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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Rumes, B, Coates, D, De Mesel, I, Derweduwen, J, Kerckhof, F, Reubens, J, and Vandendriessche, S (2013).
Does it really matter?

Rumes, B, Di Marcantonio, M, Brabant, R, De Mesel, I, Dulière, V, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B (2013).
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het SEASTAR offshore windmolenpark ten noordwesten van de Lodewijkbank en ten zuidoosten van de Bligh Bank. BMM, OD Natuurlijk Milieu, KBIN, 188 pp.

Rumes, B, Di Marcantonio, M, Brabant, R, De Mesel, I, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B (2013).
Milieufeffectenbeoordeling van het RENTEL offshore windmolenpark ten noordwesten van de Thorntonbank en ten zuidoosten van de Lodewijkbank - verbindingskabels. BMM, OD Natuurlijk Milieu, KBIN, 83 pp.

Rumes, B, Di Marcantonio, M, Brabant, R, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Norro, A, Van den Eynde, D, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B (2013).
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van de ELIA NEMO HVDC-kabel. BMM, KBIN, 81 pp.

Rumes, B, Di Marcantonio, M, Brabant, R, Haelters, J, Kerckhof, F, Vigin, L, and Lauwaert, B (2013).
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHER offshore windmolenpark ten zuidoosten van de Thorntonbank - configuratie 4, BMM, KBIN, 67 pp.

Rütters, H, Piessens, K, Welkenhuysen, K, and CGS Europe partners (2013).
State of play on CO2 geological storage in the 28 countries covered by CGS Europe
CGS Europe.

Sa-Ardrit, P, Pholpunthin, P, and Segers, H (2013).
A checklist of the freshwater rotifer fauna of Thailand (Rotifera, Monogononta, Bdelloidea)
Journal of Limnology, 72(s2):361-375.

Salomon, H, Goemaere, E, Mathis, F, and Billard, C (2013).
Geochemistry and XRD to differentiate oolitic ironstone geological levels from Germany, Belgium and France and application to the archaeological artefacts.
Billard C., Bosquet D., Dreesen R., Goemaere É., Hamon C., Jadin I., Salomon H. & Savary X. , Bxl, vol. 1, SPW, IRSNB.

Samyn, Y, Smirnov, A, and Massin, C (2013).
Carl Gottfried Semper (1832-1893) and the location of his type specimens of sea cucumbers
Archives of Natural History, 40:324-339.

Savatenalinton, S and Martens, K (2013).
On Callistocypris thailandensis sp. nov. (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from Thailand
Zootaxa, 3686(5):578-586.

Savatenaliton, S and Martens, K (2013).
On Callistocypris thailandensis sp. nov. (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from Thailand.
Zootaxa, 3686(5):578–586.

Savina, H, Liston, A, Boevé, J, Heibo, E, Jacobs, H, Jansen, E, Malm, T, Mol, A, Mol-Cramer, T, and Taeger, A (2013).
The sawfly fauna of the Hautes-Pyrénées (France), with results of the 15th International Sawfly Workshop, 2011
Bulletin de la Soci\'et\'e entomologique de France, 118(4):443-462.

Schallier, R, Van Roy, W, and Van Cappellen, M (2013).
Preliminary Report on joint sensitivity mapping. Final Report MUMM of Task F of the BE-AWARE project, Bonn Agreement, 26 pp.

Schatsberger, R, Kaiser, R, Rott, E, Lenzenweger, R, Traunspurger, W, Kotov, A, Fiers, F, Gaviria, S, Meisch, C, Mahunka, S, Campbell, R, Razafindranaivo, E, and Sztatecsny, M (2013).
On the brink - investigating biodiversity in endangered crater lakes of the Amber Mountains National Park (Madagascar)
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 23:316-331.

Schlesser, M (2013).
Biodiversity 2020 – Update of Belgium’s National Biodiversity Strategy
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, 29 rue Vautier, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, 2 ed.

Schlesser, M and CBD National Focal Point (2013).
Biodiversity 2020 – Update of Belgium’s National Biodiversity Strategy
RBINS. (ISBN: 970890732420302).

Schmid, O, Bode, S, Camacho, A, Horne, D, Lamatsch, L, Martens, K, Martins, M, Namiotko, T, Rossetti, G, Rueda-Sevilla J, Schön, I, Vandekerkhove, J, and Mesquita-Joanes P (2013).
Linking present environment and reproductive modes segregation (Geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda).
Journal of Biogeography, 40(12):2396–2408.

Schmidt, O, Bode, S, Camacho, A, Horne, D, Lamatsch, D, Martens, K, Martins, M, Namiotko, T, Rossetti, G, Rueda-Sevilla, J, Schön, I, Vandekerkhove, J, and Mesquita-Joanes, F (2013).
Linking present environment and reproductive modes segregation (Geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda)
J. Biogeogr., 40:2396-2408.

Schmit, O, Adolfson, S, Vandekerkhove, J, Rueda, J, Bode, S, Rossetti, G, Michalakis, Y, Jokela, J, Martens, K, and Mesquita-Joanes, F (2013).
The distribution of sexual reproduction of the geographic parthenogen Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda) matches environmental gradients in a temporary lake
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 91(9):660-671.

Schmit, O, ADOLFSON, S, VANDEKERKHOVE, J, Rueda, J, Bode, S, Rossetti, G, MICHALAKIS, Y, JOKELA, J, Martens, K, and MESQUITA-JOANES, F (2013).
The distribution of sexual reproduction of the geographic parthenogen Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostacoda) matches environmental gradients in a temporary lake.
Canadian Journal of Zoology , 91(9):660-671.

Schmit, O, Bode, S, Camacho, A, Horne, D, Lamatsch, D, Martens, K, Martins, M, Namiotko, T, Rossetti, G, Rueda-Sevilla, J, Schön, I, Vandekerkhove, J, and Mesquita-Joanes, F (2013).
Linking present environment and the segregation of reproductive modes (geographic parthenogenesis) in Eucypris virens (Crustacea: Ostracoda)
Journal of Biogeography, 40(12):2396-2408.

Schmit, O, Fukova, I, Vandekerkhove, J, Michalakis, Y, Matzke-Karasz, R, Rossetti, G, Martens, K, and Mesquita-Joanes, F (2013).
Mate recognition as a reproductive barrier in sexual and parthenogenetic Eucypris virens (Crustacea, Ostracoda)
Animal Behaviour, 85:977-985.

Schmit, O, FUKOVA, I, VANDEKERKHOVE, J, MICHALAKIS, Y, MATZKE-KARASZ, R, ROSSETTI, G, Martens, K, and Mesquita-Joanes, F (2013).
Mate recognition as a reproductive barrier in sexual and parthenogenetic Eucypris virens Crustacea, Ostracoda)
Animal Behaviour, 85:977-985 .

Schoen, I and Martens, K (2013).
Molecular species definitions and phylogeographic patterns in non-marine ostracods
Il Naturalista Siciliana, 37(1):347-348.

Schoen, I, Halse, S, and Martens, K (2013).
A revision of Western Australian Bennelongia (Crustacea, Ostracoda, Cyprididae) – the complementarity of molecular and morphological studies
Il Naturalista Siciliana, 37(1):351-352.

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