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S. Legrand and V. Dulière (ed.) (2014)

OSERIT: A downstream service dedicated to the Belgian Coastguard Agencies

Dahlin H., Flemming N.C., Petersson S.E. (Eds.), 6th Conf. of EuroGOOS Sustainable Operational Oceanography.

The research project OSERIT aims at developing a “Oil Spill Evaluation and Response Integrated Tool” for the Belgian Coast Guard Agencies. This web-based tool will gather relevant, scientific based information needed to support the decision-making process in case of oil spilled at sea. OSERIT targets two categories of users. The first category includes operational users who need to access marine and oil spill drift forecast. The second category of users includes environmental representatives who need to compare several scenarios in order to assess the potential environmental consequences of various combating strategies. To meet this ambitious goal, a new web-based interface and a new 3D oil drift and fate mathematical model are being developed. This article first explains how OSERIT development is dictated by end-users requirements on its quickness, reliability, user-friendliness, accessibility and inherent quality. The main model features are then pr esented. Finally, the model performances are illustrated using a real case: the oil leak that happened in the Gannet field in August 2011. OSERIT should be ready for operational use in September 2012.
habitat, Models, Water Pollutants, flow, Environment, Environmental Monitoring, Belgium

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