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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Zaouali, J, Ben Souissi, J, Rifi, M, and d'Udekem d'Acoz, C (2013).
First occurrence of a Hymenosomatid crab Elamena mathoei (desmarest, 1823) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) in the Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(2):278-281.

Ansieau, C, Bausier, K, Delcourt, M, and Bloch, N (2012, à paraître).
3. Les occupations pré-romaines

Damblon, F, Deligne, F, Jadin, I, and Fechner, K (2012, à paraître).
Annexe I. Datation radiocarbone des niveaux pré-romains du site de Bruyelle

Ansieau, C, Bausier, K, Jadin, I, Bloch, N, Damblon, F, Fechner, K, Guillaume, A, Jadin, I, and Laurent, C (2012 (to be published)).
Les occupations pré-romaines
In: Antoing, Bruyelle. Villa et occupations antérieures, ed. by Bausier K., Bloch N. & Pigière F. dir.. Namur, chap. 3, pp. 23 p. Études et Documents, Archéologie, 23.

BEUDELS RC, JAMAR DE BOLSÉE O, and LAFONTAINE, R (2012 (May) Oral presentation on the Polarstern).
Assessment of higher trophic levels: distribution variability of seabirds and marine mammals during a South-North transect in the Atlantic Ocean.
AWI-Polarstern, Oral presentation.

Athanassov, B, Kulov, I, Stockhammer, PW, Dreibrodt, S, Gatsov, I, Kopp, D, Lubos, C, Marinova, E, Nedelcheva, P, Stoev, D, Velkovsky, K, and Zidarov, P (2012 (2015)).
Siedlungen der späten Bronze- und fru¨hen Eisenzeit in Südwestbulgarien.Vorbericht zu den deutsch-bulgarischen Forschungen 2012 im Struma- und Mestatal
Eurasia Antiqua, 18:113 - 152.

Hansen, S, Toderas, M, Reingruber, A, Wunderlich, J, Benecke, N, Gatsov, I, Marinova, E, Müller, M, Nachev, C, Nedelcheva, P, Nowacki, D, Röpke, A, Wahl, J, and Zäuner, S (2012 (2015)).
Pietrele an der Unteren Donau. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen und geomorphologischen Untersuchungen im Sommer 2011
Eurasia Antiqua, 18:1 - 68.

No names specified (2012 (2015)).
Pietrele an der Unteren Donau. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen und geomorphologischen Untersuchungen im Sommer 2011
Eurasia Antiqua, 18:1 - 68.

Petre, C, Tagg, N, BEUDELS, RC, Haurez, B, and Doucet, J (2012 ).
« Directed seed dispersal by western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at nest sites in Southeast Cameroon: implications for regeneration of logged forests”.

Andries, G and Goolaerts, S (2012).
De mineralencollectie van Luciaan Vandoorne
HONA, 47(2):11-13.

Anseeuw, D, Nevado, B, Busselen, P, Snoeks, J, and Verheyen, E (2012).
Phylogenetic relationships of the Utaka within the Lake Malawi cichlid flock: extensive introgression among ancestral mt DNA lineages. 'Special issue Evolutionary Biology' Cichlid Evolution: Lessons in Diversification 2012
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2012:1-9.

Anseeuw, D, Nevado, B, Busselen, P, Snoeks, J, and Verheyen, E (2012).
Extensive Introgression among Ancestral mtDNA Lineages: Phylogenetic Relationships of the Utaka within the Lake Malawi Cichlid Flock.
International journal of evolutionary biology, 2012:865603.

Antoine, D (2012).
Reports and Monographs of the International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group

Antoine, D, Ahn, Y, Bézy, J, Chauhan, P, Davis, C, Digiacomo, P, He, X, Ishizake, J, Kobayashi, H, Liefermann, A, Mannino, A, Mazeran, C, and Ruddick, K (2012).
Ocean-colour observations from a geostationary orbit.
IOCCG report(12 ).

Apolonia Silva de Oliveira, D, Decraemer, W, Holevachov, O, Burr, J, Tandingan De Ley, I, Moens, T, and Derycke, S (2012).
An integrative approach to characterize cryptic species in the Thoracostoma trachygaster Hope, 1967 complex (Nematoda: Leptosomatidae) (Abstract)
In: ECBOL Third European cConference for the Barcode of Life, ed. by Joint Experimental Molecular Unit, pp. 4, JEMU.

Apolônio Silva de Oliveira, D, Decraemer, W, Holovachov, O, Burr, J, Tandingan De Ley, I, De Ley, P, and Derycke, S (2012).
An integrative approach to characterize cryptic species in the Thoracostoma trachygaster Hope, 1967 complex (Nematoda: Leptosomatidae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 164:18-35.

