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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Van Roy, W, Van Cappellen, M, Vogt, J, and Schallier, R (2013).
Activity Report 2012 of the Belgian North Sea aerial survey programme. Report MUMM, OD Natural Environment, RBINS, 19 pp.

Van Roy, W, Van Cappellen, M, Vogt, J, and Schallier, R (2013).
Rapport annuel 2012 du programme belge d'observation aérienne de la mer du Nord. Rapport UGMM, DO Milieux Naturels, IRSCNB, 19 pp.

Van Roy, W, Van Cappellen, M, Vogt, J, and Schallier, R (2013).
Jaarverslag 2012 van het Belgische programma ter observatie van de Noordzee vanuit de lucht. Rapport BMM, OD Natuurlijk Milieu, KBIN, 19 pp.

Van Steenkiste, N, Tessens, B, Willems, W, Backeljau, T, Jondelius, U, and Artois, T (2013).
A Comprehensive Molecular Phylogeny of Dalytyphloplanida (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela) Reveals Multiple Escapes from the Marine Environment and Origins of Symbiotic Relationships
PLoS ONE, 8(3):e59917.

Vanaverbeke, J and Van Lancker, V (2013).
Cruise report RV Belgica ST1328, 21-25/10/2013.

Vanbrabant, Y, Burlet, C, and Louis, P (2013).
Mineralogical Characterization of Cobaltic Oxides from the Democratic Republic of Congo
In: Ni-Co 2013 , ed. by Thomas P. Battle, Michael Moats, Violina Cocalia, Harald Oosterhof, Shafiq Alam, Antoine Allanore, Rodney T. Jones, Nathan Stubina, Corby Anderson, Shijie Wang. John Wiley & Sons, chap. -, pp. 241-254.

Vandekerkhove, J, Martens, K, Rossetti, G, Mequita-Joanes, F, and Namiotko, T (2013).
Extreme tolerance of sexual and parthenogenetic resting eggs of Eucypris virens (Crustacea, Ostracoda)
Freshwater Biology, 58:237-247.

Vandekerkhove, J, Martens, K, Rossetti, G, Mesquita-Joanes, F, and Namiotko, T (2013).
Extreme tolerance ot environmental stress of sexual and parthenogenetic resting eggs of Eucypris virens (Crustacea, Ostracoda)
Freshwater Biology, 58:237-247.

Vandekerkhove, J, Martens, K, Rossetti, G, Mesquita-Joanes, F, and Namiotko, T (2013).
Extreme tolerance of sexual and parthenogenetic resting eggs of Eucypris virens (Crustacea, Ostracoda).
Freshwater Biology , 58:237–247 .

Vanden Eede, S, Van Tomme, J, Laporta, L, Deneudt, K, Speybroeck, J, Degraer, S, Vincx, M, and Bonte, D (2013).
An ecosystem approach towards beach spatial planning

Vandenabeele, E, Vantilt, M, Dreesen, R, and Mackowiak, S (2013).
Geologische fietsroute. Voerstreek - Mergelland
Provincie Limburg, Hasselt, vol. 4.

Vandenabeele, E, Vantitlt, M, Dreesen, R, and Mackowiak, S (2013).
Geologische fietsroute Voerstreek-Mergelland.
LIKONA, Provincie Limburg.

Vandendriessche, S, Reubens, J, Derweduwen, J, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2013).
Offshore wind farms as productive sites for fishes?

Vanderschueren, H (2013).
Le radon dans l'air, dans l'eau et dans les roches. 2ème partie. Considérations statistiques sur les répartitions spatio-temporelle et temporelle.
Geological Survey of Belgium. Professional Paper of the Geological Survey of Belgium..

Vandewijngaerde, W, Nzekwe, O, Piessens, K, and Dusar, M (2013).
The potential of organic rich roof shales in coal sequences: re-evaluation of Westphalian samples in well KB174, Campine Basin, Belgium
In: Documenta Geonica, vol. 2013(1), pp. 171-176.

Vandewijngaerde, W, Nzekwe, O, Piessens, K, and Dusar, M (2013).
Organic-rich roof shales in coal sequences as gas shales: well KB174, Campine Basin, Belgium
In: Gas shales in Belgium?, ed. by Yans, J.; Dusar, M.; Swennen, R.; Delcambre, B.; Cornet, C.; Rippen, D.; Goemaere, E., vol. Namur 11-12 October 2013, pp. 20, Brussels, Geologica Belgica (ISBN: 978-2-9601402-1-7).

Vandewijngaerde, W, Piessens, K, De Ceukelaire, M, Cnudde, V, De Kock, T, Matthijs, M, and De Ridder, L (2013).
Bringing the geology of the natural building stone to the public Linking the "3D Gent" project and the EuroGeoSource portal
In: Proceeding EuroGeoSource Final Event.

Vanermen, N, Brabant, R, Stienen, E, Courtens, W, Onkelinx, T, Van de Walle, M, Verstraete, H, Vigin, L, and Degraer, S (2013).
Bird monitoring at the Belgian offshore wind farms: results after five years of impact assessment

Vangeluwe, D (2013).
Le Faucon pèlerin : retour d’un mythe.
Dinant, Conférence organisée par NATAGORA dans le cadre des Soirées nature de la régionale entre Meuse et Lesse, 19/04/2013.

Vangeluwe, D (2013).
Je t’aime moi non plus: l’étrange association entre la Bernache à cou roux et le Faucon pèlerin.
Colloque ornithologique 50 ans d’AVES, 12/10/2013 (com. or.)., Namur (Belgium).

Vangeluwe, D (2013).
Preliminary results from GPS remote tracking of Red-breasted Geese (Branta ruficollis) from Gydan Peninsula (Russia) breeding grounds.
15th Meeting of the IUCN Goose Specialist Group, 08/11/01/2013 (com. or.)., Arcachon (France).

Vangeluwe, D (2013).
Grand-duc d’Europe in Jacob, J.-P., Burnel, A. Et les contributeurs espèces. Oiseaux nicheurs en Wallonie en 2012.
50, 2(113-128).

Vangeluwe, D (2013).
Faucon pèlerin in Jacob, J.-P., Burnel, A. Et les contributeurs espèces. Oiseaux nicheurs en Wallonie en 2012.
Aves, 50(2):113-128.

Vangeluwe, D (2013).
Evaluation du risque posé par l »implantation de 7 éoliennes sur le plateau de Herbet sur le Faucon pèlerin (Falco peregrinus) et le Grand-duc d’Europe (Bubo bubo).
Bruxelles, Rapport final. Etude ornithologique réalisée pour le compte de KDE energy Belgium. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 27p. ed.

Vangeluwe, D and Pierrard, N (2013).
Monitoring actif influenza aviaire des oiseaux sauvages en Belgique, année 2012.
Bruxelles, .RAPPORT à L'AFSCA. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles. ed.

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