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RBINS Staff Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 6851 references in this bibliography folder.

Martin, JE, Smith, T, de Lapparent de Broin, F, Escuillé, F, and Delfino, M (2014).
Late Palaeocene eusuchian remains from Mont de Berru, France, and the origin of the alligatoroid Diplocynodon
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 172:867-891.

Martin, P and Nadot, S (2014).
Compte rendu des journées d'automne 2013 de la SFS : "Systématique et sciences participatives"
Bulletin de la Société française de Systématique, 51:8-10.

Mathys, A, Brecko, J, and Semal, P (2014).
Cost Evaluation of 3D Digitisation Techniques
In: 3D/4D Documentation in Cultural Heritage, ed. by Loannides M., Magnenat-Thalman N., Fink E., Yen A. & Quak E., pp. 17-25, EuroMed 2014, Digital Heritage: Progress in Cultural Heritage, Documentation, Preservation and Protection.

Meksuwan, P, Pholpunthin, P, Walsh, E, Segers, H, and Wallace, R (2014).
Nestedness in sessile and periphytic rotifer communities: A meta-analysis.
International Review of Hydrobiology, 99(1-2):48-57.

Meunier, J and Drumont, A (2014).
Titanatemnus conradti (Tullgren, 1908) et Titanatemnus tanensis Mahnert, 1983, pseudoscropions phorétiques de trois espèces de Prioninae africains (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Entomologia Africana, 19(2):35-41.

Meylemans, E, Bogemans, F, Deforce K, Jacops, J, Perdaen, Y, Storme, A, and Verdurmen, I (2014).
High tides and low sites: the effects of tidal restoration on the archaeological heritage in the Kalkense Meersen area (Lower Scheldt Basin, Belgium
In: The Archaeology of Erosion, the Erosion of Archaeology, ed. by Erwin Meylemans, Jean Poesen & Ingrid In 't Ven. Flanders Heritage Agency , Brussels, vol. 9, chap. ?, pp. 127-146. Relicta Monografieën.

Meylemans, E, Jacops, J, Bogemans, F, Deforce, K, Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, Perdaen, Y, Storme, A, Van Neer, W, and Vanmontfort, B (2014).
Archeologisch evaluatieonderzoek van een prehistorische vindplaats (mesolithicum tot vroege bronstijd) in het Sigma- gebied ‘Zennegat’ (Mechelen, prov. Antwerpen)
Onroerend Erfgoed, Brussel. Rapporten Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed.

Meylemans, E, Perdaen, Y, Bogemans, F, De Clercq, W, Deforce, K, Ervynck, A, Lentacker, A, Storme, A, and Van Neer, W (2014).
Archeologisch evaluatieonderzoek van een prehistorische en Romeinse vindplaats in het Sigma- gebied ‘Wijmeers 2’ (gemeente Wichelen,provincie Oost-Vlaanderen)
Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed, Brussel. Rapporten Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed.

Meyvis, B, Bouhon, O, Dardenne, V, and Devleeschouwer, X (2014).
A 3D ArcGIS geological model of the underground of Brussels for hydrogeological uses
In: GeoFrankfurt2014. Abstract with Programs, pp. 467.

Mezzasalma, M, Andreone, F, Branch, W, Glaw, F, Guarino, F, Nagy, Z, Odierna, G, and Aprea, G (2014).
Chromosome evolution in pseudoxyrhophiine snakes from Madagascar: a wide range of karyotypic variability
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 112:450-460.

Midende, G, Boulvais, P, Tack, L, Melcher, F, Gerdes, A, Dewaele, S, Demaiffe, D, and Decree, S (2014).
Petrography, geochemistry and U-Pb zircon age of the Matongo carbonatite Massif (Burundi): implication for the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution in Central Africa.
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 100:656-674.

Mirgaux, S and Haelters, J (2014).
La Belgique se bat pour la protection des baleines à la Commission Baleinière Internationale
Educ-News, 46(nov-déc):10-11.

Morgan, M, Bass, D, Bik, H, Birky, C, Blaxter, M, Crisp, M, Derycke, S, Fitch, D, Fontaneto, D, Hardy, C, King, A, Kiontke, K, Moens, T, Pawlowski, J, Porazinska, D, Tang, C, Thomas, W, Yeates, D, and Creer, S (2014).
A critique of Rossberg et al.: noise obscures the genetic signal of meiobiotal ecospecies in ecogenomic datasets
Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences, 281.

