins, R (2007).
The who, what and where of longidoridae and trichodoridae
Journal of Nematology, 39(4):295-297.

Deforce, K, Ervynck, A, Hillewaert, B, Huyghe, J, Lentacker, A, Van Haaster, H, and Van Neer, W (2007).
De eeuw van de Bourgondiërs
In: Het Prinsenhof in Brugge, ed. by Hillewaert B., Van Besien E.. Uitgeverij Van de Wiele, Brugge, chap. N/A, pp. 66-75.

Deforce, K, Ervynck, A, Hillewaert, B, Huyghe, J, Lentacker, A, Van Haaster, H, and Van Neer, W (2007).
De voorgeschiedenis van het Bourgondisch hof
In: Het Prinsenhof in Brugge, ed. by Hillewaert B., Van Besien E.. Uitgeverij Van de Wiele, Brugge, chap. N/A, pp. 22-39.

Deforce, K, Ervynck, A, Hillewaert, B, Huyghe, J, Lentacker, A, Van Haaster, H, and Van Neer, W (2007).
Van adellijke logeergelegenheid tot vijfsterrenhotel
In: Het Prinsenhof in Brugge, ed. by Hillewaert B., Van Besien E.. Uitgeverij Van de Wiele, Brugge, chap. N/A, pp. 94-105.

Dejax, J, Dumax, E, Damblon, F, and Yans, J (2007).
Palynology of Baudour Clays Formation (Mons Basin, Belgium): correlation within the "stratotypic" Wealden
Carnets de Géologie, 1:16-28.

Dejean, A, Corbara, B, Orivel, J, and Leponce, M (2007).
Rainforest Canopy Ants: The Implications of Territoriality and Predatory Behavior
Functional Ecosystems and Communities, 1(2):105-120.

Dejonghe, L (2007).
Book review of « Current status of stratigraphic units named from Belgium and adjacent areas »
Episodes (Journal of International Geoscience), 30(1):67-68.

Dejonghe, L (2007).
Guide de lecture des cartes géologiques de Wallonie
Ministère de la Région wallonne, Direction générale des Ressources naturelles et de l'Environnement.

Dejonghe, L and Jumeau, F (2007).
Les plus beaux rochers de Wallonie. Géologie et petite histoire.
Service géologique de Belgique, collection Geosciences, 13 rue Jenner B 1000 Bruxelles. (ISBN: 978-2-9600676-0-6).

Dekoninck, W and Berg, M (2007).
Dier van de maand: mierenspringstaart en mierenpissebed, focus@ongewervelden.5, 5de focus@ongewervelden 2007, mei 2007

Dekoninck, W and Desender, K (2007).
Een nieuwe verspreidingsatlas en Rode Lijst van de Loopkevers en zandloopkevers van Vlaanderen (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Eindverslag
No source specified

Dekoninck, W, De Koninck, H, Baugnee, J, and Maelfait, J (2007).
Ant biodiversity conservation in Belgian calcareous grasslands: active management is vital
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 137(2):137-146.

Dekoninck, W, De Koninck, H, Baugnée, J, and Maelfait, J (2007).
Ant biodiversity conservation in Belgian calcareous grasslands: Active management is vital
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 137(2):137-146.

Dekoninck, W, Desender, K, and Maes, D (2007).
An Updated Red Data Book of Carabid Beetles in Flanders (Belgium) with Special Attention to Species with Recent Changes in Distribution Patterns.
XIII European Carabidologist's Meeting, 20-24 august 2007, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Dekoninck, W, Lock, K, and Janssens, F (2007).
Acceptance of two native myrmecophilous species, Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii (Isopoda : Oniscidea) and Cyphoderus albinus (Collembola : Cyphoderidae) by the introduced invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) in Belgium
European Journal of Entomology, 104(1):159-161.

Dekoninck, W, Wouters, M, Adriaens, T, and Maelfait, J (2007).
Bosmieren, roofmieren en dienaarmieren in de Kalmthoutse Heide
Antenne, 1(3):16-20.

Delabie, J, Jahyny, B, do Nascimento, I, Mariano, C, Lacau, S, Campiolo, S, Philpott, S, and Leponce, M (2007).
Contribution of cocoa plantations to the conservation of native ants (Insecta : Hymenoptera : Formicidae) with a special emphasis on the Atlantic Forest fauna of southern Bahia, Brazil
Biodiversity Conservation, 16:2359-2384.

Delsinne, T, Roisin, Y, and Leponce, M (2007).
Spatial and temporal foraging overlaps in a Chacoan ground-foraging ant assemblage
Journal of Arid Environments, 71(1):29-44.

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