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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Dulière, V, Ovidio, F, and Legrand, S (2012).
Development of an Integrated Software for Forecasting the Impacts of Accidental Oil Pollution - OSERIT.

Dulière, V, Zhang, Y, and Salathe, E (2012).
Changes in 20th century extreme temperature and precipitation over the western United States based on observations and regional climate model simulations.
Journal of Climate .

Durant, S, Pettorelli, N, Bashir, S, Woodroffe, R, Wacher, T, De Ornellas, P, Ransom, C, Abáigar, T, Abdelgadir, M, El Alqamy, H, Beddiaf, M, Belbachir, F, Belbachir-Bazi, A, Berbash, A, BEUDELS, R, Boitani, L, Breitenmoser, C, Cano, M, Chardonnet, P, Collen B, Cornforth, W, Cuzin, F, Gerngross, P, Haddane, P, Hadjeloum, M, Jacobson, A, Jebali, A, Lamarque, F, Mallon, D, Minkowski, K, Monfort, S, Ndoassal, B, Newby, J, Ngakoutou, B, Niagate, B, Purchase, G, Samaïla, S, Samna, A, Sillero-Zubiri, C, Soultan, A, Stanley Price, M, and Baillie, J (2012).
Forgotten Biodiversity in Desert Ecosystems, (letters to Science).
Science, 15 June 2012(336 (6087)):1379-1380.

Dusar, M (2012).
Geoheritage in Belgium: unknown, unloved?
In: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten. Contactforum – Forum de Contact Geoheritage, Geoconservation&Geotourism, Brussels, November 15, 2012., ed. by R. Dreesen. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences ‐ Geological Survey of Belgium , chap. 0, pp. 70-83.

Dusar, M (2012).

Dusar, M (2012).
The island flank margin model as a new paradigm for the Carboniferous limestone aquifer of the Campine basin (NE Belgium)
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, ed. by Geologica Belgica, pp. 288.

Dusar, M (2012).
Iconography of Carboniferous landscapes and coal mines
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, ed. by Geologica Belgica, pp. 157.

Dusar, M (2012).
Restauratie Sint-Geertruiabdij te Leuven. Materiaaltechnisch vooronderzoek & inventaris steenmateriaal. Macroscopische petrografische beschrijving en interpretatie van geselecteerde handstukken
Geological Survey of Belgium, Technical report for VandenBorre Lauwers(10 p.).

Dusar, M (2012).
KNSP 2011 - Kraainem Sint-Pancratiuskerk Natuursteenidentificatie rapport
Geological Survey of Belgium, Technical Report for Monument NV(9 p.).

Dusar, M (2012).
LIGM 11 (Lier Grote Markt, opgraving juni-juli 2011) Natuursteenidentificatie en rapportering
Geological Survey of Belgium, Technical Report for Monument NV.

Dusar, M (2012).
Geoheritage in Belgium: unknown, unloved?
In: Contactforum – Forum de Contact Geoheritage, Geoconservation & Geotourism, Brussels, November 15, 2012, pp. 70-83, Brussels, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences ‐ Geological Survey of Belgium .

Dusar, M (2012).
Carboonlandschappen – Carboniferous landscapes
In: Manifesta 9. The Deep of the Modern. A Subclopedia, ed. by Cuauhtémoc Medina & Christopher Michael Fraga. Silvana Editoriale, Milano, chap. C, pp. 60-63. (ISBN: 9788836623266).

Dusar, M (2012).

Dusar, M and Dreesen, R (2012).
'Tauw' - an unusual yet durable, silicified rock type from the Maastricht type area.
In: The Maastrichtian stage; the current concept, ed. by J.W.M. Jagt & E.A. Jagt-Yazykova, vol. Workshop Programme, abstracts and field guide(Maastricht 6-8.9.2012), pp. 10-13, Natuurhistorisch Museum/Centre Céramique, Maastricht.

Dusar, M and Dreesen, R (2012).
Challenges to geoheritage conservation and sustainable development in Belgium. In: H. Van den Ancker, coord. Geoheritage – learning from the past to inform the future.
European Geologist, Journal of the European Federation of Geologists, 34:8-11.

