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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Neves, V, Nolf, D, and Clarke, M (2011).
Diet of Bulwer's Petrel (Bulweria bulwerii) in the Azores, NE Atlantic
Waterbirds, 34(3):357-362.

Nolf, D and Brzobohaty, R (2011).
Fish otoliths from the Middle Eocene (Bartonian of Yebra de Basa, province of Huesca, Spain
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 81:279-295.

Olayemi, A, Nicolas, V, Gaubert, P, Leirs, H, and Verheyen, E (2011).
Small mammals morphology and molecules - Tale bearing tenant of the Nigerian southwestern forest block
In: Advances In Ecological Research Vol 8, ed. by Daniels, J.A., pp. 247–267, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (ISBN: 978-1-61728-849-4).

Olbers, J and Samyn, Y (2011).
The Ophiocoma species (Ophiurida: Ophiocomidae) of South Africa
Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci., 10(2):137-154.

Orban, R, Eldridge, J, and Polet, C (2011).
Potentialités et historique de la collection de squelettes identifiés de Schoten. (Belgique, 1837-1931).
Anthropologica et Præhistorica, 122:19-62.

Orton, D, Makowiecki, D, de Roo, T, Johnstone, C, Harland, J, Jonsson, L, Heinrich, D, Enghoff, I, Lõugas, L, Van Neer, W, Ervynck, A, Hufthammer, A, Amundsen, C, Jones, A, Locker, A, Hamilton-Dyer, S, Pope, P, MacKenzie, B, Richards, M, and Barrett, J (2011).
Stable isotope evidence for late medieval (14th-15th C) origins of the eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery
PLoS One(6(11), e27568).

Ozer, J (2011).
Comparison of transports through North Sea transects : 2009-2011
Booklet, Booklet.

Pauly, A and Bänziger, H (2011).
Description of Lasioglossum (Medioceralictus) orchidodecptum sp.n. from Thailand and India (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)
Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen entomoçlogischen Gesellschaft, 84:15-22.

Pauly, A and Bänziger, H (2011).
Description of Lasioglossum (Mediocralictus) orchidodeceptum sp.n. from Thailand and India (Hymenoptera: Haltictidae)
Mitteilungen der Schweizerishcen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 84:15-22.

Petre, C, Tagg, N, Beudels-Jamar, R, and Doucet, J (2011).
Role of western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) to dispersal and regeneration of commercial trees in South-East Cameroon
Primate Tidings, 25:22-23.

Petre, C, Tagg, N, Beudels-Jamar, R, and Doucet, J (2011).
Seed dispersal by western lowland gorillas (G. g. gorilla) in south east Cameroon
American Journal of Primatology, 73(1):57.

Pieri, V, Van Mulke, E, Martens, K, and Schoen, I (2011).
Cryptic species: a case study of the Cytherissa flock from Lake Baikal
EOM, 11:159-160.

Piessens, K (2011).
The Conceptual Model for an Abandoned Coal Mine Resevoir
In: The Conceptual Model for an Abandoned Coal Mine Reservoir, Beijing, P.R. China, 18 ed.

Piessens, K (2011).
Expert Group on CO2 Storage Annual Report 2010

Piessens, K (2011).
Evaluation of the off-shore storage potential for Belgium

Piessens, K (2011).
EGS.CO2 Expert Group on CO2 Storage Annual Report 2010
Internal report EuroGeoSurveys.

Piessens, K (2011).
Competent Authority: Are They Ready to Evaluate Applications?
In: In CGS Europe 256725: D4.2 – Outcomes of the Internal Knowledge Sharing Workshop 1, 44. Venice, Italy.

Piessens, K (2011).
Quantifying the CO2 storage potential in Belgium: Working with theoretical capacities.
In: 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Amsterdam, ed. by John Gale, Chris Hendriks and Wim Turkenberg, vol. Energy Procedia(4), pp. 4905-4912, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Piessens, K (2011).
2010: The kick-off year of EGS.CO2.
EuroGeoSurveys, Magazine 17-18.

Piessens, K (2011).
The conceptual model for an abandoned coal mine reservoir
In: CO2 storage in Carboniferous formations and abandoned coalmines, ed. by He, Ribeiro E. Sousa, Elsworth & Vargas Jr., pp. 179-200, London, UK, Taylor & Francis Group (ISBN: 978-0-415-62079-6).

Piessens, K (2011).
The conceptual model for an abandoned coal mine reservoir
In: CO2 storage in Carboniferous formations and abandoned coalmines, ed. by He, Ribeiro E. Sousa, Elsworth & Vargas Jr.. Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, chap. na, pp. 179-200. (ISBN: 978-0-415-62079-6).

Piessens, K and Stroobants, W (2011).
Implementation of the CCS directive when geological storage options do not exist: two case studies for Belgium.
In: 1st CGS Europe knowledge sharing workshop, Venice, Italy, vol. 11/05/2011, pp. 20-23.

Piessens, K, Rütters, H, and Vincent, CJ (2011).
Note on CGS Europe Cooperation with National, European and International bodies and initiatives (01/11/2010 – 30/09/2011)
CGS Europe, Deliverable(2.7).

Pirkenseer, C, Steurbaut, E, and Speijer, R (2011).
Early Ypresian microfossil assemblages and stable isotopes during a distinct plankton peak in the Corbières (Aude, France) continental margin record
Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 85:154.

Pirson, S, Draily, C, Bovy, B, Cornet, Y, Court-Picon, M, and Damblon, F (2011).
Contexte chronostratigraphique et paléoenvironnemental de la séquence de la grotte Walou : synthèse et perspectives
In: Recherches à la grotte Walou à Trooz (province de Liège, Belgique), ed. by Draily C., Pirson S., Juvigné E., Renson V., Toussaint M., Turmes M.. Société Wallonne de Palethnologie, Liège, vol. 2, chap. 19, pp. 214-233. Etudes et Documents, Archaeologie 21.

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