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RBINS Staff Publications 2024

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 443 references in this bibliography folder.

Topic, M, Kmentova, N, Van Steenberge, M, and Vanhove, MPM (2024).
Symbiotic interactions challenged by environmental stress in aquatic transitional habitats
In: Conference Booklet - The Benelux Congress of Zoology 2024 (“Zoology 2024”), December 12-13, 2024, University of Mons, Belgium, pp. 92.

Tovar Gaviria, A and Welkenhuysen, K (2024).
Geo-techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture, transport, and storage chain options for a cement plant in Germany
In: Abstract book of the 8th International Geologica Belgica Luxemburga Meeting 2024, pp. 362-363.

Tran, D, Jacquet, M, Pearson, S, Van Prooijen, B, and Verney, R (2024).
Estimation of Mud and Sand Fractions and Total Concentration From Coupled Optical‐Acoustic Sensors
Earth and Space Science, 11.

Tran, D, Verney, R, and Fettweis, M (2024).
New insights into near-bed SPM concentration and sand/mud fraction in the use of Sediment Composition Index
In: Proceedings AGU Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 9-13 December 2024, pp. 2 pp.

Trenchat, L, Vanderesse, N, Pubert, É, Lefrais, Y, Van de Vijver, K, Kacki, S, and Schotsmans, EM (2024).
Comparaison des approches histologiques et microtomographiques pour l’étude de la diagenèse osseuse
Bulletins et mémoires de la société d’anthropologie de Paris, 36(1):29-36.

Tromme, F, Goemaere, E, and Leduc, T (2024).
De la céramique rubanée au décor incrusté d’os calciné. Description et analyses de quelques découvertes de Hesbaye liégeoise (BE).
Notae Praehistorica, 44:5-23.

Tschulkow, M, Pizzol, M, Compernolle, T, Van den Bosch, S, Sels, B, and Van Passel, S (2024).
The environmental impacts of the lignin-first biorefineries: A consequential life cycle assessment approach
Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 204(107466).

U, B, K, S, F, P, ML, Q, A, V, LA, S, I, S, and D, vO (2024).
Glacial melt impacts carbon flows in an Antarctic benthic food web.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 11(1359597.):19.

Vabson, V, Ansko, I, Duong, K, Vendt, R, Kuusk, J, Ruddick, K, Bialek, A, Tilstone, G, Gossn, J, and Kwiatkowska, E (2024).
Complete Characterization of Ocean Color Radiometers
Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5:1320454.

van Baekel, BW, Fraaije, R, Jagt, JW, Guinot, D, Artal, P, and Goolaerts, S (2024).
Binkhorstiidae, a new family of crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura, Retroplumoidea) from the upper Cretaceous of the Netherlands and Belgium.
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 103(e21).

Van de Vijver, K (2024).
Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Onderzoeksrapport.

Van de Vijver, K (2024).
Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Onderzoeksrapport.

Van de Vijver, K (2024).
Archeo-antropologische detailstudie van de menselijke resten van de opgraving “Sint-Michielskaai, Antwerpen (2021-2022)” (deel 1) (rapport 2024-06)
Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Onderzoeksrapport.

Van de Vijver, K (2024).
Archeo-antropologische detailstudie van de menselijke resten van de opgraving “Brugge-Eekhoutpoort (2023)” (rapport 2024-04)
Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Onderzoeksrapport.

Van de Vijver, K, De Groote, I, Massagé, L, Danckers, J, Larmuseau, M, Van der Dooren, L, Veselka, B, Robberechts, B, De Potter, P, and Vandenborre, J (2024).
“Memor”: Créer un inventaire des restes humaines archéologiques en Flandres, Belgique.
In: Colloque annuel de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 1849e réunion scientifique.

Van de Vijver, K, Vanhuysse, M, Ghesquière, V, and Timmermans, J (2024).
A possible case of pes planus in the convent of Friars Minor in Brussels, Belgium (13-18th centuries CE).
In: 24th Paleopathology Association European Meeting.

Van de Vijver, K, Vanhuysse, M, Ghesquière, V, and Timmermans, J (2024).
Studie van de menselijke resten die werden opgegraven in het oude Minderbroedersklooster onder de Beurs van Brussel (Br.)
Archaeologia Mediaevalis, 47:63-65.

Van den Eynde, D, Kerkhove, T, Van Lancker, V, Devolder, M, and Haelters, J (2024).
Gemotiveerde conclusie voor de aanvraag van DEME Building Materials voor zandwinning in sector 3a (uitzonderlijk project).
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

van Hees, L, Esser, E, Hoogendijk, T, Van Neer, W, Wouters, W, Zeiler, J, and Prummel, W (2024).
The luxurious lives of lords and ladies . Animal remains and their spatial distribution at Huis ter Kleef (c.1250-1573 AD)
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort. Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 82. (ISBN: 978-90-57993-54-1).

Van Lancker, V, Van Roozendael, B, Baeye, M, Francken, F, Kint, L, and Van den Eynde, D (2024).
Changes in seafloor integrity and hydrographic conditions, towards a spatio-temporal assessment at BPNS scale
In: Monitoring Report 2012-2014. Study Day ‘Gold in the North Sea: the importance of marine sand and innovations in terms of monitoring and research. , chap. 4, pp. 43-57, FPS Economy, ILVO and RBINS.

Van Neer, W, De Cupere, B, and Friedman, R (2024).
The earliest evidence for deformation of livestock horns: The case of Predynastic sheep from Hierakonpolis, Egypt
Journal of Archaeological Science, 172:106104.

Van Nieuwenhove, A and Scheldeman, K (2024).
Tour d’Horizon 2024, 09-13 SEPTEMBER 2024. Mission Report.

Van Schoubroeck, S, Anougmar, S, Finizola e Silva, M, Ala-Harja, V, Statzu, V, Everaert, G, Watt, L, Barboza, F, and Compernolle, T (2024).
Valuation of ecosystem services in marine protected areas: A comprehensive review of methods and needed developments
Ecosystems Services, 70(101678).

Van Steenberge, M (2024).
The changing ecosystem of East Africa’s Mare Nostrum: Using ichthyology collections to identify the changes in the Lake Victoria region
In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Fishbase Symposium - Fishes in changing ecosystems, pp. 73.

Van Steenberge, M, Dijkstra, KB, Mayo Ilodir, W, Gembu, GC, Vandelook, F, Ngera, F, Bisimwa, K, and Ernst, R (2024).
The green heart of Africa, the Lomami Primer
In: Conference Booklet - The Benelux Congress of Zoology 2024 (“Zoology 2024”), December 12-13, 2024, University of Mons, Belgium, pp. 166.

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