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RBINS Staff Publications 2023

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 395 references in this bibliography folder.

Dairain, A, Voet, H, Vafeiadou, A, De Meester, N, Rigau, A, Van Colen, C, Vanaverbeke, J, and Moens, T (2023).
Structurally stable but functionally disrupted marine microbial communities under a future climate change scenario: Potential importance for nitrous oxide emissions
Science of the Total Environment, 907(167928):1-12.

Dansette, L, Warmenbol, E, Polet, C, Pasture, B, Goffette Q, and Wouters, W (2023).
Étude des vestiges anthropologiques, fauniques et archéologiques découverts dans la Grotte des Enfants à Freyr, Belgique (Néolithique récent)
Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris , 35(S).

Danèse, V, Van Assche, M, De Beusscher, V, and Goemaere, E (2023).
Ghislenghien (Ath). Vestiges protohistoriques mis au jour lors des fouilles menées en 2019 et 20220 dans la zone d’activité économique de Ghislenghien « Orientis III-extension ouest ».
L’Archéologie en WaPi, cà existe aussi !Par l’ Amicale des Archéologues du Hainaut Occidental et Ath, Cercle Royal d’Histoire et d’Archéologie d’Ath et de la Région, 10(256 pages):59-66.

Das, S, Greenbaum, E, Meiri, S, Bauer, A, Burbrink, F, Raxworthy, C, Weinell, J, Brown, R, Brecko, J, Pauwels, O, Rabibisoa, N, Raselimanana, A, and Merilä, J (2023).
Ultraconserved elements-based phylogenomic systematics of the snake superfamily Elapoidea, with the description of a new Afro-Asian family
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 180:107700.

Daumas, M, Lefèvre, P, Martrille, L, Beauthier, J, Louryan, S, and Polet, C (2023).
Method assessment and observer variation in age estimation: A comparative analysis of the Suchey-Brooks and the İşcan methods on an archaeological medieval population
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 52(104234).

de Almeida, NM, Ferreira, VG, Martens, K, and Higuti, J (2023).
Seven new species and two new genera of Physocypria sensu latu (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Brazilian floodplains
Zootaxa, 5237(1):001–088.

De Batist, M, Costa, P, Heyvaert, V, Dawson, S, Engel, M, Nahar, R, Scheder, J, and the NORSEAT Belgica 2022-31 Shipboard Pa, T (2023).
Storegga and beyond – North Sea tsunami deposits offshore Shetland Islands.
In: XXI INQUA Congress, 14-20 July 2023, Rome.

De Cupere, B and Lock, K (2023).
Water condition of the Senne river in late medieval Brussels (Belgium)
In: 43rd conference of the Association of Environmental Archaeology (AEA), Telling Environmental Archaeology Stories, 24-26/11/2023, Tarragona (Spain).

De Cupere, B and Van Neer, W (2023).
Faunal Remains from Archaeological Sites Document Human Impact on the Terrestrial and Aquatic Environment: examples from the last thousand years in Belgium
Internet Archaeology, 62.

De Cupere, B, Van Neer, W, Barba Colmenero, V, and Jiménez Serrano, A (2023).
Newly discovered crocodile mummies of variable quality from an undisturbed tomb at Qubbat al-Hawā (Aswan, Egypt)
PLOS ONE, 18(1):e0279137.

De Groote, I, Van de Vijver, K, Veselka, B, De Potter, P, Massagé, L, Van der Dooren, L, Vandenborre, J, Larmuseau, MH, Danckers, J, and Robberechts, B (2023).
MEMOR: A database of archeological human remains collections from Flanders, Belgium
American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 181(4):677--681.

