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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

van Vliet, HJ, Formanoy, P, and Bosselaers, M (2014).
Walvissen in het Miocene en Pliocene Noordzeebekken; inventarisatie en revisie van de fossielen uit Oost-Nederland
Grondboor & Hamer, 68(1):6-11.

van Vliet, HJ, Lambert, O, Bosselaers, M, Schulp, A, and Jagt, J (2014).
A new record of a Paleogene cetacean (Basilosauridae, aff. Basilotritus) from the St. Pietersberg, Maastricht, Southeast Netherlands
In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, pp. 246A, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Vandamme, S, Maes, G, Raeymakers, J, Cottenie, K, Imsland, A, Hellemans, B, Lacroix, G, Mac Aoidh, E, Martinsohn, J, Martinez P, Robbens, J, Vilas, R, and Volckaert, F (2014).
Regional environmental pressure influences population differentiation in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus).
Molecular Ecology, 23(3):618-636.

Vanden Bavière, A, Delerue-Ricard, S, Volckaert, FA, Lacroix, G, Barbut, L, and Robbens, J (2014).
Larval dispersal and juvenile dynamics of flatfish in the Southern North Sea.
In: Book of abstracts. VLIZ young marine scientists' day. Brugge, 7 March 2014, pp. 114, VLIZ. VLIZ Special publication 67.

Vanden Eede, S, Laporta, L, Deneudt, K, Stienen, E, Derous, S, Degraer, S, and Vincx, M (2014).
Marine biological valuation of the shallow Belgian coastal zone: A space-use conflict example within the context of marine spatial planning.
Ocean & Coastal Management, 96:61-72.

Vanden Eede, S, Van Tomme, J, De Busschere, C, Vandegehuchte, ML, Sabbe, K, Stienen, E, Degraer, S, Vincx, M, and Bonte, D (2014).
Assessing the impact of beach nourishment on the intertidal food web through the development of a mechnistic-envelope model.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 51:1304-1313.

Vanderhoeven, A, Vynckier, G, Lentacker, A, Ervynck, A, Van Neer, W, Cooremans, B, Deforce, K, Vandenbruaene, M, van Heesch J, and De Bie, M (2014).
Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de Sacramentstraat te Tongeren. Eindverslag 1993
Relicta, 11:7-161.

Vandewijngaerde, W, Krooss, B, Bertier, P, and Piessens, K (2014).
Influence of sedimentological variation on reservoir and source rock characteristics in shale dominated cyclothems (Campine Basin, NE Belgium)
In: GeoShale 2014.

Vandewijngaerde, W, Piessens, K, Bertier, P, Swennen, R, and EP (2014).
Influence of palaeoenvironment and palaeogeography on source rock potential and theoretical gas storage capacity of roof shales (drilling KB174, Hechtel-Hoef, Campine Basin, Belgium)
In: Mid-European Clay Conference.

Vangeluwe, D (2014).
Evaluation du risque posé par la réouverture de la carrière de Nassogne sur le Faucon pèlerin (Falco peregrinus) .
Bruxelles, Etude ornithologique réalisée pour le compte de Aquale. Rapport final. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 15 pp ed.

Vangeluwe, D and Vanaudenhove, N (2014).
Valken voor iedereen. Hoe het grote publiek in Brussel de Slechtvalken op hun nest kan gadeslaan.
Brussel, Verslag van editie 2013. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. ed.

Vangeluwe, D and Vanaudenhove, N (2014).
Faucons pour tous. Présentation au grand public des Faucons pélerins nichant à Bruxelles.
Bruxelles, Rapport de l’édition 2013. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. ed.

Vangestel, C, Dekoninck, W, Vandomme, V, Van Belleghem, S, Backeljau, T, and Hendrickx, F (2014).
Exploring the evolutionary history of an adaptive radiation of caterpillar beetles (Calosoma sp.) at the Galapagos
Abstractbook 5the Symposium Entomology in Belgium organized by RBINS and RBES, 28/11/2014, vol. 18-19.

Vanhaelen, A, Massin, C, Martin, J, and Laffargue, P (2014).
Kaloplocamus ramosus (Cantraine, 1835) (Gastropoda: Polyceridae): new records in the Bay of Biscay, with notes on distribution and food
Iberus, 32:53-64.

Vanhellemont, Q and Ruddick, K (2014).
Landsat-8 as a precursor to Sentinel-2: observations of human impacts in coastal waters. Submitted for the proceedings of the Sentinel-2 for Science Workshop held in Frascati, Italy, 20-23 May 2014.
ESA Special Publication SP-726.

Vanhellemont, Q and Ruddick, K (2014).
Turbid wakes associated with offshore wind turbines observed with Landsat 8
Remote Sensing of the Environment, 145:105-115.

Vanhellemont, Q, Bailey, S, Franz, B, and Shea, D (2014).
Atmospheric correction of Landsat-8 Imagery using Seadas. Submitted for the proceedings of the Sentinel-2 for Science Workshop held in Frascati, Italy, 20-23 May 2014.
ESA Special Publication SP-726.

Vanhellemont, Q, Neukermans, G, and Ruddick, K (2014).
Synergy between polar-orbiting and geostationary sensors: Remote sensing of the ocean at high spatial and high temporal resolution
Remote Sensing of the Environment, 146(SI):49-62.

Vanhove, D, Speijer, RP, Steurbaut, E, Claeys, P, and Ivany, L (2014).
Temperature, seasonality and salinity history of the early Eocene North Sea Basin inferred from fish otoliths and mollusks.
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, 31:217-218.

Vanthournout, B and Hendrickx, F (2014).
Endosymbiont induced sex-ratio distortion in the dwarf spider Oedothorax retusus.
Journal of Arachnology, 42:24-33.

Vanthournout, B, Deswarte, K, Bilde, T, Hamad, H, Lambrecht, B, and Hendrickx, F (2014).
Flow cytometric sexing of spider sperm reveals an equal sperm production ratio in a female biased species.
Biology Letters, 10:20140159.

Vanthournout, B, Vandomme, V, and Hendrickx, F (2014).
Sex ratio bias caused by endosymbiont infection in the dwarf spider Oedothorax retusus
The Journal of Arachnology, 42:24-33.

Velez, N, Ratcliffe N, Trathan P, Tarling G, Cherel Y, De Broyer, C, Garcia, F, Erzini, K, and Xavier, J (2014).
Intra-annual variations of the diet of gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) at South Georgia (Southern Ocean)
In: Abstract book of the 2014 SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland, August 2014, pp. 700.

Vera, V, Covaci, A, Vanhaecke, L, Bouillon, S, Abrantes, K, Musimbono, D, Verheyen, E, Bervoets, L, and Blust, R (2014).
Baseline levels and trophic transfer of persistent organic pollutants, selected pesticides and trace metals in surface water, sediments and biota from the Congo River Basin (DR Congo)
vol. Abstract book - 1st International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, 6-10 juin 2014, Kisangani, Republic Démocratique du Congo, page 144.

Verbeek, M, Hardy, C, Goemaere, E, Doperé, F, de Groote, E, Wilmet, A, Cremer, S, and Fraiture, P (2014).
La chapelle d’une compagnie de marchands londoniens à la collégiale de Dinant.
International symposium : Medieval copper, bronze and brass. History, archaeology and archaeometry of the production of brass, bronze and other copper alloy objects in medieval Europe (12th-16th centuries), Jambes (Namur), vol. 1, SPW.

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