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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Van Colen, C, Rossi, F, Andersson, M, Gribsholt, B, Herman, P, Degraer, S, Vincx, M, Ysebaert, T, and Middelburg, J (2012).
Organism-sediment interactions govern post-hypoxia recovery of ecosystem funtioning.
PLOS , 7: 11, e49795.

Van de Putte, A, Janko, K, Kasparova, E, Maes, G, Rock, J, Koubbi, P, Volckaert, F, Choleva, L, Fraser, K, Smykla, J, and others (2012).
Comparative phylogeography of three trematomid fishes reveals contrasting genetic structure patterns in benthic and pelagic species
Marine genomics, 8:23-34.

Van de Vijver, K (2012).
Bioanthropological Report for the 2012 excavation campaign of the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project

Van de Vijver, K (2012).
The Uses of Field Anthropology on the Excavation of the St-Rumbold Cemetery, Mechelen, Belgium
In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology , ed. by P.D. Mitchell and J. Buckberry , pp. 175-181. BAR International Series 2380.

Van de Vijver, K (2012).
The Uses of Field Anthropology on the Excavation of the St-Rumbold Cemetery, Mechelen, Belgium
In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology , pp. 175-181. BAR International Series 2380.

Van den Branden, R and De Schepper, G (2012).
ZAGRI rapporteringen : overzicht van de reizen en de overtredingen van de ontginningsvaartuigen.

Van den Branden, R, De Schepper, G, and Naudts, L (2012).
Zand- en grindwinning op het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee : technische specificaties waaraan het registreertoestel en het walstation moeten voldoen.

Van den Branden, R, De Schepper, G, and Naudts, L (2012).
Zand- en grindwinning op het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee : Automatische registreersystemen geïnstalleerd aan boord van de zandwinningsschepen : overzicht van de data van het jaar 2011.

Van den Broecke L, Martens, K, and Schön, I (2012).
Ostracod valves as efficient UV protection.
Journal of Limnology, 71:119-124.

Van Den Broecke, L, Martens, K, and Schön, I (2012).
Ostracod valves as efficient UV protection
Journal of Limnology, 71(1):119-124.

Van den Eynde, D and Fettweis, M (2012).
Towards an operational sediment transport model for optimizing dredging works in the Belgian Coastal Zone.

Van den Eynde, D, De Sutter, R, and Haerens, P (2012).
Evolution of marine storminess in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 305-312.

Van Der Meeren, T, Mischke, S, Sunjidmaa, N, Herzschuh, U, Ito, E, Martens, K, and Verschueren, D (2012).
Subfossil ostracode assemblages from Mongolia – Quantifying response for paleolimnological applications
Ecological Indicators, 14:138-151.

Van Der Meeren, T, Mischke, S, Verschuren, D, Ito, E, Almendinger, J, Soninkhishig, N, and Martens, K (2012).
Subfossil ostracode assemblages from Mongolia - Quantifying response for paleolimnological applications
Ecological Indicators, 14:138-151.

Van der Zande, D (2012).
Aquamar : Advanced methods to generate CHL-P90 products, Technical report
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Van der Zande, D (2012).
Advanced Remote Sensing Monitors the Water Quality of the Belgian Coastal Zone.
In: The Growing Use of GMES Across Europe's Regions. NEREUS, ed. by Baltzer, H., Ahsan, H. and Henjes, J.

Van der Zande, D and Ruddick, K (2012).
Monitoring of multi-year algal bloom dynamics in the North Sea using MERIS and MODIS.

Van der Zande, D, Lacroix, G, and Ruddick, K (2012).
Observing and explaining the timing of spring/summer algal blooms in the Southern North Sea using Ocean Color Remote Sensing (00121161).
In: Ocean Optics XXI, Glasgow (Scotland), 8-12 October 2012.

Van der Zande, D, Lacroix, G, Desmit, X, and Ruddick, K (2012).
Impact of an irregular sampling by the MERIS satellite on eutrophication monitoring products for WFD and MSFD applications.
In: Proceedings of the 6th EuroGOOS Conference "Sustainable Operational Oceanography", Sopot (Poland), 4 - 6 October 2011.

Van der Zande, D, Lacroix, G, Desmit, X, and Ruddick, K (2012).
Multi-temporal MERIS chlorophyll a 90 percentile products: dealing with irregular sampling issues.

Van Dijk, T, Van Dalfsen, J, Van Overmeeren, R, Van Lancker, V, Van Heteren, S, and Doornenbal, P (2012).
Benthic habitat variations over tidal ridges, North Sea
Elsevier Insights.

Van Goethem, J (2012).
Activiteitenverslag 2011 van het Leopold III-Fonds voor Natuuronderzoek en Natuurbehoud / Rapport d’activités 2011 du Fonds Léopold III pour l’Exploration et la Conservation de la Nature
KBIN, Activity Report, 53 pp..

Van Hoey, G, Derweduwen, J, Devriese, L, Fettweis, M, Hostens, K, Martens, C, Robbens, J, and Van Lancker, V (2012).
Dredged material disposal : Does it substantially affect the ecosystem?
VLIZ Young Scientists'Day.

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Degraer, S, Fettweis, M, Francken, F, Houziaux, J, Legrand, S, Rabaut, M, and Van den Eynde, D (2012).
Sediment dynamics as a proxy for soft substrata habitat distributions, Belgian part of the North Sea.
Booklet, Booklet.

Van Lancker, V, Baeye, M, Du Four, I, Degraer, S, Fettweis, M, Francken, F, Houziaux, J, Luyten, P, Van den Eynde, D, Devolder, M, and De Cauwer, K (2012).
Quantification of Erosion/Sedimentation patterns TO Trace the natural versus antropogenic sediment dynamics (QUEST4D).

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