De Kesel, W, Fourchault, L, Mariën, J, Peeters, M, Verheyen, E, Gryseels, S, and Ariën, K (2023).
Arbovirus serostatus of Mastomys natalensis in Morogoro, Tanzania
In: Scientific programme & abstracts - 14th African Small Mammal Symposium, 17-22 September 2023, Swakopmund, Namibia, pp. 33.

de Longueville, S, Challe, S, Defgnée, A, Durez, V, Goovaerts, T, Leduc, T, and Goemaere, E (2023).
Les glaçures plombifères médiévales mosanes : recettes et expérimentations.
Bulletin des Chercheurs de la Wallonie, LVI:63-88.

de Martino, M, Rovelli, V, De Cupere, B, di Corcia, T, Alhaique, F, Vuković, S, Detry, C, Grau, I, Lloveras, L, de Grossi Mazzorin, J, Minniti, C, Moreno, M, Nadal, J, Onar, V, Pereira, V, Spassov, N, Wilkens, B, Peters, J, Van Neer, W, and Ottoni, C (2023).
Paleogenomics of European wild and domestic cats
In: SMBE - Entangled histories: insights into the evolution of humans and their domesticates through paleogenomics, 23-27/07/2023, Ferrara (Italy).

de Oliviera da Conceição, E, Mantovano, T, de Campos, R, do Couto, EV, Ferreira, JHD, Rangel, TF, Martens, K, Bailly, D, and Higuti, J (2023).
Predicted changes in the distribution of Ostracoda (Crustacea) from river basins in the southern cone of South America, under two climate change scenarios
Hydrobiologia, 850:1443–1460.

De Schutter, L, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M (2023).
Archeologische opgraving Noorderterras. Natuursteen in de depositie van ballaststeen en hergebruikte bouwmaterialen van de Burcht, Scheldekaaien/Noorderterras: beschrijving petrografische slijpplaatjes. Studie uitgevoerd in opdracht van de stadsdienst Arc
KBIN. , . Geological Survey of Belgium Scientific Reports 2023/01.

De Schutter, L, Dusar, M, and De Ceukelaire, M (2023).
Natuursteen in de depositie van ballaststeen en hergebruikte bouwmaterialen van de Burcht. Scheldekaaien/Noorderterras.
KBIN, expertise.

De Somviele, B, Sercu, B, Janssens de Bisthoven, L, Rochette, A, Lubalega, T, Huybrechts, P, and Wouters, T (2023).

de Sousa, A, Beaudet, A, Calvey, T, Bardo, A, Benoit, J, Charvet, C, Dehay, C, Gómez-Robles, A, Gunz, P, Heuer, K, van den Heuvel, M, Hurst, S, Lauters, P, Reed, D, Salagnon, M, Sherwood, C, Ströckens, F, Tawane, M, Todorov, O, Toro, R, and Wei, Y (2023).
From fossils to mind
Communications Biology, 6(636).

de Winter, N, Tindall, J, Johnson, AL, Goudsmit-Harzevoort, B, Wichern, NM, Pim, K, Claeys, P, Huygen, F, van Leeuwen, S, Metcalfe, B, Bakker, P, Goolaerts, S, Wesselingh, F, and Ziegler, M (2023).
Amplified seasonality in western Europe in a warmer world

Deckers, J, Bogemans, F, Lanckacker, T, Louwye, S, Vandenberghe, N, and Walstra, J (2023).
The Merksplas Formation

Declercq, P, Dusar, M, Pirard, E, Verbeurgt, J, Choopani, A, and Devleeschouwer, X (2023).
Post Mining Ground Deformations Transition Related to Coal Mines Closure in the Campine Coal Basin, Belgium, Evidenced by Three Decades of MT-InSAR Data
Remote Sensing, MDPI, 15:725.

DeCock, E, Moeneclaey, I, Schelfhout, S, Dekoninck, W, De Schrijver, A, Baeten, L, and De Smedt, P (2023).
Do carabids struggle to recolonize restored grasslands in the fragmented landscapes of Northern Belgium?
Insect Conservation and Diversity:1-10.

Decombeix, A, Harper, CJ, Prestianni, C, Durieux, T, Ramel, M, and Krings, M (2023).
Fossil evidence of tylosis formation in Late Devonian plants
Nature Plants, 9:695-698.

Decrée, S, Van Ham-Meert, A, Baele, J, Namur, O, Deloule, E, and Marignac, C (2023).
Irish-type deposits in Tunisia: a new perspective to assign the Pb-Zn deposits of the Nefza District
In: Irish-type Deposits around the world, ed. by Andrew, C.J., Hitzman, M.W. & Stanley, G. . Irish Association for Economic Geology, Dublin, chap. -, pp. 393-406.

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