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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Vangeluwe, D and Poncin, O (2009b).
INN-FLU: Report of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences on the work package 5 “Ecology of Avian Influenza”.
Bruxelles, Scientific progress report to the European Commission DG 12 Recherche. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. ed.

De Vriese, J, Poncin, O, Lambrecht, B, Letellier, C, Vangeluwe, D, and Van den Berg, T (2009a).
Développement d’outils de diagnostic spécifiques de Flavivirus transmis par les moustiques et les tiques chez les oiseaux, chevaux et ruminants et en particulier du virus WN
en vue de la mise en place d’un système d’alerte précoce et de surveillance épidémiologique. Période 1/1/2008 au 1/1/ 2009. Rapport RF-6191-FLAVISURVEY à la DG IV SPF Santé Publique. ed.

Vangeluwe, D and Poncin, O (2009a).
INN-FLU: Report of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences on the work package 5 ‘Ecology of Avian Influenza’.
Brussels, Report to the European Commission DG 12 Recherche. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 26p. ed.

Sohier, C, Dekoninck, W, Versteirt, V, Deblauwe, I, Hendrickx, F, and Grootaert, P (2009 (2010)).
Distribution of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) along the Scheldt and its tributaries in Flanders with special attention for the pest species Culicoides riethi
Bull. Soc. R. belge d'Entomologie, 145:141-142.

André, L, Planchon, F, Dehairs, F, Bauwens, M, Beelaerts, V, Mas, R, Blust, R, Hansen, H, Dubois, P, Borremans, C, Willenz, P, Gosselin, P, Hermans, J, and Gilis, M (2009).
Critical evaluation of marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change - “CALMARS II” . Final report
Belgian Science Policy, Brussels.

Astoreca, R, Rousseau, V, Ruddick, K, Knechciak, C, Van Mol, B, Parent, J, and Lancelot, C (2009).
Development and application of an algorithm for detecting Phaeocystis globosa blooms in the Case 2 Southern North Sea waters
Journal of Plankton Research, 31(3):287-300.

Azevedo, F, Hajdu, E, Willenz, P, and Klautau, M (2009).
New records of Calcareous sponges (Porifera, Calcarea) from the Chilean coast
Zootaxa, 2072:1-30.

Baert, L (2009).
Spinnen verzameld door Jean-Pierre Maelfait en Lut van Nieuwenhuyse tijdens het Arabel-Weekend in de Viroinstreek
Nieuwsbrief Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 24(1-3):19-20.

Baert, L (2009).
The genus Odo Keyserling, 1887 (Araneae: Zoridae) of the Galapagos islands (Ecuador)
Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 79:45-57.

Baert, L, Ransy, M, and Dethier, M (2009).
Les Araignées "cavernicoles" de Belgique
Bulletin des Chercheurs de la Wallonie, XLVIII:5-16.

Baeteman, C (2009).
Book review: Thomas LITT, ed., 2007– Stratigraphie von Deutschland – Quartär. Special Issue of Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Quaternary Science Journal 56, 1/2.
Geologica Belgica , 12(1-2):109.

Baeteman, C (2009).
De Lage Landen aan Zee in het Eerste Millennium – De Geologische Aspecten
In: Zee, Wind en Land – Kustvorming in de lage landen, ed. by A. Maas, J. Jochems , pp. 17-31, Uitgeverij Papieren Tijger, Breda. (ISBN: 9789067282192).

Belhouss, A, Ait Boughima, F, Benyaich, H, Polet, C, Lefevre, P, Quatrehomme, G, and Beauthier, J (2009).
Intérêt de l’ostéométrie du fémur dans le diagnostic du sexe
Biométrie humaine et Anthropologie, 27(3-4):107-110.

Binney, H, Willis, K, Edwards, M, Bhagwat, S, Anderson, P, Andreev, A, Blauw, M, Damblon, F, Haesaerts, P, Kienast, F, Kremenetski, K, Krivogonov, S, Lozhkin, A, MacDonald, G, Novenko, E, Oksanen, P, Sapelko, T, Valiranta, M, and Vazhenina, L (2009).
The distribution of late-Quaternary woody taxa in northern Eurasia: evidence from a new macrofossil database
Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(23-24):2445-2464.

Bjornstad, A, Drumont, A, and Bouyer, T (2009).
Seabria orientalis (Hintz, 1909) review of its taxonomic history, distribution note and description of the male genitalia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Entomologia Africana, 14(1):39-44.

Bochkopv, AV and Wauthy, G (2009).
A review of the genus Listropsoralges (Acari, Psoroptidae) with the descriptions of two new species
Acta Parasitologica, 54(3):269-275.

Bochkov, AV, Mironov, SV, Dubinia, HV, and Wauthy, G (2009).
In Memoriam of Alexander Fain 1912-2009
Acarina, 17(2):243-244.

Bochkov, AV, O'Connor, BM, and Wauthy, G (2009).
Phylogenetic position of the mite family Myobiidae within the infraorder Eleutherengona (Acariformes) and origins of parsistism in eleutherengone mites
Zoologische Anzeiger, 247:15-45.

Boevé, J (2009).
Chemistry of defensive secretion, and gregariousness in Craesus larvae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae)
In: Abstract book: Entomologentaguns, DGaaE Gottingen (Germany), March 16-19, pp. 52.

Boevé, J (2009).
Leaf-mining habit and defense by volatiles is not contgradictory in Pseudodineurini sawfly larvae.
In: Abstract book:25th Annual Meeting, ISCE Neuchâtel (Switzerland), August 23-27.

Boevé, J (2009).
Easily damaged integument of some sawflies (Hymenoptera) is part of a defence strategy against predators
In: Functional Surfaces in Biology. Little Structures with Big Effects. Volume 1, ed. by Gorb, Stanislav N., vol. 1, pp. 31–43, Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht. (ISBN: 978-1-4020-6696-2).

Boevé, J and Heilporn, S (2009).
Secretion of the ventral glands in Craesus sawfly larvae
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36(11):836–841.

Boevé, J, Peter, B, Jacobs, H, Jansen, E, and Liston, A (2009).
Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) from the region of Dinant, with new records for Belgium
Bulletin SRBE/KBVE, 145:107–111.

Boevé, J, Sonet, G, Nagy, Z, Symoens, F, Altenhofer, E, Häberlein, C, and Schulz, S (2009).
Defense by volatiles in leaf-mining insect larvae
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35(5):507–517.

Boevé, J, Sonet, G, Nagy, ZT, Symoens, F, Altenhofer, E, Häberlein, C, and Schulz, S (2009).
Defense by Volatiles in Leaf-Mining Insect Larvae
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35:507 - 517.

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