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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Gambalemoke, M, Mukinzi, I, Amundala, D, Katuala, G, Kennis, J, Dudu, A, Hutterer, R, Barrière, P, Leirs, H, and Verheyen, E (2008).
Shrew trap efficiency: experience from primary forest, secondary forest, old fallow land and old palm plantation in the Congo River basin (Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo)
Mammalia, 72(3):203–212.

Gaublomme, E, Hendrickx, F, Dhuyvetter, H, and Desender, K (2008).
The effects of forest patch size and matrix type on changes in carabid beetle assemblages in an urbanized landscape
Biological Conservation, 141(10):2585-2596.

Germonpré, M (2008).
Interdisciplinary investigation of early dogs and other carnivores from Eurasia
First Bioarch Meeting, Barcelona, Universitat Autonomo de Barcelona.

Germonpré, M and Van Neer, W (2008).
Bioarchaeological research at the Natural History Museum in Brussels
First Bioarch Meeting, Barcelona, Universitat Autonomo de Barcelona..

Germonpré, M, Sablin, M, Khlopachev, G, and Grigoreiva, G (2008).
Possible evidence of mammoth hunting during the Epigravettian at Yudinovo, Russian Plain
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 27:475-492.

Germonpré, M, Sablin, M, Khlopachev, G, and Grigorieva, G (2008).
La chasse au mammouth à Yudinovo (plaine russe) ?
Colloque International du Programme ANR "Mammouths" , Paris, Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle..

Gigliarelli, L, Lucentini, L, Palomba, A, Sgaravizzi, G, Lancioni, H, Lanfaloni, L, Willenz, P, Gaino, E, and Panara, F (2008).
Applications of PCR-RFLPs for differentiating two freshwater sponges: Ephydatia fluviatilis and Ephydatia mülleri
Hydrobiologia, 605(1):265-269.

Gingerich, PD, Rose, KD, and Smith, T (2008).
Oldest North Amercian primate
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 105(23):E30.

Godefroit, P (2008).
Recent studies on the latest Cretaceous dinosaurs in Heilongjiang (Amur) River area.
In: Second Workshop on the K-T Boundary in Jiayin of Heilongjiang, China, Nov. 16-21, 2008, programme, abstracts and field guide., ed. by G. Sun. Research Center of Paleontology & Stratigraphy, Jilin University, Changchun, chap. 1, pp. 18.

Godefroit, P (2008).
130 years ago: the discovery of the Bernissart Iguanodons.
Memoires of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 55:27-33.

Godefroit, P (2008).
130 years ago: the discovery of the Bernissart Iguanodons
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium, 55:27-33.

Godefroit, P and Leduc, T (2008).
La conservation des ossements fossiles : le cas des Iguanodons de Bernissart
CéroArt, 2:

Godefroit, P, Currie, PJ, Hong, L, Shang, C, and Dong, Z (2008).
A new species of Velociraptor (Dinosauria: dromaeosauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Northern China
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28(2):432-438.

Godefroit, P, Hai, S, Yu, T, and Lauters, P (2008).
New hadrosaurid dinosaurs from the uppermost Cretaceous of north-eastern China
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 53(1):47-74.

Godefroit, P, Hai, S, Yu, T, and Lauters, P (2008).
New hadrosaurid dinosaurs from the uppermost Cretaceous of northeastern China
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 53:47-74.

Golovneva, L, Schepetov, S, Godefroit, P, and Alekseev, P (2008).
The Late Cretaceous Kakanaut dinosaur locality in Arctic: palaeoclimatic and paleogeographical aspectsnd dinosaur locality in Southern Chukotka: geology, stratigraphy, taxonomic composition.
In: Aspects of palaeCretaceous system of Russia and adjacent countries: problems of stratigraphy and palaeogeographyofloristics and systematics of fossil plants, ed. by O.S. Dzyubz, V.A. Zakharov, B.N. Shurgun. Publishing House SB RAS, Novosibirsk, chap. 10, pp. 62-64.

Grootaert, P (2008).
New species of Platypalpus Maquart (Diptera, Hybotidae, Tachydromiinae) from Turkey
Bulletin S.R.B.E., 144:79-85.

Grootaert, P and Grichanov, IY (2008).
A first record of Cymatopus (Diptera: Dolichopoidae) from Madagascar with the description of a new species
Bulletin de l'institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 78:275-278.

Grootaert, P and Shamshev, I (2008).
New species of the genus Elaphropeza Macquart (Diptera: Hybotidae) with remarkable abdominal structures from Vietnam
Studia dipterologica, 15(1/2):165-174.

Grootaert, P and Shamshev, I (2008).
Notes on the halobiont genus Chersodromia (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Tunisia with the description of a new brachypterous species and notes on brachyptery in empidoids
Bulletin S.R.B.E., 144:57-63.

Grootaert, P and Shemshev, I (2008).
Notes on the beach-dwelling genus Chersodromia (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Tunisia: description of a new brachypterous species with notes on brachyptery in empidoids.
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 144:57-63.

Grootaert, P and Yang, D (2008).
A new Hypenella (Empididae: Glinocerinae), a Palaearctic relict in Guangdong, South China
Annales Zoologici, 58(3):557-560.

Grootaert, P, Yang, D, and Shamshev, I (2008).
Tachydromia Meigen, 1803 (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Yunnan, China
Annales Zoologici, 58(3):561-566.

Hendrickx, F, Maelfait, J, and Lens, L (2008).
Effect of metal stress on life history divergence and quantitative genetic architecture in a wolf spider
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21(1):183-193.

Herbosch, A, Debacker, TN, and Piessens, K (2008).
The stratigraphic position of the Cambrian Jodoigne Formation redefined (Brabant Massif, Belgium)
Geologica Belgica, 11(3-4):133-150.

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