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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Baert, L and Limbourg, P (2011).
Spiders (Araneae) collected with a Malaise trap in a decidious woodland situated near a marsh at Viesville (prov. Hainaut)
Nieuwsbrief Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 26(1):23-31.

Baert, L, Dekoninck, W, and Dochy, O (2011).
De spinnenfauna in de buurt van Ieper: verrassend soortenrijk
Nieuwsbrief Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 26(1):32-37.

Baert, L, Ransy, M, Vanhercke, L, and Dethier, M (2011).
Araignées et opilions d'anciens sites carriers et calaminaires en province de Liège (Belgique)
Nieuwsbrief Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 26(2-3):90-103.

Baeteman, C (2011).
Book review: Erbacher, J., Kosinowski, M. & Pross, J., eds, 2008 - Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 43 (1), 89p.
Geologica Belgica, 14(3-4):299-300.

Baeteman, C (2011).
Book review: Preusser, F., Hajdas, I. and Ivy-Ochs, eds. – Recent progress in Quaternary dating methods. Special Issue of Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart – Quaternary Science Journal 57, 1/2, 2007
Geologica Belgica, 14(1-2):107-108.

Baeteman, C (2011).
Ontstaan en evolutie van de IJzer- en Handzamevallei
In: De Broeken van de IJzer- en Handzamevallei, ed. by Zwaenepoel, A. & Verhaeghe, F. , pp. 1-16, Uitgev. OC-ANB, Brussel. (ISBN: 9789081690249).

Baeteman, C (2011).
The situation of Saltés, a deserted mediaeval town, in the Holocene depositional history of the Odiel-Tinto estuary
Études et Documents, Archéologie , 14:92-111.

Baeteman, C, Waller, M, and Kiden, P (2011).
Reconstructing middle to late Holocene sea-level changes: A methodological review with particular reference to 'A new Holocene sea-level curve for the southern North Sea' as presented by K.-E. Behre
Boreas, 40:557-572.

Baeye, M, Fettweis, M, Voulgaris, G, and Van Lancker, V (2011).
Sediment mobility in response to tidal and wind-driven flows along the Belgian inner shelf, southern North Sea
Ocean Dynamics, 61:611622.

Barrett, J, Orton, D, Johnstone, C, Harland, J, Van Neer, W, Ervynck, A, Roberts, C, Locker, A, Amundsen, C, Enghoff, I, Hamilton-Dyer, S, Heinrich,, D, Hufthammer, A, Jones, A, Jonsson, L, Makowiecki, D, Pope, P, O’Connell, T, de Roo, T, and Richards, M (2011).
Interpreting the expansion of sea fishing in medieval Europe using stable isotope analysis of archaeological cod bones
Journal of Archaeological Science, 38:1516-1524.

Blondieau, M and Polrot, F (2011).
Les travaux miniers de Schimper, siège sud de la mine du Bleyberg
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Bocherens, H, Drucker, D, Bonjean, D, Bridault, A, Conard, N, Cupillard, C, Germonpré, M, Höneisen, M, Münzel, S, Napierala, H, Patou-Mathis, M, Stephan, E, Uerpmann, H, and Ziegler, R (2011).
Isotopic evidence for dietary ecology of cave lion (Panthera (leo) spelaea) in North-Western Europe: prey choice, competition and implications for extinction
Quaternary International, 245:249-261.

Boevé, J, Voigt, D, and Gorb, S (2011).
Crystalline wax coverage of the cuticle in easy bleeding sawfly larvae
Arthropod Structure & Development, 40(2):186–189.

Bolotsky, Y, Ermatsans, I, Godefroit, P, and Bolotsky, I (2011).
New facts on the history of the first Asian dinosaurs.
In: 9. Abstracts of the International Symposium on Paleontology and Geology in Yichun, China, August 2011, chap. 47.

Bornemann, A, Pirkenseer, CM, Steurbaut, E, and Speijer, RP (2011).
Early Paleogene δ 13C and δ 18O records based on marine ostracodes: implications for the Upper Danian succession at Sidi Naseur (Tunisia) and their application value in paleoceanography
Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105(1):77-87.

Bourguignon, T, Leponce, M, and Roisin, Y (2011).
Beta-Diversity of Termite Assemblages Among Primary French Guiana Rain Forests
Biotropica, 43(4):473-479.

Bourguignon, T, Leponce, M, and Roisin, Y (2011).
Are the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil-feeding termite colonies shaped by intra-specific competition?
Ecological Entomology, 36(6):776-785.

Breman, F, Sonet, G, Nagy, Z, Lenglet, G, Jordaens, K, and Louette, M (2011).
DNA barcoding in European and African Accipiter (Accipitridae: Falconiformes)
In: Book of abstracts of the Fourth International Barcode of Life Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 28 November – 3 December 2011, pp. 57.

Bruvo, R, Adolfsson, S, Symonova, R, Lamatsch, D, Schoen, I, Jokela, J, Butlin, R, and Müller, S (2011).
Few parasites, and no evidence for Wolbachia infections in a freshwater ostracod inhabiting temporary ponds
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 102:208-216.

Burlet, C, Vanbrabant, Y, Goethals, H, Thijs, T, and Dupin, L (2011).
Raman spectroscopy as a tool to characterize heterogenite (CoO·OH) (Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo).
Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 80(1):138-147.

Butler, RJ, Jin, L, Chen, J, and Godefroit, P (2011).
The postcranial osteology and phylogenetic position of the small ornithischian dinosaur Changchunsaurus parvus from the Quantou Formation (Cretaceous: Aptian-Cenomanian) of Jilin Province, North-Eastern China.
Palaeontology, 54:667-683.

Bénichou, L, Martens, K, Higley, G, Gérard, I, Dessein, S, and Duin, D (2011).
Editorial: launch of the European Journal of Taxonomy (EJT)
European Journal of Taxonomy, 1:1-3.

Bénichou, L, Martens, K, Higley, G, Gérard, I, Dessein, S, and Duin, D (2011).
European Journal of Taxonomy: a Public Collaborative Project in Open Access scholarly communication
Scholary and Research Communication, 4(1):1-16.

Callewaert, M and Goffette, Q (2011).
Analyse typologique et technologique des fibules romaines de Han-sur-Lesse
Romeinendag / Journée d'archéologie romaine, 2011:21-30.

Casier, J, Devleeschouwer, X, Moureau, J, Petitclerc, E, and Préat, A (2011).
Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility records from the stratotype of Terres d'Haurs Formation (Givetian) at the Mont d'Haurs (Givet, France).
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 81:97-128.

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