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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Magerman, K, Pede, R, Lodewijckx, M, Van Neer, W, and Van de Vijver, K (2009).
Een geplaveide Romeinse weg, religieuze keramiek, massa’s dierlijk botmateriaal en andere Romeinse sporen aan de Nerviërsstraat in Asse (provincie Vlaams-Brabant)
In: Journée d’archéologie romaine. Romeinendag 2009. Brussel, 09-05-2009, ed. by VIOE, pp. 5-12.

Marquet, R (2009).
Fossielenonderzoek bij de uitbreidingswerken van het Academisch Ziekenhuis te Edegem - een zicht op het verleden van Antwerpen.
ANTenne, 3(4):14-16.

Marquet, R and Herman, J (2009).
The stratigraphy of the Pliocene in Belgium
Palaeofocus, 2:1-39.

Marquet, R, Collins, J, Jagt, J, and Van Bakel, B (2009).
The invertebrate fauna of the Pliocene in Belgium. Part I. Annelida, Anthozoa and Crustacea.
Palaeofocus, 2:41-61.

Martens, K and Horne, D (2009).
Ostracoda. In : LIKENS, G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Inland Waters
Elsevier, 2:405-414.

Martens, K and Segers, H (2009).
Endemism in Inland Waters. In : LIKENS, G. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Inland Waters
Elsevier, 1:423-430.

Martens, K, Halse, S, and Schoen, I (2009).
Towards a revision of Western Australian Bennelongia (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprididae)
16 ISO.

Martens, K, Loxdale, H, and Schön, I (2009).
The elusive clone - its true nature and identity. In: SCHÖN, I., P. VAN DIJK & K. MARTENS (Eds.), Lost Sex

Martin, P, De Broyer, C, Fiers, F, Michel, G, Sablon, R, and Wouters, K (2009).
Biodiversity of Belgian groundwater fauna in relation to environmental conditions
Freshwater Biology, 54:814–829.

Massin, C, Uthicke, S, Purcell, S, Rowe, F, and Samyn, Y (2009).
Taxonomy of the heavily exploited Indo-Pacific sandfish complex (Echinodermata: Holothuriidae)
Zoological journal of the Linnean Society, 155:40-59.

Meuffels, H and Grootaert, P (2009).
Superfamily Empidoidea. Family Dolichopodidae
In: The Diptera of the Seychelles islands, ed. by Gerlach, J.. Pensoft Series Faunistica, Sofia-Moscow, chap. 10, pp. 117-163.

Michiel, D, Roland, D, and Marleen, DC (2009).
Geo-diversity in regions poor in geological exposure but reflected in the built environment: the case of the Flemish region.
No source specified

Mironov, S and Wauthy, G (2009).
Phylogney and host-paraiste associations of feather mites of the Pteroherpus generic group (Astigmata: Pteronyssidae)
In: Trends in Acarology: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Acarolgy, ed. by Sabelis, M.W. & Bruin, J.. Afsinger, Dordrecht - Nederland, chap. 0, pp. 22-30.

Mottequin, B (2009).
Taphonomy and sedimentology of the 'black marble' of Denée, a fossil conservation deposit from the Viséan (Mississippian) of Belgium.
In: Tribute to Charles Darwin and Bernissart Iguanodons, ed. by P. Godefroit & O. Lambert. P. Godefroit, chap. 1, pp. 117-127.

Mottequin, B and Poty, E (2009).
Palaenvironmental context of the 'black marble' of Denée (Viséan, Belgium)
In: Tribute to Charles Darwin and Bernissart Iguanodons, ed. by P. Godefroit & O. Lambert, pp. 73, RBINS.

Mottequin, B and Sevastopulo, G (2009).
Predatory boreholes in Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) spiriferid brachiopods.
Lethaia, 42:274-282.

Naton, H, Cordier, S, Brou, L, Damblon, F, Frechen, M, Hauzeur, A, Le Brun-Ricalens, F, Valotteau, F, Baes, R, Dovener, F, and Krier, J (2009).
Fluvial evolution of the Moselle valley in Luxembourg during Late Pleistocene and Holocene: palaeoenvironment and human occupation
Quaternaire, 20(1):81-92.

Nechad, B, Ruddick, K, and Neukermans, G (2009).
Calibration and validation of a generic multisensor algorithm for mapping of turbidity in coastal waters
In: SPIE Proceedings, vol. 7473.

Neukermans, G, Ruddick, K, Bernard, E, Ramon, D, Nechad, B, and Deschamps, P (2009).
Mapping total suspended matter from geostationary satellites: a feasibility study with SEVIRI in the Southern North Sea
Optics Express, 17(16):14029-14052.

Nevado, B, Koblmüller, S, Sturmbauer, C, Snoeks, J, Usano-Alemany, J, and Verheyen, E (2009).
Complete mitochondrial DNA replacement in a Lake Tanganyika cichlid fish.
Molecular ecology, 18(20):4240–4255.

Nolf, D and Brzobohaty, R (2009).
Lower Badenian fish otoliths of the Styrian and Lavanttal basins, with a revision of Weinfurter’s type material
Annalen des Naturistorischen Museum Wien, 111A:323-356.

Nolf, D and Cabuzac, B (2009).
Une remarquable association d’otolithes de poisons dans le Miocène moyen de Sos, Matillo, (France, Lot-et Garonne)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 79:191-204.

Nolf, D, De Potter, H, and Lafond-Grellety, J (2009).
Hommage à Joseph Chaine et Jean Duvergier. Diversité et variabilité des otolithes des poissons
Paleo Publishing and Library VZW:59 pp, 149 pl..

Nunes Brandao, S, Sauer, J, and Schoen, I (2009).
Circumantarctic and euybathic distribution in Southern Ocean benthos?
16 ISO.

Orban, R and Polet, C (2009).
La collection ostéologique médiévale de Coxyde conservée à l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (IRSNB). Un outil de référence pour les populations littorales
Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 21:194.

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