Horst Korn, Hendrik Segers, and Hilde Eggermont (2014)
Report of the Informal meeting of the European SBTTA-Focal points and other interested experts dealing with SBSTTA and related issues 11 December 2014, Brussels
Meeting Report
The main purpose of the meeting was to develop proposals to improve the effectiveness of the SBSTTA with regard to its role and procedures, especially in the light of new developments such as IPBES and the new SBI of the CBD.
The meeting, in which 30 persons from 19 different countries and the EU in their individual capacity as biodiversity science and/or policy experts participated, was chaired and facilitated by Horst Korn, Hendrik Segers and Hilde Eggermont. It was open to all EU SBSTTA-NFPs, other SBSTTA-NFPs and interested experts in and outside of the EU.
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