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RBINS Staff Publications 2025

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 30 references in this bibliography folder.

Bosio, G, Collareta, A, Pedini, M, Gastaldello, ME, Nobile, F, Pellegrino, L, Pierantoni, PP, Malinverno, E, Lambert, O, Marrama, G, Landini, W, Carnevale, G, Varas-Malca, R, Di Celma, C, Mazzoli, S, Urbina, M, and Bianucci, G (2025).
Miocene stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology along the western side of Cerros Cadena de los Zanjones (East Pisco Basin, Peru)
Journal of Maps, 21(1):2472779.

Cuypers, LN, Kratz, F, Geraerts, M, Fourchault, L, Smitz, N, Vanden Abeele, S, Segers, B, Burelli, P, Terryn, S, Verheyen, E, and Gryseels, S (2025).
Monitoring the wild meat trade through DNA barcoding and pathogen screening of passenger-imported meat
In: Abstract Booklet – Belgian One Health event Ecosystems in the balance: supporting future policy and research - 22-23 January 2025, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 39-40.

Del Rio, C, Atkinson, BA, and Smith, T (2025).
A Paleocene occurrence of cornelian cherries Cornus subg. Cornus in the land-mammal site of Berru (Paris Basin, France)
In: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, ed. by Elsevier, vol. 334, pp. 105257 (7 pages).

Delbecque, J, Hermy, MRG, Deblauwe, I, Schneider, A, Smitz, N, Vanderheyden, A, Lernout, T, Müller, R, Van Bortel, W, and Rebolledo, J (2025).
Increasing detections of the invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus in Belgium
In: Abstract Booklet – Belgian One Health event Ecosystems in the balance: supporting future policy and research - 22-23 January 2025, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 40-41.

Fourchault, L, Gryseels, S, Satyanarayana, B, and Dahdouh-Guebas F (2025).
Leveraging ecosystem restoration for zoonotic spillover risk mitigation
In: Abstract Booklet – Belgian One Health event Ecosystems in the balance: supporting future policy and research - 22-23 January 2025, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 41-42.

Galparsoro, I, Montero, N, Mandiola, G, Menchaca, I, Borja, A, Flannery, W, Katsanevakis, S, Fraschetti, S, Fabbrizzi, E, Elliott, M, Bas, M, Barnard, S, Piet, G, Giakoumi, S, Kruse, M, McAteer, B, Runya, RM, Lukyanova, O, Morato, T, Van Gerven, A, Degraer, S, Neuenfeldt, S, and Stelzenmüller, V (2025).
Assessment tool addresses implementation challenges of ecosystembased management principles in marine spatial planning processes
Communications Earth & Environment, 6(55):1-12.

Geraerts, M, Gombeer, S, Nebesse, C, Akaibe, D, Akaibe, D, Chaber, A, Gembu, G, Gaubert, P, Joffrin, L, Laudisoit, A, Laurent, N, Leirs, H, Mande, C, Mariën, J, Ngoy, S, Těšíková, J, Vanderheyden, A, van Vredendaal, R, Verheyen, E, and Gryseels, S (2025).
Metagenomic screening of African wild meat unveils a wide diversity of viruses
In: Abstract Booklet – Belgian One Health event Ecosystems in the balance: supporting future policy and research - 22-23 January 2025, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 42-43.

Ghesquière, V, Timmermans, J, Meganck, M, Van Bellingen, S, De Cupere, B, Speleers, L, Van Schepdael, N, Van de Vijver, K, Weitz, A, Deforce, K, and Devos, Y (2025).
Fouilles archéologiques sur le site de l’ancien Parking 58, Bruxelles : premiers résultats
Service public régional Bruxelles Urbanisme & Patrimoine. Urban Research 2.

Gonissen, E, Drumont, A, and Denis, K (2025).
Nouvelle observation de Chlorophorus varius (O.F. Müller 1766) en Belgique (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Clytini)
Entomologie faunistique - Faunistic Entomology, 78:1-4.

Hendrycks, W, Mullens, N, Bakengesa, J, Kabota, S, Tairo, J, Backeljau, T, Majubwa, R, Mwatawala, M, De Meyer, M, and Virgilio, M (2025).
Deterministic and stochastic effects drive the gut microbial diversity in cucurbit-feeding fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae)
Plos One, 20(1):1-20.

Józefowska, A, Martin, P, and Schmidt, O (2025).
A report of the unusual presence of Haplotaxis cf. gordioides in a terrestrial subsoil and first isotopic analysis of its trophic position
Zootaxa, 5589(1):190-200.