Dusar, M and Lagrou, D (2012).
Maastrichtian strata and tectonic inversion - from type locality to the Rur Valley Graben; a view from the subsurface
In: The Maastrichtian stage; the current concept, ed. by J.W.M. Jagt & E.A. Jagt-Yazykova, vol. Workshop Programme, abstracts and field guide(Maastricht 6-8.9.2012), pp. 13-15, Natuurhistorisch Museum/Centre Céramique, Maastricht.

Dusar, M and Nijland, T (2012).
Spoorwegen als 'enabling technology' voor de architectuur: veranderend natuursteengebruik in 1860-1960.
In: Stenen van binnen, stenen van buiten. Natuursteen in de Jonge Bouwkunst. Syllabus 4de Vlaams-Nederlandse Natuursteendag - 15 februari 2012., ed. by R.P.J. van Hees, H. De Clercq & W.J. Quist . Delftdigitalpress, Delft, chap. 1, pp. 7-31. (ISBN: 9789052694054).

Dusar, M, Van, TT, Masschelein, J, Minne, M, Nguyen, DT, Nguyen, LH, and Wildemeersch, D (2012).
Sustainable Geotourism in Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark (Vietnam). Lessons learnt from the 1st Workshop on Potential and Opportunities for Geotourism Development.
In: The 5th International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks, Unzen Volcanic Area Global Geopark, Japan, May 12-15, 2012, vol. Abstracts volume, chap. 4-O-24, pp. 48, Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark Promotion Office.

Eggermont, H and Heiri, O (2012).
The chironomid-temperature relationship: expression in nature and palaeoenvironmental implications
Biological Reviews, 87:430-456.

Elejalde, MA, Breugelmans, K, Jordaens, K, Pearse, JS, Leonard, JL, and Backeljau, T (2012).
Applying species delimitation methods in Ariolimax (Stylommatophora: Arionidae)
In: Program and Abstracts of the 3rd European conference for the barcode of life, Brussels, Belgium, 17-20 Sept. 2012, pp. 21.

Elejalde, MA, Breugelmans, K, Jordaens, K, Pearse, JS, Leonard, JL, and Backeljau, T (2012).
Molecular systematic of banana slugs (Stylommatophora: Arionidae: Ariolimax)
In: Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists, University of California - Santa Cruz, USA, 24-27 June 2012, pp. 26.

Elejalde, MA, Breugelmans, K, Vrijders, H, Jordaens, K, Pearse, JS, Leonard, JL, and Backeljau, T (2012).
Microsatellite markers for parentage analysis and sexual behavior of banana slugs (Pulmonata: Arionidae: Ariolimax).
In: Abstracts of the 15th Molluscan Forum, London, UK, 28 November 2012, pp. 8.

Ellis, M and Pauwels, O (2012).
The bent-toed geckos (Cyrtodactylus) of the caves and karst of Thailand
Cave and Karst Science, 39(1):16-22.

Engels, R, De Clercq, H, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M (2012).
Het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika in Tervuren - de glorie van de Luxemburgse zandsteen, niet zonder problemen.
In: Stenen van binnen, stenen van buiten. Natuursteen in de Jonge Bouwkunst. Syllabus 4de Vlaams-Nederlandse Natuursteendag - 15 februari 2012., ed. by R.P.J. van Hees, H. De Clercq & W.J. Quist. Delftdigitalpress, Delft, chap. 7, pp. 125-135. (ISBN: 9789052694054).

Ervynck, A, Deckers, P, Lentacker, A, Tys, D, and Van Neer, W (2012).
‘Leffinge - Oude Werf’: the first archaeozoological collection from a terp settlement in coastal Flanders
In: A bouquet of archaeozoological studies. Essays in honour of Wietske Prummel, ed. by Raemaekers D., Esser E., Lauwerier R., Zeiler J.. Barkhuis, Groningen, chap. 14, pp. 153-162.

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