Mortelmans, J, Tomasovic, G, and Nagy, Z (2014).
A remarkable new species of Paraphamartania Engel from Portugal (Diptera, Asilidae)
Zootaxa, 3814:409-418.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, Collet, H, De Bast, E, Dejax, J, Delaby, S, Dupuis, C, Dupont, N, Folie, A, Godefroit, P, Goemaere, E, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, Licour, L, Martin, T, Papier, S, Pirson, S, Prestianni, C, Quinif, Y, Robaszynski, F, Smith, T, Spagna, P, and Yans, J (2014).
Itinéraire 4 : La Thudinie et le Sud-Est du Géoparc
UMons - asbl La Malagne, Mons, vol. 5. 62 pages.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, Collet, H, De Bast, E, Dejax, J, Delaby, S, Dupuis, C, Dupont, N, Folie, A, Godefroit, P, Goemaere, E, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, Licour, L, Martin, T, Papier, S, Pirson, S, Prestianni, C, Quinif, Y, Robaszynski, F, Smith, T, Spagna, P, and Yans, J (2014).
Itinéraire 3 : Les Hauts-Pays et le Borinage
UMons - asbl La Malagne, Mons, vol. 4. 52 pages.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, Collet, H, De Bast, E, Dejax, J, Delaby, S, Dupuis, C, Dupont, N, Folie, A, Godefroit, P, Goemaere, E, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, Licour, L, Martin, T, Papier, S, Pirson, S, Prestianni, C, Quinif, Y, Robaszynski, F, Smith, T, Spagna, P, and Yans, J (2014).
Itinéraire 2 : le Nord-Ouest du Bassin de Mons
UMons - asbl La Malagne, Mons, vol. 3. 60 pages.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, Collet, H, De Bast, E, Dejax, J, Delaby, S, Dupuis, C, Dupont, N, Folie, A, Godefroit, P, Goemaere, E, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, Licour, L, Martin, T, Papier, S, Pirson, S, Prestianni, C, Quinif, Y, Robaszynski, F, Smith, T, Spagna, P, and Yans, J (2014).
Introduction général à la géologie
UMons - asbl La Malagne, Mons. 77 pages.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, Collet, H, De Bast, E, Dejax, J, Delaby, S, Dupuis, C, Dupont, N, Folie, A, Godefroit, P, Goemaere, E, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, Licour, L, Martin, T, Papier, S, Pirson, S, Prestianni, C, Quinif, Y, Robaszynski, F, Smith, T, Spagna, P, and Yans, J (2014).
Itinéraire 1 : le Grand Mons, Itinéraires pédagogiques du Géoparc du Bassin de Mons
UMons - asbl La Malagne, Mons, vol. 2. 92 pages.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, Collet, H, De Bast, E, Dejax, J, Delaby, S, Dupuis, C, Dupont, N, Folie, A, Godefroit, P, Goemaere, E, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, Licour, L, Martin, T, Papier, S, Pirson, S, Prestianni, C, Quinif, Y, Robaszynski, F, Smith, T, Spagna, P, and Yans, J (2014).
Itinéraire 5 : La région du Centre et le Sud du Géoparc
UMons - asbl La Malagne, Mons, vol. 6. 64 pages.

Mottequin, B and Marion, J (2014).
Contribution scientifique et administrative: Cadre géologique
In: Sprimont, gravé dans la pierre, ed. by Yvette Gilles-Sépulchre. Brancaleoni, chap. Contributions scientifiques et administratives, pp. 181-188.

Mottequin, B and Poty, E (2014).
The Hangenberg Event (uppermost Famennian) in southern Belgium (Namur-Dinant Basin)
In: 4th International Palaeontological Congress, Abstract Volume, ed. by Esperanza Cerdeno, pp. 758.

Mottequin, B and Poty, E (2014).
The uppermost Famennian Hangenberg Event in the Namur–Dinant Basin (southern Belgium)
Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften, 19:36-37.

Mottequin, B, Brice, D, and Legrand-Blain, M (2014).
Biostratigraphic significance of brachiopods near the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary
Geological Magazine, 151(02):216-228.

Mottequin, B, Marion, J, and Goemaere, E (2014).
Livret-guide de l’excursion géologique dans la vallée du Hoyoux (Belgique) pour les membres de la Société Géologique du Nord. Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, 22 p.
Booklet, Booklet.

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