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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Jamet, C, Loisel, H, Kuchinke, CP, Ruddick, K, Zibordi, G, and Feng, H (2011).
Comparison of three SeaWiFS atmospheric correction algorithms for turbid waters using AERONET-OC measurements

Janssen, AW, King, C, and Steurbaut, E (2011).
Early and Middle Eocene (Ypresian-Lutetian) holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) from Uzbekistan.
Basteria, 75(4-6):71-93.

Jean Georges, C, Xavier, D, Estelle, P, and Alain, P (2011).
Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Hanonet Formation/ Trois-Fontaines Formation boundary interval (Early Givetian) at the Mont d'Haurs (Givet, France)
Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 81:63-96.

Jean Georges, C, Xavier, D, Estelle, P, and Alain, P (2011).
Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility records from the stratotype of Terres d'Haurs Formation (Givetian) at the Mont d'Haurs (Givet, France).
Bulletin de l'Instiotut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 81:97-128.

Jean Georges, C, Xavier, D, Sébastien, M, Estelle, P, and Alain, P (2011).
Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Givetian / Frasnian transition at Ave-et-Auffe (Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium).
Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, vol. 16.

Jean Georges, C, Xavier, D, Sébastien, M, Estelle, P, and Alain, P (2011).
Ostracodes, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Givetian/Frasnian transition at Sourd d'Ave (Dinant Synclinorium, Belium)
Geological Society of America, vol. 43(5).

Jordaens, K, Sonet, G, Richet, R, Dupont, E, Breat, Y, and Desmyter, S (2011).
Species identification of forensically important flies using DNA barcoding
In: Book of abstracts of the Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 28 November – 3 December 2011, pp. 125.

Jusseret, S and Baeteman, C (2011).
Comment to “Relative sea level fluctuations in aegean coastal areas from middle to late holocene by Kosmas Pavlopoulos”.
Geodinamica Acta, 24(2):81-84.

Jusseret, S and Baeteman, C (2011).
Comments to "Relative sea level fluctuations in aegean coastal areas from middle to late holocene by Kosmas Pavlopoulos"
Geodinamica Acta, 24(2):81-84.

K., A, Y., H, Ph., W, and E., H (2011).
A new Clathria (Demospongiae, Microcionidae) from Peru occurring on rocky substrates as well as epibiontic on Eucidaris thouarsii sea urchins
Zootaxa, 3085:41-54.

Karakoc, E, Baert, L, and Maelfait, J (2011).
The impact of nature restoration of the river IJzer estuary (Belgian coast) on the spider fauna
Bulletin de la Société royale d'Entomologie, 147:30-38.

Kekenbosch, R and Kekenbosch, J (2011).
L'aranéofaune de la Région de Bruxelles-Capital. Deuxième partie: la réserve naturelle régionale du Kinsendael
Nieuwsbrief Belg. Arachnol. Ver., 26(1):53-66.

Kekenbosch, R and Van Nieuwenhove, C (2011).
Contribution à la connaissance de l'aranéofaune du Parc Naturel Viroin-Hermeton. Cinquième partie: la zone humide du "Ri de la Rosière" à Nismes (Viroinval)
Nieuwsbrief Belg. Arachnol. Ver., 26(2-3):182-196.

Kekenbosch, R and Van Nieuwenhove, C (2011).
Rapport de l'excursion d'Arabel dans le camp Militaire Roi Albert Ier à Marche-en-Famenne le 4 juin 2011
Nieuwsbrief Belg. Arachnol. Ver., 27(1):31-36.

Kennis, J, Nicolas, V, Hulselmans, J, Katuala, P, Wendelen, W, Verheyen, E, Dudu, A, and Leirs, H (2011).
The impact of the Congo River and its tributaries on the rodent genus Praomys: speciation origin or range expansion limit?
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 163(3):983–1002.

Koenders, A, Martens, K, Halse, S, and Schoen, I (2011).
The empire strikes back – English cryptic species of the European Eucypris virens species complex have invaded Western Australia
Abstract book of the 10th Invertebrate Biodiversity and Conservation Society of Australian Systematic Biologists Conference:p. 33.

Komiya, Z and Drumont, A (2011).
Note préliminaire sur le genre Hystatus Thomson avec la description d'une nouvelle espèce de l'île de Bornéo (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Les Cahier Magellanes, 6:109-113.

Kotze, D, Brandmayr, P, Casale, A, Dauffy-Richard, E, Dekoninck, W, Koivula, M, Lovei, G, Mossakowski, D, Noordijk, J, Paarmann, W, Pizzolotto, R, Saska, P, Schwerk, A, Serrano, J, Szyszko, J, Taboada, A, Turin, H, Venn, S, Vermeulen, R, and Zetto, T (2011).
Forty years of carabid beetle research in Europe - from taxonomy, biology, ecology and population studies to bioindication, habitat assessment and conservation

Lambert, O (2011).
New discoveries of fossil toothed whales from Peru: our changing perspective of beaked whale and sperm whale evolution
Quaderni del Museo di Storia Naturale di Livorno, 23:13-27.

Lambert, O, de Buffrénil, V, and de Muizon, C (2011).
Rostral densification in beaked whales: diverse processes for a similar pattern
Comptes Rendus Palevol, 10:453-468.

Lauters, P, Vercauteren, M, and Godefroit, P (2011).
Brain of ornithopod dinosaurs and new characters for phylogenetic analyses
In: International Hadrosaur Symposium Program & Abstracts, Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaontology, Drumheller, September 2011, pp. 70.

Lee, B, Fettweis, M, Toorman, E, and Molz, F (2011).
Multimodality of a particle size distribution of cohesive suspended particulate matters in a coastal zone.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 117 doi:10.1029/2011JC007552.

Lenaerts, L, Dusar, M, Dreesen, R, and Gerard, M (2011).
De wasplatenweide in Moelingen (Voeren).
LIKONA Jaarboek 2010 (20):4-21.

Leponce, M and Dejean, A (2011).
How to assess rapidly the spatial distribution of numerically dominant ants in the canopy?
Miscellaneous publication, Pétropolis, RJ, Brasil, 16-20 oct. 2011, pp.49-50.

Li, Y, Smith, T, Liu, C, Awasthi, N, Yang, J, Wang, Y, and Li, C (2011).
Endocarp of Prunus (Rosaceae: Prunoideae) from the eraly Eocene of Wutu, Shandong Province, China
Taxon, 60(2):555-564.

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