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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Delmer, A (2013).
L'orogenèse varisque dans le sillon houiller de Haine-Sambre-et-Meuse
Geological Survey of Belgium Professional Paper, 2013/2(315):11-44.

Delsinne, T (2013).
Book Review : Wegnez P., Ignace D., Fichefet V., Hardy M., Plume T. & Timmermann M., 2012. - Fourmis de Wallonie (2003-2011). Publication du Département de l'Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW-DGARNE), Série « Faune - Flore - Habitat » n°8, Gembloux
Bulletin de la Société Royale d’Entomologie de Belgique (SRBE/KBVE).

Delsinne, T, Arias Penna, T, and Leponce, M (2013).
Effect of rainfall exclusion on ant assemblages in mountain rainforests of Ecuador.
Basic and Applied Ecology, 14:357-365.

Demey, D, Vanhoutte, S, Pieters, M, Bastiaens, J, De Clercq, W, Deforce, K, Denys, L, Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, Storme, A, and Van Neer, W (2013).
Een dijk en een woonplatform uit de Romeinse periode in Stene (Oostende)
Relicta. Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen, 10:7-70.

Deprez, A, Tesseur, S, Stassen, P, D'haenens, S, Steurbaut, E, King, C, Claeys, P, and Speiijer, RP (2013).
Benthic foraminiferal and isotopic patterns during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (Aktulagay section, Kazakhstan).
In: TMS Conference 2013 - Micropâlaeontology and the IODP: Past, Present and Future Applications, vol. Abstract Book, pp. 44.

Deprez, A, Tesseur, S, Stassen, P, D'haenens, S, Steurbaut, E, King, C, Claeys, P, and Speijer, RP (2013).
Benthic foraminiferal and isotopic patterns during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (Aktulagay section, Kazakhstan)
In: 11th International conference on Paleoceanography, pp. P-285.

Derycke, S, Backeljau, T, and Moens, T (2013).
Dispersal and gene flow in free-living marine nematodes
Frontiers in Zoology, 10(1):1-12.

Devleeschouwer, X, Heyvaert, VM, Louwye, S, Piessens, K, and Smith, T (2013).
Moving plates and melting icecaps – Processes and forcing factors in geology, 4th international Geologica Belgica meeting, September 11-14, 2012
Geologica Belgica, 16(4):208-210.

Devleeschouwer, X, Heyvaert, VM, Louwye, S, Piessens, K, and Smith, T (2013).
Moving plates and melting icecaps. Processes and forcingfactors in geology. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012. Abstract book
(ISBN: 978-2-9601402-0-0).

Devos, Y, Nicosia, C, Speleers, L, and Vrydaghs, L (2013).
Geoarchaeology and (pre)-urban wetland archaeology: some case studies from Brussels (Belgium)
Basel, Developing International Geoarchaeology (DIG).

Dewaele, S, Goethals, H, and Thys, T (2013).
Mineralogical characterization of cassiterite concentrates from quartz vein and pegmatite mineralization of the Karagwe-Ankole and Kibara Belts, Central Africa.
Geologica Belgica, 16(1-2):66-75.

Di Marcantonio, M, Rumes, B, Haelters, J, and Lauwaert, B (2013).
Aanvraag van Otary nv voor een machtiging voor een geofysische en geotechnische survey (MERMAID) : Milieueffectenbeoordeling (MEB) en advies van het Bestuur. BMM, KBIN, 8 pp.

Di Marcantonio, M, Rumes, B, Haelters, J, and Lauwaert, B (2013).
Aanvraag van ELIA Asset nv voor een machtiging voor een geofysische en geotechnische survey : Milieueffectenbeoordeling (MEB) en advies van het Bestuur. BMM, KBIN, 11 pp.

Di Modica, K, Jungels, C, and Hauzeur, A (2013).
What do we know today about the Middle Palaeolithic of Spy?
Anthropologica et Præhistorica, 123/2012:167-200.

Diaz, A and Martens, K (2013).
On a new genus and species of non-marine ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Patagonian wetlands of Argentina (South America).
Il Naturalista Siciliana , 37(1):111-112.

Diskin, S, Heyvaert, VMA, Pavlopoulos, K, and Schutt, B (2013).
Geoarchaeology: A toolbox of approaches applied in a multidisciplinary research discipline
Quaternary International, 308-309:1-3.

Dolan, M, Thorsnes, T, Leth, J, Alhamdani, Z, Guinan, J, and Van Lancker, V (2013).
Standardisation and harmonisation in seabed habitat mapping: role and added value of geological data and information.

Donovan, B, Munzinger, J, Pauly, A, and Mc Pherson, G (2013).
Flower visiting records of the native bees of New Caledonia
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 99:19-43.

Doom, M and Haelters, J (2013).
De invloed van geluidspollutie op zeezoogdieren. In: A. Jonckheere, B. Lagae, K. Wautier & D. Segers (Eds.) Wetenschap zet de toon.
Uit het Wetenschappelijk verleden, 8:67-79.

Doom, M, Cornillie, P, Gielen, I, and Haelters, J (2013).
De invloed van geluidspollutie op zeezoogdieren.
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig tijdschrift, 82(5):265-272.

Dreesen, R, Marion, J, and Mottequin, B (2013).
The Red Marble of Baelen, a particular historical building stone with global geological importance and local use
Geologica Belgica, 16(3):179-190.

Dreesen, R, Savary, X, Goemaere, E, and Dupret, L (2013).
Petrographical differentiation between Palaeozoic Oolitic ironstones from France, Belgium and Germany and application to the provenance study of archaeological artefacts – preliminary results
In: Autour de l'hématite. Circulation et transformation au cours de la préhistoire récente : Méthodes d’analyse – About haematite. Procurement and transformation during recent prehistory: Analytical methods. Table ronde internationale – International works, ed. by Billard C., Bosquet D., Dreesen R., Goemaere É., Hamon C., Jadin I., Salomon H. & Savary X., pp. 27-28, Namur, Direction de l’Archéologie wallonne, Service Public de Wallonie.

Dridi, M, Vangeluwe, D, Lecollinet, S, van den Berg, T, and Lambrecht, B (2013).
Experimental infection of Carrion crows (Corvus corone) with two European West Nile virus (WNV) strains.
Veterinary Microbiology .

Drumont, A (2013).
Note sur le genre Alissonotum Arrow, 1908 avec la description d'une espèce nouvelle d'Asie: Alissonotum yamayai n.sp. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae)
Lambillionea, 113(1):89-92.

Drumont, A and Bi W (2013).
Description of a new Sarmydus species from Zixang Autonomous Region in China: Sarmydus cheni sp.nov. (4th contribution to the study of genus Sarmydus Pascoe, 1867) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Lambillionea, 3:267-271.

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