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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications / Towards a revision of the Neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera : Termitidae): redescription of the genus Anoplotermes and description of Longustitermes, gen. nov.

Thomas Bourguignon, Rudolf H Scheffrahn, Jan Křeček, Zoltán T Nagy, Gontran Sonet, and Yves Roisin (2010)

Towards a revision of the Neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera : Termitidae): redescription of the genus Anoplotermes and description of Longustitermes, gen. nov.

Invertebrate Systematics, 24:357 - 370.

Peer Review, Impact Factor, International Redaction Board, RBINS Collection(s)
  • DOI: 10.1071/IS10012
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