Nelson, M, Lambert, O, and Uhen, M (2025).
Reassessment of the iconic Oligo-Miocene heterodont dolphin Squalodon: a redescription of the type species S. grateloupii
Papers in Palaeontology, 11(2):e70003.

Nelson, M, Lambert, O, and Uhen, M (2025).
Taxonomic revision of the family Squalodontidae (Cetacea, Odontoceti): emptying the wastebasket of fragmentary holotypes
Papers in Palaeontology, 11(2):e70002.

Prado, A, Pineda-Solis, S, Garibay-Orijel, R, Windsor, D, and Boevé, J (2025).
Fungal alkaloids mediate defense against bruchid beetles in field populations of an arborescent ipomoea
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 51(26).

Schols, R, Smitz, N, Vanderheyden, A, and Huyse, T (2025).
Expanding the swimmer’s itch pool of Belgium: a first record of Trichobilharzia regent
In: Abstract Booklet – Belgian One Health event Ecosystems in the balance: supporting future policy and research - 22-23 January 2025, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 50-51.

Tanner, S, Barbut, L, Berg, F, Darnaude, A, Domingos, I, Faria, A, Hunter, E, Luque, P, Loher, T, McMillan, M, Quintella, B, Arregui, I, Arrizabalaga, H, Cobos, M, and Reis-Santos, P (2025).
Chapter 5 - Fish movement
In: Ecology of Marine Fish, ed. by Henrique Cabral and Mario Lepage and Jérémy Lobry and Olivier Le Pape, pp. 91-117, Academic Press. (ISBN: 978-0-323-99036-3).

Troukens, W and Drumont, A (2025).
Twee boktorsoorten, nieuw voor de westrand van Brussel (Cerambycidae)
Phegea, 53(1):39-41.

Van Gerven, A, Kerkhove, T, Lago, M, Araujo, A, Berge, M, Mashkina, O, Ziemba, A, El Serafy, G, Tamis, J, Jongbloed, R, Piet, G, Rozemeijer, M, and Degraer, S (2025).
Facilitating an integrated assessment of impacts in marine multi-use: The Ocean Multi-use Assessment Framework (OMAF)
Marine Policy, 173(106570):1-8.

Vanden Abeele S, Backeljau, T, Breugelmans, K, De Meyer, M, Kratz, F, Segers, B, Smitz, N, Vanderheyden, A, and Hendrickx, F (2025).
Supporting the One Health approach in Belgium: identification of policy-relevant organisms and tissues by BopCo
In: Abstract Booklet – Belgian One Health event Ecosystems in the balance: supporting future policy and research - 22-23 January 2025, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 52-53.

Vangenechten, C, Mariën, J, Kirkpatrick, L, Gryseels, S, Sluydts, V, and Leirs, H (2025).
Restoring nature's health: Investigating the effects of ecosystem restoration on zoonotic disease risk
In: Abstract Booklet – Belgian One Health event Ecosystems in the balance: supporting future policy and research - 22-23 January 2025, Brussels, Belgium , pp. 53.

Vivien, R and Martin, P (2025).
Maintaining taxonomic accuracy in genetic databases: A duty for taxonomists— Reanalysis of the DNA sequences from Mercan et al. (2024) on the genus Potamothrix (Annelida, Clitellata) in Turkish lakes
Zootaxa, 5575(4):555-562.

Wang, D, Bai, J, Gu, C, Gourgue, O, Belliard, J, Cui, L, Ke, Y, Wen, L, and Temmerman, S (2025).
How does landscape vegetation configuration regulate local channel initiation in a rapidly expanding micro-tidal system?
Journal of Hydrology, 649:132473.

Wang, D, Gu, C, Temmerman, S, Belliard, J, Gourgue, O, and Xue, L (2025).
Coastal marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise is exacerbated by plant species invasion
Global Change Biology.

Goemaere, E, Dreesen, R, Colbach, R, and Kremer, G (2024/2025).
Geology, landscapes and natural ornamental stones of the civitas Treverorum.
Archaeologia Luxemburgensis, à préciser:à compléter.

Goemaere, E, Dreesen, R, Kremer, G, and Colbach, R (2024/2025).
Ein besonderer Dekorstein der civitas Treverorum und seine Verwendung für Grabdenkmäler und als Baustein im Theater von Dalheim.
Archaeologia Luxemburgensis, à préciser:à compléter.

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