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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Claes, B, Boffin, C, Devos, Y, Goffette, Q, Speleers, L, and van der Valk, J (2012).
Het archeologisch onderzoek ter hoogte van drie huizen in de Korte Beenhouwersstraat nr. 29 en de Schuddeveldsteeg nr. 2. (Brussel).
In: Archaeologia medievalis, Gent, 16-17/03/ 2012.

Claes, B, Boffin, C, Goffette, Q, Speleers, L, and van der Valk, JMA (2012).
Het archeologisch onderzoek ter hoogte van drie huizen in de Korte Beenhouwersstraat nr. 29 en Schuddeveldsteeg nr. 2.
In: Archaeologia Mediaevalis, vol. 35, pp. 66-71.

Claes, G, Vangeluwe, D, Van der Stede Y, Van den Berg T, Lambrecht, B, and Marché, S (2012).
Evaluation of four enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the serological survey of avian influenza in wild bird species.
Avian Diseases (56 (4(S1))):949-954.

Claes, G, Vangeluwe, D, Van der Stede, Y, Van den Berg, T, Lambrecht, B, and Marché, S (2012).
Evaluation of four enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the serological survey of avian influenza in wild bird species.
8th International Symposium on avian Influenza, Avian Influenza in Poultry and wild birds, 01-04/04/2012 (poster). , London (United Kingdom).

Codrea, V, Godefroit, P, and Smith, T (2012).
First discovery of Maastrichtian (Latest Cretaceous) terrestrial vertebrates in Rusca montana Basin (Romania)
In: Bernissart Dinosaurs and early Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems. P. Godefroit (ed.), Indiana University Press, ed. by Godefroit P.. Indiana University Press, chap. 31, pp. 570-581.

Collet, H, Damblon, F, and Jadin, I (2012).
Mons/Spiennes : datation de la minière ST 20 sur la parcelle 393c à «Petit-Spiennes»
Chronique de l’Archéologie wallonne, 19-2012:60-62.

Collet, H, Jadin, I, and Toussaint, M (2012).
Mons/Spiennes : datation des puits profonds des minières du «Camp-à-Cayaux» de Spiennes
Chronique de l’Archéologie wallonne, 19-2012:62-62.

Coquelet, C, Gustin, M, Delplace, C, and Goemaere, E (2012).
La décoration du sanctuaire de Jupille-sur-Meuse (Belgique, Province de Liège).
n : Boislève et al. (Ed.) Décor des édifices édilitaires civils et religieux en Gaule durant l’Antiquité. Ier s. av. J.-C. – IVe s. ap. J.-C.(Mémoire XLV):542p., 361-380.

Cornet, L, Gerrienne, P, Meyer-Berthaud, B, and Prestianni, C (2012).
A Middle Devonian Callixylon (Archaeopteridales) from Ronquières, Belgium
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 183:1-8.

Court-Picon, M (2012).
Reconstruction of environmental and climatic changes during the Late Glacial at Moerbeke (Flemish Valley, Belgium) usingmulti proxy lake sediment analyses
In: XVIII INQUA Congress, 21st–27th July, 2011, Bern, Switzerland. Quaternary International, ed. by Schlüchter C., Nietlispach J., vol. 279-280, pp. 100.

Court-Picon, M (2012).
Understanding prehistoric settlement and land-use systems in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) since the last 15000 years: the high resolution palaeoenvironmental multiproxy records of the Moervaart area.
In: XVIII INQUA Congress, 21st–27th July, 2011, Bern, Switzerland. Quaternary International, ed. by Schlüchter C., Nietlispach J., vol. 279-280 , pp. 99-100.

Court-Picon, M, Collet, H, and Bosquet, D (2012).
Palaeoenvironments and human activities during the Neolithic in Wallonia (SE Belgium) as inferred from Pollen and Non-Pollen Palynomorphs
In: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium, Geologica Belgica 2012.

Court-Picon, M, Collet, H, and Bosquet, D (2012).
Understanding Prehistoric settlement dynamics, farming systems and mining activities in Wallonia (SE Belgium): Pollen and Non-Pollen Palynomorphs records from two Neolithic sites
In: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5th NPP (Non-Pollen Palynomorphs) Workshop.

Court-Picon, M, Collet, H, and Bosquet, D (2012).
Pollen and Non-Pollen palynomorphs from two neolithic sites in Wallonia (SE Belgium)
In: University of Tokyo, Japan, 13th International Palynological Congress IPC/IPOC.

Court-Picon, M, Ortu, E, Correa-Metrio, A, Guiot, J, and de Beaulieu, J (2012).
Late Holocene human activities/climate interactions and biodiversity evolution in mountainous areas (French Alps) : Pollen-based quantitative reconstructions
In: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium, Geologica Belgica 2012.

Court-Picon, M, Ortu, E, Correa-Metrio, A, Guiot, J, and de Beaulieu, J (2012).
Climate-pastoral activity interactions in the Champsaur Valley (French Alps) and their effect on the evolution of biodiversity during the last 3400 years
In: University of Tokyo, Japan, 13th International Palynological Congress IPC/IPOC.

Crevecoeur, I, Rougier, H, Balzeau, A, Berillon, G, Hambücken, A, Maureille, B, Toussaint, M, Volpato, V, and Semal, P (2012).
Révision des Néandertaliens récents de Spy (Belgique).
Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, 24(Issue 1 Supplement):1-39.

Crocetta, F, Bonomolo, G, Albano, PG, Barco, A, Houart, R, and Oliverio, M (2012).
The status of the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean small mussel drills of the Ocinebrina aciculata complex (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Muricidae) with the description of a new species
Scientia Marina, 71(1):177-189.

Cuylaerts, M, Naudts, L, Casier, R, Khabuev, A, Belousov, O, Kononov, V, Khlystov, O, and De Batist, M (2012).
Distribution and morphology of mud volcanoes and other fluid flow-related lake-bed structures in Lake Baikal, Russia.
Geo Marine Letters, 1-12.

d'Udekem d'Acoz, C (2012).
The genus Liljeborgia in the Mediterranean Sea, with the description of a new species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Liljeborgiidae)
Zootaxa, 3310:51-65.

d'Udekem d'Acoz, C (2012).
On the genus Halirages (Crustacea, Amphipoda), with the description of two new species from Scandinavia and Arctic Europe
European Journal of Taxonomy, 7:1-32.

d'Udekem d'Acoz, C and Havermans, C (2012).
Two new Pseudorchomene species from the Southern Ocean, with phylogenetic remarks on the genus and related species (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Lysianassidae: Tryphosinae)
Zootaxa, 3310:1-50.

Danon, E, Backeljau, T, Vangeluwe, D, Emery, C, Semal, P, Lenglet, G, Sablon, R, Dekoninck, W, Folie, A, and Steurbaut, E (2012).
Catalogi en databank van wetenschappelijke collecties, Eindverslag, Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid (Digitaliseringsplan voor het culturele- en wetenschappelijke patrimonium van de Federale wetenschappelijke instellingen en van het Koninklijk Belgisch Filmarch
Brussel, Fase 1 ed.

De Bakker, D, Versteirst, V, and Baert, L (2012).
Patience rewarded: the presence in belgium of Coelotes atropos (walckenaer, 1830) (Araneae: Agelenidae) finally confirmed
Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging, 27(1):27-30.

De Bast, E, Sigé, B, and Smith, T (2012).
Diversity of the adapisoriculid mammals from the early Palaeocene of Hainin, Belgium
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 57(1):35-52.

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