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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2023 OA / Pending Duplicate Bibliography Entries / Sea cucumbers (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) from the JR275 expedition to the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica

Melanie Mackenzie, P. O'Loughlin, Huw Griffiths, and Anton de Putte (2021)

Sea cucumbers (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) from the JR275 expedition to the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica

ZooKeys, 1054:155-172.

Thirty-seven holothuroid species, including six potentially new, are reported from the eastern Weddell Sea in Antarctica. Information regarding sea cucumbers in this dataset is based on Agassiz Trawl (AGT) samples collected during the British Antarctic Survey cruise JR275 on the RRS James Clark Ross in the austral summer of 2012. Species presence by site and an appendix of holothuroid identifications with registrations are included as supplementary material. Species occurrence in the Weddell Sea is updated to include new holothuroids from this expedition.

  • DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1054.59584
  • ISSN: 1313-2970, 1313-2989

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