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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

De Wever, A, Schmidt-Kloiber, A, Gessner, MO, and Tockner, K (2012).
Freshwater Journals Unite to Boost Primary Biodiversity Data Publication
BioScience, 62(6):529-530.

Declercq, P, Devleeschouwer, X, Brassines, S, Pirard, E, and Goemaere, E (2012).
Preliminary results of an unexpected uplift situated in a former coal mining region (Campine basin – Belgium) revealed by radar interferometry
In: First International Workshop on Temporal Analysis of Satellite Images.

Declercq, P, Pirard, E, and Devleeschouwer, X (2012).
Brussels: 20 years of uplifting monitored by radar interferometry (PSI)
In: 7th EUREGEO - EUropean congress on REgional GEOscientific cartography and Information systems, Bologna, Italy, 2012, vol. 1-2, pp. 837, Emilia-Romagna Region - Geological Seismic and soil Survey.

Decraemer, W and Chaves, E (2012).
Longidoridae and Trichodoridae
In: Practical Plant Nematology, ed. by Manzanilla-Lopez, R. & Marban Mendoza, N.. Fundacion Colegio de Posgraduados and Mundi Prensa, Mexico, chap. 15, pp. 579-617.

Decraemer, W, Palomares-Rius, J, Cantalapiedra-Navarrete, C, Landa, B, Duarte, I, Almeida, T, Vovlas, N, and Castillo, P (2012).
Integrative approach in identification of cryptic species of the virus vector family Trichodoridae (Nematoda) from the Iberian Peninsula, an apparent centre of speciation. Abstract
In: ECBOL Third European Conference for the Barcode of Life. Program and Abstracts, pp. 14, JEMU.

Decraemer, W, Palomares-Ruis, J, Cantalapiedra-Navarrete, C, Landa, B, Duarte, I, Almeida, T, Vovlas, N, and Castillo, P (2012).
Seven new species of Trichodorus (Diphtherophorina, Trichodoridae) from Spain, an apparent centre of speciation.
Nematology, 15:57-100.

Degraer, S, Brabant, R, and Rumes, B (2012).
Environmental monitoring of offshore renewable energy installations : A plea for timely knowledge sharing.
ICES Annual Science Conference.

Degraer, S, Brabant, R, and Rumes, B (2012).
Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea. Heading for an understanding of environmental impacts.

Degraer, S, Dannheim, J, Gutow, L, Birchenough, S, Boon, A, Brey, T, Coates, D, Dauvin, J, de Roton, G, Derweduwen, J, Gill, A, Janas, U, Kerckhof, F, Krone, R, Lozach, S, Martin, G, Mohn, C, Reichert, K, Reubens, J, Robertson, M, Rostin, L, Steen, H, and Wilhelmson, D (2012).
Facilitating a closer international collaboration throughout the North Atlantic Region. Targeted monitoring in offshore wind farms. The need to understand cause-effect relationships in the marine benthos.

Degraer, S, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, and Rumes, B (2012).
Offshore intertidal Hard substrata : a New Habitat Promoting Non-indigenous Species in the Southern North Sea.

Dejean, A, Delabie, J, Corbara, B, Azémar, F, Groc, S, Orivel, J, and Leponce, M (2012).
The Ecology and Feeding Habits of the Arboreal Trap-Jawed Ant Daceton armigerum

Dejonghe, L (2012).
Notice explicative de la feuille Amberloup - Flamierge 60/5-6
Carte géologique de Wallonie à 1/25000,Service public de Wallonie, Direction générale de l'Agriculture, des Ressources naturelles et de l'Environnement:1-67.

Dekoninck, W, Ignace, D, Vankerkhoven, F, and Wegnez, F (2012).
Verspreidingsatlas van de mieren van België - Atlas des fourmis de Belgique
Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E., 148:95-186.

Dekoninck, W, Stassen, E, and Liberloo, M (2012).
Wat ruist er door de akkerrand? Resultaten van recent loopkeveronderzoek in akkers en akkerranden te Limburg.
Jaarboek Likona, 21:42-51.

Dekoninck, W, Stassen, E, Hendrickx, F, and Liberloo, M (2012).
Loopkevers van enkele akkers en akkerranden in Vlaams-Brabant en Limburg. Rapport Ent.2012.01
No source specified

Dekoninck, W, Vankerhoven, F, and Buschinger, A (2012).
A misunderstood instance of teratology in Belgian Leptohorax acervorum from the Bondroit collection (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E., 148:16-19.

Delaitte, H, Errera, M, Jadin, I, Lawarrée, G, and Pétrequin, P (2012).
Une hache-pendeloque néolithique en néphrite alpine découverte à Ouffet «Houp-le-Loup»
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'études géologiques et archéologiques ‘Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie’, XLIX/2010-2011:21-38.

Delfino, M and Smith, T (2012).
Reappraisal of the morphology and phylogenetic relationships of the middle Eocene alligatoroidDiplocynodondeponiae (Frey, Laemmert and Riess, 1987) based on a 3D-prepared specimen
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32(6):1358-1369.

Delsinne, T and Guerrero, M (2012).
Black-banded Owl Ciccaba huhula near Podocarpus National Park, southern Ecuador
Cotinga, 34:98-99.

Delsinne, T, Arias-Penna, T, and , 1 (2012).
Influence of the leaf litter moisture on the efficiency of the Winkler method for extracting ants.
Journal of Insect Science, 12:57.

Delsinne, T, Fernández, F, and , d (2012).
First record of Lenomyrmex inusitatus (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in Ecuador and description of the queen.
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, 2012:5pp..

Delsinne, T, MacKay, W, Wild, A, Roisin, Y, and Leponce, M (2012).
Distribution and diversity of the cryptic ant genus Oxyepoecus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in Paraguay, with descriptions of two new species.
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology:8.

Delsinne, T, Parkinson, D, Molitor, M, Claux, N, Collas, P, and Lafontaine, R (2012).
Suivi des papillons de jour dans le cadre de la restauration écologique de fonds de vallées et de zones humides enrésinés en Belgique et au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
Les Naturalistes belges, 93:29-44.

Delsinne, T, Schmidl, J, Pollet, M, Jacquemin, J, Roisin, Y, and Leponce, M (2012).
Podocarpus National Park Biodiversity.
Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) Newsletter, 17:29-30.

Delsinne, T, Sonet, G, Nagy, Z, Wauters, N, Jacquemin, J, and Leponce, M (2012).
High species turnover of the ant genus Solenopsis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) along an altitudinal gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes, indicated by a combined DNA sequencing and morphological approach.
Invertebrates Systematics, 26:457-469.

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