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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Vangeluwe, D and Vanaudenhove, N (2013).
Valken voor iedereen. Hoe het grote publiek in Brussel de Slechtvalken op hun nest kan gadeslaan.
Brussel, Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. ed.

Vangeluwe, D and Vanaudenhove, N (2013).
Faucons pour tous. Présentation au grand public des Faucons pélerins nichant à Bruxelles.
Bruxelles, Rapport de l’édition 2013. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Englert, S, Guilleux, R, Meylemans, J, Pierrard, N, and Vande Walle, A (2013).
Centre belge de baguage. Résumé des activités réalisées en 2013 en Wallonie.
Bruxelles, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 61 pages. ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Englert, S, Guilleux, R, Meylemans, J, Pierrard, N, and Vande Walle, A (2013).
Belgisch Ringwerk. Overzicht van de in 2013 in het Vlaams Gewest uitgevoerde activiteiten België.
No source specified

Vangeluwe, D, Englert, S, Guilleux, R, Meylemans, J, Pierrard, N, and Vande Walle, A (2013).
Centre belge de baguage. Résumé des activités réalisées en 2013 à Bruxelles.
Bruxelles, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 57 pages. ed.

Vangeluwe, D, Englert, S, Guilleux, R, Meylemans, J, Pierrard, N, and Vande Walle, A (2013).
Belgisch Ringwerk. Overzicht van de in 2013 uitgevoerde activiteiten in België.
Brussel, Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. 62 pagina’s. ed.

Vangestel, C, Callens, T, Vandomme, V, and Lens, L (2013).
Sex-Biased Dispersal at Different Geographical Scales in a Cooperative Breeder from Fragmented Rainforest
Plos One, 8:1-11.

Vanhellemont, Q, Greenwood, N, and Ruddick, K (2013).
Validation of MERIS-derived turbidity and PAR attenuation using autonomous buoy data
In: ESA Special Publication, ESA Special Publication SP-722.

Vanhellemont, Q, Neukermans, G, and Ruddick, K (2013).
High frequency measurement of suspended sediments and coccolithophores in European and African coastal waters from the geostationary SEVIRI sensor
In: EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference & 19th American Meteorological Society (AMS).

Vanhove, D, Bijl, P, Ivany, L, Speijer, RP, Steurbaut, E, and Ghosh, P (2013).
Fish otoliths record hot shelf temperatures at mid-latitudes during the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) interval.
In: Programme & Abstracts Book, pp. 77, 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference, 18-22 May 2013, Caernarfon, North Wales, UK, .

Vanhove, D, Ghosh, P, Bijl, P, Ivany, L, Speijer, RP, and Steurbaut, E (2013).
Fish otoliths record high shelf temperatures during the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) interval.
In: 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference.

Vanhove, D, Ghosh, P, Prasanna, K, Bijl, P, Ivany, L, Speijer, RP, and Steurbaut, E (2013).
Fish otoliths record high shelf temperature at mid-latitudes during the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO).
In: 11th International conference on Paleoceanography, 11th International Conference on Paleoceanography Sitges Spain.

Vanhove, D, Speijer, R, Steurbaut, E, and Ivany, L (2013).
Paleotemperature and seasonality in the early Eocene southern North Sea Basin inferred from fossil fish otoliths.
In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 45(7), pp. 701.

Vanhove, D, Speijer, RP, Steurbaut, E, and Ivany, L (2013).
Paleotemperature and seasonality in the Early Eocene southern North Sea Basin inferred from fossil fish otoliths.
In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 45, chap. 7, pp. 701, GSA Annual Meeting 125th Anniversary of GSA , Denver, USA, 27-30 October.

Vanhove, D, Speijer, RP, Steurbaut, E, and Ivany, L (2013).
Temperature and salinity variability on a shallow shelf: a multispecies case study of Ypresian fish otoliths from the southern North Sea Basin.
In: Programme & Abstracts Book, pp. 143, of 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference, 18-22 May 2013, Caernarfon, North Wales, UK.

Verbouw, J and Goolaerts, S (2013).
Nieuwe familie fossiele beenvissen ontdekt in Libanon
HONA, 48(4):26-27.

Verhaert, V, Covaci, A, Bouillon, S, Abrantes, K, Musibono, D, Bervoets, L, Verheyen, E, and Blust, R (2013).
Baseline levels and trophic transfer of persistent organic pollutants in sediments and biota from the Congo River Basin (DR Congo)
Environment International, 59:290-302.

Verheyden, S (2013).
Book review Climate forcing of geological hazards, Bill McGuire and Mark Maslin eds. Wiley 2013.
Geologica Belgica , 16(3):206.

Verheyden, S (2013).
Proserpine, een open boek over ons verleden
Spelerpes, caving magazine of the Flemish caving federation (VVS) , 36:52-54.

Verheyden, S and Allan, M (2013).
Le plomb atmosphérique enregistré dans les stalagmites
In: Abstractbook of the Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique 2013, Han-Sur-Lesse, Belgium. , ed. by Verheyden S. and Bernard Ch. .

Verheyden, S and Baeteman, C (2013).
Bivalve-speleothem compared reconstruction of Eemian climate and environment of the Belgian coast in the context of ongoing global warming (BiSpEem). Second Year scientific report_ A1 project MO/36/028 - Financed by Belspo – 33p.
No source specified

Verheyden, S and Bernard, C (2013).
Abstractbook of the Journées de Spéléologie Scientifique - Han-sur-Lesse 26 November 2013
No source specified

Verheyden, S and Delaby, S (2013).
Small Country, Great Karst…, The Belgian Karst. (in Turkish)
Obruk mağara araştirma grubu, Turkish Caving Magazine. , 6:30-33.

Verheyden, S and Genty, D (2013).
Lifting the veil on speleothem sampling
Pages news, 21(1):5.

Verheyden, S, Bogemans, F, Backeljau, T, and Baeteman, C (2013).
Lithostratigraphic and geochemical study of coastal deposits in Belgium. Implications for the age of the deposits and for bivalve-speleothem compared environmental reconstruction
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts , ed. by European geosciences Union, vol. 15(EGU2013-2853-1).

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