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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Detailed Early Eocene dinocyst studies from eastern Peri-Tethys: new evidence for long-distance correlations and paleoceanographic reconstructions.

A.I. Iakovleva, C. Heilmann-Clausen, C. King, E.A. Shcherbinina, Etienne Steurbaut, and S.I. Stupin (2009)

Detailed Early Eocene dinocyst studies from eastern Peri-Tethys: new evidence for long-distance correlations and paleoceanographic reconstructions.

In: Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene , ed. by Strong C.P., Crouch E.M. & Hollis C. 12-15 January 2009, Te Papa Wellington, New Zealand, GNS Miscellaneous Series, vol. 16, chap. 0, pp. 64.

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