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S.a Savatenalinton and H.b Segers (2005)

Rotifers from Kalasin Province, Northeast Thailand, with notes on new and rare species

Zoological Studies, 44(3):361-367.

We report on a survey of rotifers from 30 habitats in Kalasin Province, Northeast Thailand, collected during Dec. 2001. One hundred and fifty species were identified. One of them, Lecane lungae sp. nov. is new to science, and two, L. opias (Harring and Myers), and L. stichoclysta Segers are new to the Oriental region and Thailand; the record of L. stichoclysta is the second record ever of the species after its description from Nigeria (Africa). In addition, we illustrate a remarkable morphological variant of Keratella cochlearis. These records, together with the new occurrences of other endemic rotifer species illustrate the remarkable diversity of the Thai rotifer fauna, and add to our knowledge of rotifer chorology.

Peer Review, International Redaction Board, Impact Factor, Open Access
cited By (since 1996)10
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