Appeltans, W, Ahyong, ST, Anderson, G, Angel, MV, Artois, T, Bailly, N, Bamber, R, Barber, A, Bartsch, I, Berta, A, Błażewicz-Paszkowycz, M, Bock, P, Boxshall, G, Boyko, CB, Brand~ao, SN, Bray, Ra, Bruce, NL, Cairns, SD, Chan, T, Cheng, L, Collins, AG, Cribb, T, Curini-Galletti, M, Dahdouh-Guebas, F, Davie, PJF, Dawson, MN, De Clerck, O, Decock, W, De Grave, S, de Voogd, NJ, Domning, DP, Emig, CC, Ers\'eus, C, Eschmeyer, W, Fauchald, K, Fautin, DG, Feist, SW, Fransen, CHJM, Furuya, H, Garcia-Alvarez, O, Gerken, S, Gibson, D, Gittenberger, A, Gofas, S, G\'omez-Daglio, L, Gordon, DP, Guiry, MD, Hernandez, F, Hoeksema, BW, Hopcroft, RR, Jaume, D, Kirk, P, Koedam, N, Koenemann, S, Kolb, JB, Kristensen, RM, Kroh, A, Lambert, G, Lazarus, DB, Lemaitre, R, Longshaw, M, Lowry, J, Macpherson, E, Madin, LP, Mah, C, Mapstone, G, McLaughlin, Pa, Mees, J, Meland, K, Messing, CG, Mills, CE, Molodtsova, TN, Mooi, R, Neuhaus, B, Ng, PKL, Nielsen, C, Norenburg, J, Opresko, DM, Osawa, M, Paulay, G, Perrin, W, Pilger, JF, Poore, GCB, Pugh, P, Read, GB, Reimer, JD, Rius, M, Rocha, RM, Saiz-Salinas, JI, Scarabino, V, Schierwater, B, Schmidt-Rhaesa, A, Schnabel, KE, Schotte, M, Schuchert, P, Schwabe, E, Segers, H, Self-Sullivan, C, Shenkar, N, Siegel, V, Sterrer, W, St\"ohr, S, Swalla, B, Tasker, ML, Thuesen, EV, Timm, T, Todaro, MA, Turon, X, Tyler, S, Uetz, P, van der Land, J, Vanhoorne, B, van Ofwegen, LP, van Soest, RWM, Vanaverbeke, J, Walker-Smith, G, Walter, TC, Warren, A, Williams, GC, Wilson, SP, and Costello, MJ (2012).
The magnitude of global marine species diversity.
Current biology : CB, 22(23):2189-202.

Arias-Penna, T, Masner, L, and Delsinne, T (2012).
Revision of the Neotropical species of Trichacis Foerster (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea: Platygastridae), with description of 24 new species.
Zootaxa, 3337:1-56.

Astoreca, R, Doxaran, D, Ruddick, K, Rousseau, V, and Lancelot, C (2012).
Influence of suspended particle concentration, composition and size on the variability of inherent optical properties of the Southern North Sea.
Continental Shelf Research, 35, 117-128.

Atique Akhter, M, Drumont, A, Rizvi, SA, and Ahmed, Z (2012).
Contribution to the knowledge of Agrypninae (Coleoptera: Elateridae) with description of new species and new records from Pakistan
Zootaxa, 3223:40-54.

Backeljau, T, Breugelmans, K, Elejalde, A, Prevot, V, and Jordaens, K (2012).
Inferring species limits in facultatively autogamous slugs and snails: a problem with too many solutions?
Abstracts of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Malacologists, University of California - Santa Cruz, USA, 24-27 June 2012.

Backeljau, T, Jordaens, K, and de Frias Martins, AM (2012).
Yaratılışçılığın çürütülmesine taksonomi katkısı Harun Yahya’nın çakma fosilleri
Bilim ve Gelecek, 2012(100):12-31.

Backers, J (2012).
RV Belgica Eurofleets cruise 2012/16 Cold Water Corals at the Moira mounds (CWC-Moira).

Backers, J (2012).
Rapport van de RV Belgica Meetcampagnes en Verankering van Meetsystemen MOMO - 2011.

Baele, J, Godefroit, P, Spagna, P, and Dupuis, C (2012).
Geological Model and Cyclic Mass-Mortality Scenarios for the Lower Cretaceous Iguanodon bonebeds of Bernissart, southwest Belgium
In: Bernissart Dinosaurs and Early Cretaceous Ecosystems, ed. by Pascal Godefroit. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, chap. 14, pp. 155-171.

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