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P. Sartenaer (2007)

Sapphicorhynchus, a new early Givetian rhynchonellid (brachiopod) genus from western New York State, USA, and Sapphicorhynchidae, n. fam

Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belqique, Sciences de la Terre, 77:41-61.

A new genus, Sapphicorhynchus, type species S. sappho (HALL, 1860), is described from the early Givetian of western New York State. The presence of the species in older and younger strata of New York, in other States of the United States of America, in the Province of Ontario (Canada), and outside North America is rejected. The genus is designated the type for the new family Sapphicorhynchidae. It is compared to the emended middle Eifelian genus Oligopthycherhynchus SARTENAER, 1970, type species O. hexatomus (SCHNUR 1851), and the early Givetian genus Cupularostrum SARTENAER, 1961, to which Sapphicorhynchus sappho is assigned in recent literature.

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