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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Pending Duplicate Bibliography Entries / Revision of the genus Thambemyia Oldroyd (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of a new subgenus

K.a Masunaga, T.b Saigusa, and P.c Grootaert (2005)

Revision of the genus Thambemyia Oldroyd (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of a new subgenus

Entomological Science, 8(4):439-455.

The genus Thambemyia Oldroyd is revised. Five species are recognized. Three new species - T. bisetosa, T. bruneiensis and T. hui - are described, and T. pagdeni Oldroyd, 1956 is redescribed. A new subgenus is founded for one new Japanese species, T. (Prothambemyia) japonica. A key to all known species of the genus is provided. Their distributions are also discussed. © 2005 The Entomological Society of Japan.

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