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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Verbinnen, G and Swinnen, F (2014).
A new Hemicycla (Gastropoda: Helicoidea: Helicidae) from La Gomera, Canary Islands
Gloria Maris, 53:70-79.

Verhecken, A and Prelle, G (2014).
Additional data on Scalptia androyensis Verhecken & Bozzetti, 2006, (Neogastropoda: Cancellarioidea) from Madagascar
Gloria Maris, 53:92-100.

Verheyden, S, Keppens, E, Quinif, Y, Cheng, H, and Edwards, L (2014).
Late-glacial and Holocene climate reconstruction as inferred from a stalagmite from a stalagmite - Grotte du Père Noël, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.
Geologica Belgica , 17(1):83-89.

Verheyen, E, Borges, A, Bouillon, S, Cocquyt, C, Snoeks, J, and Dudu, A (2014).
Congo Basin: From Carbon To Fishes –The Cobafish Project
vol. Abstract book - 1st International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, 6-10 juin 2014, Kisangani, Republic Démocratique du Congo, page 221.

Vernes, R, Deckers, J, Doornenbal, H, Den Dulk, M, Hummelman, J, Menkovic, A, Westerhoff, W, Witmans, N, Dusar, M, Walstra, J, and Reindersma, R (2014).
The H3O-project: towards sustainable use and management of the Flemish-Dutch subsurface
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 16, pp. EGU2014-11903-1, European Geosciences Union.

Vernes, R, Deckers, J, Dusar, M, Heskes, E, Slenter, C, van der Veer, J, and Verhaert, G (2014).
Naar eenduidige informatie over de ondergrond in de grensstreek. Vlaanderen en Nederland karteren gezamenlijk de Roerdalslenk.
Bodem, 2014(nr 3 juni 2014):6-8.

Verscheure, S (2014).
Dog mitochondrial DNA and forensic science
PhD thesis, University of Antwerp.

Verscheure, S, Backeljau, T, and Desmyter, S (2014).
Coding region SNP analysis to improve dog hair mitochondrial DNA profiling for forensic purposes
In: Abstract book - DNA in Forensics 2014, Brussels, 14-16 May 2014, pp. 124.

Verscheure, S, Backeljau, T, and Desmyter, S (2014).
Reviewing dog mtDNA population studies for forensic purposes
In: Abstract book - DNA in Forensics 2014, Brussels, 14-16 May 2014, pp. 30.

Verscheure, S, Backeljau, T, and Desmyter, S (2014).
Dog mitochondrial genome sequencing to enhance dog mtDNA discrimination power in forensic casework
Forensic Science International: Genetics, 12:60-68.

Vilvorder, F, Weinkauf, E, and Pigière, F (2014).
Liberchies : un artisanat diversifié dans une agglomération romaine.
In: Catalogue d’exposition « Trésor ? / Trésor ! Archéologie au cœur de l’Europe », ed. by Demelenne M.& Docquier G.. Safran, chap. 2, pp. 216-227.

Vincent, P, Taquet, P, Fischer, V, Bardet, N, Falconnet, J, and Godefroit, P (2014).
Mary Anning’s legacy to French vertebrate palaeontology
Geological Magazine, 151(1):7-20.

Vrydaghs, L, Speleers, L, van der Valk, J, Marinova, E, Court-Picon, M, Doutrelepont, H, Nicosia, C, and Devos, Y (2014).
Facing complexity: archaeobotany and Dark Earth. Towards an integration of botanical and geoarchaeological data
In: 9TH International Meeting for Phytolith Research. Toward Integrative Phytolith Research, Brussels.

Walsh, K, Court-Picon, M, Beaulieu (de), J, Guiter, F, Mocci, F, Richer, S, Sinet, R, Talon, B, and Tzortzis, S (2014).
A historical ecology of the Ecrins (Southern French Alps): Archaeology and palaeoecology of the Mesolithic to the Medieval period
Quaternary International.

Walstra, J, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M (2014).
Geological model of the Ypresian Clay.

Walstra, J, Heyvaert, V, Mortier, C, Parsons, D, Verkinderen, P, and Woodbridge, K (2014).
Human impact on alluvial fan development: can human niche construction provide a conceptual framework for long-term landscape evolution?
In: Programme & Abstract Book, 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference, Rome, 17-20 September 2014, ed. by Gert-Jan Burgers, Rita Hermans, Corine Tetteroo, Jeremia Pelgrom, Sjoerd Kluiving, chap. 5.16, pp. 39-40, Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome.

Wauters, N, Dekoninck, W, Cerezo Martín, M, Herrera, H, and Fournier, D (2014).
Galápagos threatened by tropical fire ant invasion
Abstractbook 5the Symposium Entomology in Belgium organized by RBINS and RBES, 28/11/2014, p 29.

Wauters, N, Dekoninck, W, Herrera, H, and Fournier, D (2014).
Distribution, behavioral dominance and potential impacts on endemic fauna of the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata (Hymenoptera: Myrmicinae) in the Galapagos archipelago
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 90(4):205-220.

Wegnez, P, Ignace, D, Dekoninck, W, and Hardy, M (2014).
Découverte de Myrmica lonae Finzi, 1926 en Wallonie (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Bulletin de la Société Royale Belge d'Entomologie, 150:33-36.

Welkenhuysen, K and Piessens, K (2014).
Managing geological uncertainty in CO2-EOR reservoir assessments
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2014, vol. 16.

Welkenhuysen, K, Compernolle, T, Piessens, K, Ramírez, A, Rupert, J, and Swennen, R (2014).
Geological uncertainty and investment risk in CO2-enhanced oil recovery
Energy Procedia, 63:7878-7883.

Wetsi Lofete, J and Grootaert, P (2014).
Atlas des chenilles comestibles de la region de Kisangani: diversité, utilisation et avenir
First International Conference of Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, Kisangani, R.D. Congo.

Wetsi Lofete, J and Grootaert, P (2014).
Contribution à la connasissance des saturniidae de la réserve forestière de Masako à Kisangani /RD Congo - tribu des Buaeini (Lepidoptera / Heterocera: Saturniidae, Satruniinae)
First International Conference of Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, Kisangani, R.D. Congo.

Wiethold, J and Preiss, S (2014).
The medicinal use of plants during the middle ages and early modern times evidence from archaeobotany and the early herbal literature
In: 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, abstracts, ed. by Archaeology & Art Publication, Istanbul, pp. 342.

Willems, W and Martens, K (2014).
Biodiversity of aquatic macro-invertebrates in the Congo Basin
In: 1st International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin.

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