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RBINS Staff Publications 2024

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 478 references in this bibliography folder.

Goyens, C and Ruddick, K (2022).
Improving the standard protocol for above-water reflectance measurements: 1. Estimating effective wind speed from angular variation of sunglint
Applied Optics, 10.1364/AO.481787.

Zenetos, A, Tsiamis, K, Galanidi, M, Carvalho, N, Bartilotti, C, Canning-Clode, J, Castriota, L, Chainho, P, Comas-González, R, Costa, AC, Dragicevic, B, Dulcic, J, Faasse, M, Florin, A, Gittenberger, A, Jakobsen, H, Jelmert, A, Kerckhof, F, Lehtiniemi, M, Livi, S, Lundgreen, K, Macic, V, Massé, C, Mavric, B, Naddafi, R, Orlando-Bonaca, M, Petovic, S, Png-Gonzalez, L, Carbonell Quetglas, A, Ribeiro, RS, Cidade, T, Smolders, S, Stæhr, PAU, Viard, F, and Outinen, O (2022).
Status and Trends in the Rate of Introduction of Marine Non-Indigenous Species in European Seas
Diversity, 14(1077):1-50.

Vandenberghe, T, Brabant, R, Laurent, Y, Brabant, C, Vandendriessche, B, Willems, W, and Degraer, S ().
Digital Animal Sound Archive: a collaborative repository for bio-acoustics
No source specified

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