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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Jin, L, Chen, J, and Godefroit, P (2012).
A new basal ornithomimosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, NW China
In: Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Ecosystems, ed. by Pascal Godefroit. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, chap. 26, pp. 485-506. (ISBN: 978-2507004941).

Jocque, M and Kolby, J (2012).
Acidity of tank bromeliad water in a cloud forest, Cusuco National Park, Honduras.
International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.

Jordaens, K, Sonet, G, Bourguignon, L, Braet, Y, Dupont, E, and Desmyter, S (2012).
Towards a molecular database for the identification of forensically important Diptera in Belgium
In: 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Brussels, Belgium, 19-20 October 2012.

Jordaens, K, Sonet, G, Bourguignon, L, Richet, R, Dupont, E, Braet, Y, and Desmyter, S (2012).
Identification of forensically important Sarcophaga species (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) using the mitochondrial COI gene
In: 9th meeting of the European Association for Forensic Entomology, Torun, Poland, 18-21 April 2012.

Jordaens, K, Sonet, G, Richet, R, Dupont, E, Braet, Y, and Desmyter, S (2012).
Towards a molecular reference database for the identification of forensically important Sarcophaga species (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)
In: Third European Conference for the Barcode of Life, Brussels, Belgium, 17-20 September 2012.

Jordaens, K, Sonet, G, Richet, R, Dupont, E, Braet, Y, and Desmyter, S (2012).
Identification of forensically important Sarcophaga species (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) using the mitochondrial COI gene
International Journal of Legal Medicine.

Junker, J, Blake, S, Boesch, C, Campbell, G, Toit, Ld, Duvall, C, Ekobo, A, Etoga, G, Galat-Luong, A, Gamys, J, Ganas-Swaray, J, Gatti, S, Ghiurghi, A, Granier, N, Hart, J, Head, J, Herbinger, I, Hicks, TC, Huijbregts, B, Imong, IS, Kuempel, N, Lahm, S, Lindsell, J, Maisels, F, McLennan, M, Martinez, L, Morgan, B, Morgan, D, Mulindahabi, F, Mundry, R, N'Goran, KP, Normand, E, Ntongho, A, Okon, DT, Petre, C, Plumptre, A, Rainey, H, Regnaut, S, Sanz, C, Stokes, E, Tondossama, A, Tranquilli, S, Sunderland-Groves, J, Walsh, P, Warren, Y, Williamson, EA, and Kuehl, HS (2012).
Recent decline in suitable environmental conditions for African great apes
Diversity and Distributions, 18(11):1077-1091.

Kaiho, K, Yatsu, S, Oba, M, and Casier, J (2012).
Massive soil erosion and the Late Devonian mass extinction
In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Makuhari.

Kaiho, K, Yatsu, S, Oba, M, Gorjan, P, Casier, J, and Ikeda, M (2012).
Massive soil erosion during the Late Devonian mass extinction and the current biotic crisis
In: Abstract 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane.

Kamran, K, Court-Picon, M, Gerrienne, P, and Streel, M (2012).
High-resolution palynological Holocene record of the Misten peat bog (Belgium) : preliminary results
Journée UNITER à l'Académie Royale à Bruxelles .

Karl, VG, Frank, F, Annelies, DB, Magda, V, and Kris, H (2012).
Updating the zooplankton species list for the Belgian part of the North Sea
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 142(1):3-22.

Kekenbosch, R and Van Nieuwenhove, C (2012).
Contribution à la connaissence de l'aranéofaune du parc National Viroin-Hermeton. Sixième partie: les abords d'un champ cultivé situé Nismes (Viroinval).
Nieuwsbrief Belg. Arachnol. Ver., 27(2):86-92.

Kempenaer, S (2012).
Formation « biodiversité et services écosystémiques ». Rapport final
Miscellaneous publication, Institute Report.

Kempenaer, S, Franklin, A, Ballez, A, Ausloos, G, Rebella, D, and Wallens, S (2012).
“Biodiversité et services écosystémiques” – Module générique
Miscellaneous publication, Training module.

Kempenaer, S, Franklin, A, Ballez, A, Ausloos, G, Rebella, D, and Wallens, S (2012).
“Biodiversité et services écosystémiques” – Module économie
Miscellaneous publication, Training module.

Kempenaer, S, Franklin, A, Ballez, A, Ausloos, G, Rebella, D, and Wallens, S (2012).
“Biodiversité et services écosystémiques” – Module EMAS
Miscellaneous publication, Training module.

Kempenaer, S, Franklin, A, Ballez, A, Ausloos, G, Rebella, D, and Wallens, S (2012).
“Biodiversiteit en ecosysteemdiensten” – Zee en waterwegen module
Miscellaneous publication, Training module.

Kempenaer, S, Franklin, A, Ballez, A, Ausloos, G, Rebella, D, and Wallens, S (2012).
“Biodiversité et services écosystémiques” – Module rail
Miscellaneous publication, Training module.

Kerckhof, F (2012).
Cis de strandjutter: Zeeschildpadden in de Noordzee.
De Grote Rede, 32:22.

Kerckhof, F (2012).
Cis de strandjutter: haai ?
De Grote Rede, 33:33.

Kerckhof, F (2012).
Cis de strandjutter: De purperslak: terug van weggeweest.
De Grote Rede, 34:23.

Kerckhof, F (2012).
Goed nieuws voor de sternen? De terugkeer van Spiering Osmerus eperlanus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Belgische wateren.
De Strandvlo, 32(4) : 132-136.

Kerckhof, F, Verbeke, D, and Bauwens, F (2012).
Nieuws uit de Baai van Heist: de roodwieren Caulacanthus ustulatus (Mertens ex Turner)Kützing, 1843 en Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss 1967 nieuw voor de Belgische kust en een merkwaardig habitat van intertidale mossels.
De Strandvlo, 32(1): 19 -23.

Kervyn, T, Godin, M, Jocqué, R, Grootaert, P, and Libois, R (2012).
Web-building spiders and stable flies as prey of the notch-eared bat (Myotis emarginatus)
Belgian Journal of Zoology, 142:59-67.

Knaeps, E, Dogliotti, A, Raymaekers, D, Ruddick, K, and Sterckx, S (2012).
In situ evidence of non-zero reflectance in the OLCI 1020 nm band for a turbid estuary.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 10.1016/j.rse.2011.07.025.

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