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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Lambert, O, Ryssaert, C, Goolaerts, S, Degueldre, C, and Verbouw, J (2012).
Walvissen uit het Waasland

Lambrecht, B, Vangeluwe, D, Van den Berg, T, and Van Esbroek, M (2012).
Report on Zoonotic Agents in Belgium 2010-2011.
Brussels, Scientific Report FASFC. ed.

Lancelot, C, Rousseau, V, Lacroix, G, Denis, K, Gypens, N, Grosjean, P, Van Nieuwenhove, K, Desmit, X, Parent, J, Terseleer Lillo, N, Ruddick, K, and Delbare, D (2012).
Final report Combined effect of changing hydroclimate and human activity on coastal ecosystem health, AMORE III
BELSPO, Final report, contract SD/NS/03.

Lauters, P (2012).
L'évolution du cerveau des dinosaures
Espèces, 3:27-29.

Lauters, P, Godefroit, P, Coudyzer, W, and Vercauteren, M (2012).
Iguanodon’s brain and perspectives on ornithopod evolution
In: Bernissart Dinosaurs in depth; A window on Early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems, ed. by Pascal Godefroit, chap. 16, pp. 213-224, Indiana University Press.

Lauters, P, Taquet, P, Vercauteren, M, and Godefroit, P (2012).
The braincase and the endocranial cast of Lurdusaurus arenatus
In: •Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Raleigh, North Carolina (USA), 17-20 October 2012 (poster).

Le Roux, X, Eggermont, H, and BiodivERsA, (2012).
BiodivERsA Newsletter, November 2012
Booklet, Newsletter.

Le Roux, X, Eggermont, H, and BiodivERsA, (2012).
BiodivERsA Newsletter, July 2012
Booklet, Newsletter.

Leduc, T, Goemaere, E, Jadin, I, and Cattelain, P (2012).
L'altération des briquets en «marcassite» du «Trou de Chaleux» (Fouilles d’Édouard Dupond) : identification de phases minérales primaires et secondaires

Lee, B, Fettweis, M, and Toorman, E (2012).
Heterogeneous flocculation combining the biological and mineralogical populations in a marine and coastal environment: Literature study for a conceptual model.
VLIZ Young Scientists'Day.

Lee, B, Schlautman, M, Toorman, E, and Fettweis, M (2012).
Competition between kaolinite flocculation and stabilization in divalent cation solutions dosed with anionic polyacrylamides.
Water Research, No. 46, 5696-5705, doi: 10.1016/waters.2012.056.

Lee, B, Toorman, E, and Fettweis, M (2012).
Flocculation of Fine-Grained Cohesive Sediments Developing Multimodal Particle Size Distributions: Field Investigation and Mathematical Modeling.
Ocean Dynamics.

Lee, BJ, Fettweis, M, Toorman, E, and Molz, FJ (2012).
Multimodality of a particle size distribution of cohesive suspended particulate matters in a coastal zone
Journal of Geophysical Research, 117:C03014.

Lee, BJ, Fettweis, M, Toorman, E, and Molz, FJ (2012).
Multimodality of a particle size distribution of cohesive suspended 2 particulate matters in a coastal zone
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117:C03014.

Lee, BJ, Schlautman, MA, Toorman, E, and Fettweis, M (2012).
Competition between kaolinite flocculation and stabilization in divalent cation solutions dosed with anionic polyacrylamides
Water Research, 45:5696-5705.

Legrand, S and Baetens, K (2012).
Skill metrics designed for users of MyOcean biogeochemistry products.
MyOcean science days.

Legrand, S and Dulière, V (2012).
OSERIT : a downstream service dedicated to the Belgian Coast Guard Agencies.
In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on EuroGOOS, EuroGOOS.

Legrand, S and Dulière, V (2012).
OSERIT : An Oil Spill Evaluation and Response Integrated Tool, Coastlab2012
In: Book of Abstract of the fourth international conference on the application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection., Coastlab.

Lens, L and Eggermont, H (2012).
Conservation Biology
Oxford University Press, Ed. David Gibson. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Ecology.

Leponce, M, Corbara, B, and Basset, Y (2012).
IBISCA - a collaborative programme to study the diversity and distribution of arthropods from canopy to forest floor
In: Forest Canopy Methods, pp. 34-39, University of California Press.

Leysen, A (2012).
Een paleo-ecologische en paleo-economische reconstructie van de site Zilum (NA 97/37) in Noordoost Nigeria (600-400 BC), gebaseerd op dierlijke resten
Master thesis, KU Leuven.

Li, J, Drumont, A, Xueping, Z, Meixiang, G, and Wei, Z (2012).
The checklist of Northeast China's subfamily Prioninae and biological obeservation of Callipogon (Eoxenus) relictus Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1899 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Les Cahiers Magellanes, 9:50-56.

Limbourg, P (2012).
Contribution à l'étude des Rutelinae du Sénégal II (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie, 147(IX-XII):235-238.

Linseele, V (2012).
Animal remains from the Early Holocene sequence at Wadi El-Arab
Kerma, 4:16-18.

Liston, AD, Knight, GT, Heibo, E, Bland, KP, Barstad, T, Blank, SM, Boevé, J, Fiedler, C, Grearson, KJ, Halstead, A, Jacobs, H, Jansen, E, Lø nnve, O, Prous, M, Robinson, J, and Taeger, A (2012).
On Scottish sawflies , with results of the 14 th International Sawfly Workshop , in the southern Highlands , 2010
Beitrage zur Entomologie, 62(1):1–68.

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