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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

De Bie, T, De Meester, L, Brendonck, L, Martens, K, Goddeeris, B, Ercken, D, Hampel, H, Denys, L, Vanhecke, L, Van Der Gucht, K, Van Wichelen, J, Vyverman, W, and Declerck, S (2012).
Body size and dispersal mode as key traits determining metacommunity structure of aquatic organisms
In: 5th EPCN Conference: Little things mean a lot: understanding the role of ponds in a changing world, EPCN.

De Bie, T, De Meester, L, Brendonck, L, Martens, K, Goddeeris, B, Ercken, D, Hampel, H, Denys, L, Vanhecke, L, Van Der Gucht, K, Vanwichelen, J, Vyverman, W, and Declerck, S (2012).
Body size and dispersal mode as key traits determining metacommunity structure of aquatic organisms
Ecology Letters, 15(7):740-747.

De Bie, T, De Meester, L, Brendonck, L, Martens, K, Goddeeris, B, Ercken, D, Hampel, H, Denys, L, Vanhecke, L, Van Der Gucht, K, Vanwichelen, J, Vyverman, W, and Declerck, S (2012).
Body size and dispersal mode as key traits determining metacommunity structure of aquatic organisms
Ecology Letters , 15(7):740-747.

De Blauwe, H and d'Udekem d'Acoz, C (2012).
Voortplantende populatie van de Purperslak Nucella lapillus in Belgie na meer dan 30 jaar afwezigheid (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Muricidae)
De Strandvlo, 32(4):127-131.

De Busschere, C, Baert, L, Van Belleghem, S, Dekoninck, W, and Hendrickx, F (2012).
Parallel phenotypic evolution in a wolf spider radiation on Galápagos.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(1):123-136.

De Ceukelaire, M (2012).
“Vernaculair” gebruik van witstenen in Oost-Vlaanderen
In: Stenen van binnen, stenen van buiten : natuursteen in de jonge bouwkunst, ed. by Van Hees, Rob PJ and De Clercq, Hilde and Quist, Wido J. Delfftdigitalpress, chap. 6, pp. 149-160.

De Ceukelaire, M (2012).
Natuursteen in het museum

De Ceukelaire, M and Goemaere, E (2012).
Les Géosciences en Belgique : formations et emploi
Géologues Revue officielle de la société géologique de France(142):61-63.

De Ceukelaire, M and Groessens, E (2012).
Marbles in the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, ed. by Geologica Belgica, pp. 263.

De Ceukelaire, M and Vandewijngaerde, W (2012).
Excursion Brussels - Natural building stone in the neighborhood of he museum

De Ceukelaire, M and Vandewijngaerde, W (2012).
Brussels - Excursion from the Middle ages to the 20the century

De Ceukelaire, M, Vancampenhout, P, Dusar, M, and Sun Fan, L (2012).
Wellbore integrity in Ypresian clays in Belgium with reference to geophysical well logs
Geological Survey of Belgium, Technical Report for ONDRAF/NIRAS(61 p.).

De Ceukelaire, M, Vancampenhout, P, Dusar, M, Lie Sun, F, and Wouters, L (2012).
Characterisation of Ypresian clays in Belgium with reference to geophysical well logs
In: Abstract book - Moving plates and melting icecaps - Processes and Forcing Factors in Geology, ed. by Geologica Belgica, pp. 286, Geologica Belgica.

De Clerck, O, Guiry, M, Leliaert, F, Samyn, Y, and Verbruggen, H (2012).
Algal Taxonomy: a road to nowhere?
Journal of Phycology.

De Clerck, O, Leliaert, F, Samyn, Y, and Verbruggen, H (2012).
Algal Taxonomy: a Road to Nowhere? Journal of Phycology
Journal of Phycology.

de Koeijer, H (2012).
Development of a internet tool for the follow-up of NBSAPs
Miscellaneous publication, Oral/powerpoint presentation.

de Koeijer, H (2012).
7 mission reports on work travels made during 2012
Miscellaneous publication, Mission report.

de Koeijer, H (2012).
Development of a internet tool for the follow-up of NBSAPs

de Koeijer, H (2012).
Biodiversity in development cooperation programmes

de Koeijer, H and Kempenaer, S (2012).
Program 2013, Building capacities for biodiversity and development
Miscellaneous publication.

de Koeijer, H and Susini, M (2012).
Rapport de l'atelier pour les pays partenaires du CHM Belge
Miscellaneous publication, Rapport.

de la Vallée, P (2012).
Modélisation de la qualité des eaux de baignades le long du littoral belge
PhD thesis, UCL.

De Montpellier, G, Vogt, J, Van Roy, W, and Schallier, R (2012).
Activity report 2011 of the Belgian North Sea aerial survey programme.

De Montpellier, G, Vogt, J, Van Roy, W, and Schallier, R (2012).
Rapport d'activité 2011 du programme belge d'observation aérienne de la mer du Nord.

De Montpellier, G, Vogt, J, Van Roy, W, and Schallier, R (2012).
Activiteitenrapport 2011 van het Belgisch programma ter observatie van de Noordzee vanuit de lucht.

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