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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Goemaere, E (2013).
Les ressources géologiques et minéralogiques du Condroz namurois.
In: "Archéologie entre Meuse et Hoyoux. Le monde rural en Condroz namurois du Ier au XIXe siècle", ed. by Archéolo-J. Archéolo-J, Namur, chap. 7, pp. 187-196.

Goemaere, E and Declercq, P (2013).
Limestones, dolostones and derived processed products in Belgium: well hidden important industrial rocks but always present in our everyday life.
European Federation of Geologist magazine, 36:9-14.

Goemaere, E and Declercq, P (2013).
La derle : l’emblématique richesse andennaise.
In: Influences et concurrences, la faïence fine andennaise. , ed. by Collections du Patrimoine culturel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Bruxelles, vol. 4, chap. 2, pp. 14-18.

Goemaere, E and et al (2013).
"About Haematite. Procurement and transformation during recent prehistory." Abstract book of the International Workshop (Jambes 07-08/02/2013)
SGB- IRSNB & SPW - DGO4, Service géologique de Belgique - 13, Rue Jenner, 1000 Bruxelles, SGB- IRSNB & SPW - DGO4 - FNRS.

Goemaere, E and Piessens, k (2013).
Historic production of alum from Lower Namurian pyrite-rich shales between Huy and Flémalle (Province of Liège, Belgium).
Geologica Belgica - SGB/IRSNB, Brx, Geologica Belgica.

Goemaere, E, Dreesen, R, and Bosquet, D (2013).
"About Haematite. Procurement and transformation during recent prehistory." Field guide book of the International Workshop (Jambes 07-08/02/2013)
SGB-IRSNB, Service géologique de Belgique, 13, Rue Jenner, 1000 Bruxelles, vol. 1, 25p., SGB-IRSNB - DGO4-SPW - FNRS.

Goemaere, E, Dreesen, R, and Bosquet, D (2013).
Guide Field book of the international workshop: “About Haematite. Procurement and transformation during recent prehistory.”
Goemaere E., Dreesen R. & Bosquet D. , GSB, Rue Jenner, 13 1000 Bxl, volume II ed.

Goemaere, E, Dreesen, R, Katsch, A, Eschgi, I, Savary, X, and Dupret, L (2013).
Geological record and sedimentology of the Palaeozoic oolitic ironstone deposits in Western Europe. Spatial relationships with the Linienbandkeramik settlements (LBK) in Belgium.
Billard C., Bosquet D., Dreesen R., Goemaere É., Hamon C., Jadin I., Salomon H. & Savary X. , SPW, IRSNB, vol. 1, SPW, IRSNB.

Goemaere, E, Honings, J, Golitko, M, Degrijse, P, Jungels, C, and Schneider, P (2013).
Discerning geological and geographical sources of Belgian Upper Paleolithic fluorites by Rare Earth Elements and Sr-isotopic geochemistry.
Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 40(7):2892-2901.

Goemaere, E, Jungels, C, and Hauzeur, A (2013).
Oolithic ironstones from Spy cave.
Anthropologica et Præhistorica, 123/2012:151-166.

Goffette, Q (2013).
Observation d’une alouette calandre Melanocorypha calandra en Condroz, en mai 2011 : seconde mention wallonne
Aves, 50(1):39-44.

Goffette, Q (2013).
Etude archéozoologique du site de Villers-le-Bouillet - Lohincou (VBFF2)
Rapport de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique pour le Service Public de Wallonie, 11 pp. .

Goffette, Q and Wouters, W (2013).
Etude archéozoologique du site de Quaregnon – Grand-Place (QUA 08-09)
Rapport de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique pour le Service Public de Wallonie, 31 pp..

Goffette, Q and Wouters, W (2013).
Etude archéozoologique du puits du château de Logne
Rapport de l’Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique pour le Service Public de Wallonie, 43 pp..

Goffette, Q, Court-Picon, M, Preiss, S, and Herremans, D (2013).
Il était une fois Clairefontaine: le quotidien des nonnes d'une abbaye cistercienne au 18ème siècle
SPW/DGO4, Jambes, Journées d'Archéologie en Wallonie 2013.

Goffette, Q, Court-Picon, M, Preiss, S, Herremans, D, and Bernard, I (2013).
A slice of veal with your stale bread? Faunal remains from the 18th century latrine at the abbey of Clairefontaine (Belgium)
University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, European Association of Archaeologists (ISBN: 978-80-261-0255-7).

Goolaerts, S (2013).
Ammonieten uit Drügendorf: Malm gamma 1
HONA, 48(3):44-54.

Goolaerts, S and Dupuis, C (2013).
Ammonites from the Dababiya Quarry Corehole: Taxonomic notes and age assessment
Stratigraphy, 9(3-4):261-266.

Goolaerts, S, De Saegher, P, Dusar, M, Fraaije, R, Jagt, J, Marquet, R, Simon, E, Van Bakel, B, and Van Knippenberg, P (2013).
The CRETACAM project: a new look at Santonian to Maastrichtian deposits of the Belgian Campine basin.
9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey, 1-5/09/2013. Abstract book,:119.

Goolaerts, S, Jagt, JW, Kennedy, WJ, Fraaije, RH, van Bakel, BW, Van Knippenberg, P, Simon, E, Marquet, R, De Saegher, P, and Dusar, M (2013).
The CRETACAM project: a new look at Santonian to Maastrichtian deposits of the Belgian Campine basin
In: Abstract book - 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System 1-5 September 2013 METU University, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 121.

Goolaerts, S, Steurbaut, E, and Dupuis, C (2013).
Ammonite extinction revisited
In: 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System 1-5 September 2013 METU University, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 59-60.

Gouwy, S (2013).
New data on Middle Devonian conodonts from SW Sardinia: the Su Nuargi II section revisited.
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 119(3):257-273.

Gouwy, S and Day, J (2013).
Lower to Middle Devonian (Pragian-Lower Givetian) conodont faunas from the Clear Creek, Grand Tower and St. Laurent Formations, Southern Illinois Basin, USA.
In: Session No. 376 T233. Celebrating Advances in Conodont Studies—134 Years of North American Conodonts (Posters), ed. by Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 45(7), pp. 837.

Gouwy, S, Day, J, and MacLeod, K (2013).
Lower and Middle Devonian conodont biostratigraphy and conodont apatite δ18O variations in the Southern Illinois Basin, USA.
In: IGCP 580/596 meeting Geophysical and Geochemical Techniques: a window on the Paleozoic World. Calgary, August 28-30 2013, vol. Abstract volume , pp. 33.

Gouwy, S, Liao, J, and Valenzuela-Rios, J (2013).
Graphic correlation of the upper Eifelian to lower Frasnian (Middle–Upper Devonian) conodont sequences in the Spanish Central Pyrenees.
In: Session No. 376 T233. Celebrating Advances in Conodont Studies—134 Years of North American Conodonts (Posters), ed. by Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 45(7), pp. 836.

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