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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Vanhove, D, Speijer, RP, and Steurbaut, E (2012).
Fish otolith stable isotope paleothermometry in the early Paleogene: limitations and future directions
In: Abstract Book - Moving Plates and Melting Icecaps – Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, pp. 72, 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Brussels Belgium.

Vanhove, D, Stassen, P, Speijer, RP, Claeys, P, and Steurbaut, E (2012).
Intra- and Intertaxon stable O and C isotope variability of fossil fish otoliths: an early Eocene test case
Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105(1):200-207.

Vanschoenwinkel, B, Pinceel, T, Vanhove M, Denis, C, Jocqué, M, Timms, B, and Brendonck, L (2012).
Towards a Global Phylogeny of the "Living Fossil" Crustacean Order of the Notostraca
Plos One.

Vantomme, J, Van Colen, C, Vincx, M, and Degraer, S (2012).
Encounter competition partly explains the segregation of the sandy beach amphipods Bathyporeia pilosa and Bathyporeia sarsi. A mecocosm experiment.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 438:118-124.

Veldeman, I, Baele, J, Goemaere, E, De Ceukelaire, M, Dusar, M, and De Doncker, HWA (2012).
Characterizing the hypersiliceous rocks of Belgium used in (pre-)history: a case study on sourcing sedimentary quartzites
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering(9):118-128.

Vences, M, Nagy, ZT, Sonet, G, and Verheyen, E (2012).
DNA Barcoding Amphibians and Reptiles
In: DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols, ed. by Kress, W. John and Erickson, David L., vol. 858(February 2008), pp. 79–107, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Methods in Molecular Biology™. (ISBN: 978-1-61779-590-9).

Verhaegen, Y, Monteyne, E, Neudecker, T, Tulp, I, Smagghe, G, Cooreman, K, Roose, P, and Parmentier, K (2012).
Organotins in North Sea brown schrimp (Crangon crangon L.) after implementation of the TBT ban.
Chemosphere, 86 (2012) 979-984.

Verheyden, S (2012).
"Speleothèmes" à l'Institut des Sciences Naturelles
Ecokarst, 89:12.

Verheyden, S, Genty, D, Keppens, E, Van Strydonck, M, and Quinif, Y (2012).
Changes in precipitation as inferred from a Holocene speleothem from the Hotton cave (Hotton, Marche–en-Famenne, Belgium)
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, pp. 102.

Verheyden, S, Hennebert, M, Gewelt, M, Groessens, E, Van Rampelbergh, M, Keppens, E, and Quinif, Y (2012).
Petrography, geochemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of a banded columnar calcite deposit sampled at 1000 meters depth in the Wépion core drilling, Wépion, Belgium, implications for the origin of the calcite
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, pp. 285.

Verheyden, S, Keppens, E, Van Strydonck M, and Quinif, Y (2012).
The 8.2 ka event: is it registered in Belgian speleothems?
Speleogenesis, 12.

Verscheure, S, Desmyter, S, and Backeljau, T (2012).
Canine mitochondrial genome sequencing to improve the genetic profiling of dog hair.
In: Abstract book of EAFS 2012, The Hague, August 20-24, 2012, pp. 336.

Vervust, B, Huyghe, K, Vanhooydonck, B, Herrel, A, Backeljau, T, and Van Damme, R (2012).
Rapid divergence in morphology, physiology and behaviour among island populations of lizards.
In: Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 52(1), pp. E182.

Vigin, L (2012).
Actieplan zeehond van defensief naar offensief milieubeleid in de Noordzee.

Vigin, L, Devolder, M, and Scory, S (2012).
Kaart van het gebruik van de Belgische zeegebieden - Carte de l'usage des espaces marins belges.

Virgilio, M, Delatte, H, Backeljau, T, Quilici, S, and De Meyer, M (2012).
There’s more than meets the eye: population structure in the Ceratitis “FAR complex”.
In: Abstracts of the 2nd International TEAM Meeting, Kolymbari, Crete, July 3-6, 2012, pp. 74.

Virgilio, M, Jordaens, K, Breman, F, Backeljau, T, and De Meyer, M (2012).
Identifying insects with incomplete DNA barcode libraries, African fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) as a test case.
PLoS One, 7(2):e31581.

Vitali, F, Drumont, A, and Renneson, J (2012).
Note sur la distribution de Protaetia (Liocla) marmorata (Fabricius, 1792) au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae)
Cetoniimania, N.S., 3:14-19.

Vogt, J and Schallier, R (2012).
Tour d'Horizon 2012 from 2 to 6 July 2012 - detailed mission reporting.

Vogt, J and Schallier, R (2012).
Tour d'Horizon 2012 from 2 to 6 July 2012
IRScNB, detailed mission reporting.

Voigt, D, Boevé, J, and Gorb, SN (2012).
Die Oberflächeneigenschaften des Integuments der Pflanzenwespenlarven Rhadinoceraea micans und Nematus pavidus (Hymenoptera , Tenthredinidae)
Mitteilungen DGaaE, 18:117–120.

Vorkamp, K, Roose, P, Bersuder, P, Webster, L, Lepom, P, Munschy, C, Bossi, R, Tronczynski, J, and De Boer, J (2012).
Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in biota and sediment
ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences, No. 50, May 2012.

W, A, H, S, and ea (2012).
The Magnitude of Global Eukaryotic Marine Biodiversity
Current biology, 22:1-14.

Waelkens, M, Music, B, Corremans, M, Degryse, P, De Laet, V, Bakker, J, Dusar, B, D'Haen, K, Notebaert, B, Verstraeten, G, Marinova, E, Van Neer, W, Goffette, Q, De Cupere, B, Baeten, J, and Devos, D (2012).
The 2010 archeometric research at Sagalassos
Arkeometri Sonuçkları Toplantısı, 27:305-329.

Walstra, J, De Ceukelaire, M, and Dusar, M (2012).
Kwaliteitsdocumentatie en definiëring van referentieobjecten voor de Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (VLA 10-2.1)
Geological Survey of Belgium, Technical Report for VO - LNE - ALBON - Dienst Natuurlijke Rijkdommen(103 p.).

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