RBINS Staff Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 6848 references in this bibliography folder.
De Ceukelaire, M
Steegjeswandeling met een kijk op geologie. Geraardsbergen, 02 juli 2010.
De Naeyer, A, De Witte, E, Dreesen, R, Dusar, M, Elsen, J, Goemaere, E, and Groessens, E
Technische fiches van natuursteen gebruikt in België. Belgische Blauwe hardsteen (Petit Granit)
In: Handboek Onderhoud, Renovatie, Restauratie. Aflevering 42, Februari 2010. II.3. Bouwmaterialen. Natuursteen, ed. by -. Kluwer Documenta, chap. 0, pp. 89-119.
De Reu, J, Bats, M, De Smedt, P, Bourgeois, J, Antrop, M, Court-Picon, M, De Maeyer, P, Finke, P, Van Meirvenne, M, Verniers, J, Werbrouck, I, Zwertvaegher, A, and Crombé, P
Digitizing, inventorying, reviewing and analyzing the "Bronze Age barrows database" of East and West Flanders
Lunula, 18:43-47.
De Reu, J, Bats, M, De Smedt, P, Bourgeois, J, Antrop, M, Court-Picon, M, De Maeyer, P, Finke, P, Van Meirvenne, M, Verniers, J, Werbrouck, I, Zwertvaegher, A, and Crombé, P
Bronze and Iron Age landscapes in Sandy Flanders (NW-Belgium): a geoarchaeological approach
Lunula, 18:17-22.
De Vleeschouwer, J, Fagel, N, Gerrienne, P, Javaux, E, Streel, M, Luthers, C, Damblon, F, Court-Picon, M, Le Roux, G, Mauquoy, D, Piotrowska, N, Sikorski, J, Allan, M, Mattielli, N, Brack, J, Wastiaux, C, Hindrycks, M, and Leclerq, L
Spatio-temporal natural and anthropogenic environmental variability during the 1500 yrs in an ombrotrophic bog (East Belgium)
In: EGU (European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2008, Vienna (Austria), 02-07 May 2010.
De Vriese, J, Poncin, O, Lambrecht, B, Vangeluwe, D, and Van den Berg, T
Development of NS1 ELISA as a early viral detection tools for WN infected target birds.
Arbozoonet meeting, 20-23/11/2010 (com. or.)., Rabat (Morocco).
Deforce, K
Pollen analysis of 15th century cesspits from the palace of the dukes of Burgundy in Bruges (Belgium): evidence for the use of honey from the western Mediterranean
Journal of Archaeological Science, 37:337-342.
Dejean, A, Carpenter, J, Gibernau, M, Leponce, M, and Corbara, B
Nest relocation and high mortality rate in a Neotropical social wasp: impact of an exceptionally rainy La Niña year / Migration et fort taux de mortalité chez une guêpe Néotropicale: conséquence de pluies exceptionnelles durant une année La Niña.
Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Biologies, 333:35-40.
Dejean, A, Fisher, B, Corbara, B, Rarevohitra, R, Randrianaivo, R, Rajemison, B, and Leponce, M
Spatial distribution of dominant arboreal ants in a malagasy coastal rainforest: gaps and presence of an invasive species.
PLoS ONE 5(2): e9319. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009319.
Dejonghe, L
L'exploitation des gisements de fer de la région d'Andenne en minières et dans les mines concédées de Bonnine, Boloy-Grancelle, Champion, Chant d'Oiseaux, Maquelette, Marquis de Croix et Maîtres de Forge et de Couthuin.
Terres et Feu en vallée Mosane, Collection Géosciences, Service géologique de Belgique:323-340.
Dejonghe, L
Les gisements plombo-zincifères de la région d'Andenne
Terres et Feu en vallée Mosane, Collection Géosciences, Service géologique de Belgique:285-310.
Dejonghe, L and Delmer, A
Biographie d'Ivan de Magnée
Nouvelle Biographie nationale, Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 10:136-138.
Dejonghe, L and Robert, A
Les filons et amas plombo-zincifères de la carrière ud cimetière à Seilles
Terres et Feu en vallée Mosane, Collection Géosciences, Service géologique de Belgique:311-322.
Dekoninck, W
Boekbespreking " De mieren van de Benelux van Peter Boer".
Natuurpunt focus, 9(3):134.
Dekoninck, W
De rode bosmier bedreigd, maar niet verloren!
Boomblad, 8(2):12-13.
Dekoninck, W, Baert, L, Boeve, J, Constant, J, De Vuyst, M, Drumont, A, Gaublomme, E, Gérard, Y, Hendrickx, F, Leclercq, M, Limbourg, P, Nicolas, L, Peeters, M, Sohier, C, Strobbe, F, Vandomme, V, Van Nieuwenhove, C, Wauthy, G, and Grootaert, P
Validating collections: taxonomy, faunistics, databases, Red Data Books and Site quality Assessment studies at the RBINS Entomology Department
In: Abstract book: Symposium "Entomology in Belgium, Bruxelles (Belgium), December 3, pp. 72.
Dekoninck, W, Dall'Asta, U, Hendrickx, F, and Grootaert, P
Announcemnt of an International Editorial Board
Bulletin S.R.B.E/K.B.V.E., 146:171.
Dekoninck, W, Hendrickx, F, Dethier, M, and Maelfait, J
Spontaneous afforestation endangers the special ant fauna of abandoned quarries along the river Meuse (Wallonia, Belgium)
Restoration Ecology, 18(5):681-690.
Dekoninck, W, Hendrickx, F, Dethier, M, and Maelfait, J
Forest Succession Endangers the Special Ant Fauna of Abandoned Quarries along the River Meuse (Wallonia, Belgium)
Restoration Ecology, 18(5):681-690.
Dekoninck, W, Hendrickx, F, Dethier, M, and Maelfait, J
Spontaneous establishment of forest endangers the special ant fauna of abandoned quarries along the river Meuse (Wallonia, Belgium)
Restoration Ecology, 18(5):619-782.
Dekoninck, W, Hendrickx, F, Grootaert, P, and Maelfait, J
Present conservation status of red wood ants in north-western Belgium: Worse than previously, but not a lost cause
European Journal of Entomology, 107(2):209-218.
Dekoninck, W, Ignace, D, and Wegnez, P
Records of a new pest and species in Belgium Technomyrmex vitiensis Mann, 1921
Bulletin S.R.B.E., 146:86-90.
Dekoninck, W, Pollet, M, and Grootaert, P
Composition and seasonal activity patterns of mosquito communities collected with malaise traps at Etang de Virelles Nature Reserve (Virelles, Hainaut) a migratory bird sanctuary and possible site for arbovirus transmission in Belgium
European Mosquito Bulletin, 28:213-224.
Delsinne, T, Arias Penna, T, and Leponce, M
Effects of experimental rainfall exclusion on a diverse ant assemblage from Ecuadorian mountain rainforest.
Miscellaneous publication, Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), 8-13 August, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, p.44.
Delsinne, T, Arias Penna, T, and Leponce, M
Effects of experimental rainfall exclusion on a diverse ant assemblage from Ecuadorian mountain rainforests.
Miscellaneous publication, Symposium annuel de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, Brussels, 3 dec. 2010, p.26.
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