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RBINS Staff Publications 2022

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 440 references in this bibliography folder.

Decree, S, Coint, N, Debaille, V, Hagen-Peter, G, Leduc, T, and Schiellerup, H (2022).
Potential for REE of igneous-related apatite deposits in Europe
Journal of the Geological Society of London, The Green Stone Age – Exploration and exploitation of minerals for green technologies”, Special Volume of the Geological Society of London.

Decree, S, Pasava, J, Baele, J, and al., e (2022).
In-situ trace element and Sr isotope signature of apatite: a new key to unravelling the genesis of polymetallic mineralisation in black shales (Early Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Southern China)
Ore Geology Reviews(150):105130.

Decru, E, Vranken, N, Maetens, H, Mertens De Vry, A, Kayenbergh, A, Snoeks, J, and Van Steenberge, M (2022).
DNA barcoding the Lake Edward basin: high taxonomic coverage of a tropical freshwater ichthyofauna
Hydrobiologia, 849:1743-1762.

Decrée, S (2022).
Ressources métalliques : cadre géodynamique et exemples remarquables
ISTE, vol. Volumes 1 et 2.

Defrasne, C, Delannoy, J, Jacquet, J, Chalmin, E, Quiers, M, Burlet, C, and Delannoy, Y (2022).
L’abri des Oullas (Saint-Paul-sur-Ubaye, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). Approche intégrée d’un site de passage
DRAC / SRA Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, Rapport d'opération archéologique programmée 2022.

Degraer, S, Brabant, R, Rumes, B, and Vigin, L (2022).
Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms in the Belgian Part of the North Sea: Getting ready for offshore wind farm expansion in the North Sea.
RBINS, annual WinMon.BE monitoring report.

Degraer, S, Hutchison, ZL, LoBue, C, and Williams, K (2022).
State of the Science Workshop on Wildlife and Offshore Wind Energy 2020: Cumulative Impacts
No source specified

Dejonghe, L and Dusar, M (2022).
Enkele opmerkelijke personen - Quelques personnes remarquables
In: Kleine en grote verhalen van de Belgische Geologische Dienst - Petite et grande histoire du Service géologique de Belgique, ed. by Kris Welkenhuysen, Vanessa M.A. Heyvaert. Geological Survey of Belgium, chap. 8, pp. 211-262. Geosciences collection.

Dekoninck, M, Goemaere, E, Dewaele, S, De Grave, J, Leduc, T, Vandenberghe, D, and De Clercq, W (2022).
Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of vitrified waste material discovered in large quantities on Roman salt production sites along the southern North Sea coast.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 146:105665.

First records for Belgium of the ant species Myrmica vandeli Bondroit, 1920 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie, 158:19–24.

Delcourt, J, Dewilde, J, Delvaux, D, Vangeluwe, D, Beudels Jamar, R, Devillers, P, Lafontaine, R, and Poncin, P (2022).
Renforcement de la population de Tétras lyre en Belgique : Rapport de l’opération de translocation 2022 de 35 Tétras lyres suédois dans la Réserve Naturelle des Hautes Fagnes Rapport final 2022.
ULiège & RBINS.

Delhaye, L, Francken, F, Kint, L, Van Lancker, V, and Van den Eynde, D (2022).
Literature study on the potential impacts of the development of artificial island on hydrodynamics, suspended matter and seabed sediments.
RBINS, OD Nature, SUMO Group, Report prepared for the Elia Group(28 pp. ).

Delongueville, C and Scaillet, R (2022).
Le fabuleux voyage de Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) de l’Asie de l’Est à la Mer du Nord et aux Amériques
Novapex / Société, 23(2):32-37.

Delongueville, C and Scaillet, R (2022).
Choristella leptalea Bush, 1897 (Vetigastropoda: Choristellidae), content analysis of a spent skate egg case collected in the southwestern Icelandic deep-water
Novapex, 23(3):111-118.

Desmet, P, Noé, N, Brabant, R, and Reyniers, M (2022).
CROW: Visualize bird migration in your browser

Devillet, G, Sun, Y, Li, H, and Smith, T (2022).
A new partial skeleton of Kryptobaatar from the Upper Cretaceous of Bayan Mandahu (Inner Mongolia, China) relaunch the question about variability in djadochtatherioid multituberculate mammals
Cretaceous Research, 130:105041 (17 pages).

Dierssen, H, Vandermeulen, R, Barnes, B, Castagna, A, Knaeps, E, and Vanhellemont, Q (2022).
QWIP: A Quantitative Metric for Quality Control of Aquatic Reflectance Spectral Shape Using the Apparent Visible Wavelength
Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3.

Dreesen, R and Driesen, W (2022).
De grafsteen van abt Wiric Van Stapel: relict van een 12e eeuwse mozaïekvloer met Romeinse marmers in Sint-Truiden (prov. Limburg).
Signa, 11:65-76.

Dreesen, R, Coquelet, C, and Ruppiené, V (2022).
Red, grey and green marbles in the Civitates Tungrorum and Nerviorum: local and regional resources versus Mediterranean supplies.
In: Abstract book ASMOSIA XIII, ed. by Abstract book ASMOSIA XIII, vol. 1(1), chap. -, pp. 58-59, ASMOSIA XIII, Vienna, Austria, Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences & Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna.

Dreesen, R, Goemaere, E, and Kremer, G (2022).
Provenance analysis of the natural stones in funerary monuments from the western part of the civitas Tungrorum.
In: 17th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art, Vienna/Carnuntum, May 16-21, 2022.

Dreesen, R, Neyens, B, van Uytven, D, and Janssen, J (2022).
Kolossen uit de Maas: ijsschotszwerfstenen als getuigen van de geologische opbouw van het Ardeense en Lotharingse stroomgebied van de Maas
In: Jaarboek De Aardijkskunde 2022, ed. by VLA. Skribis, chap. 5, pp. 33-40.

Dreesen, R, Neyens, B, Van Uytven, D, and Janssen, J (2022).
Reuzen uit de Maas, een nieuw onderzoek van ijsschotszwerfstenen.
In: LIKONA-jaarboek 2022, ed. by Likona. Provincie Limburg, chap. n, pp. 68-95.

Dreesen, R, Poty, E, Mottequin, B, Marion, J, and Denayer, J (2022).
Pierre de Meuse, an Exceptional Historical Heritage Stone from the Meuse Valley, Belgium
In: Pierre à Pierre II. Économie de la pierre dans la vallée de la Meuse et dans les régions limitrophes (Ier siècle avant J.-C.-XVIIIe siècle), ed. by PIAVAUX M., MOULIS C., MACAUX M., BLARY F., MARTIN F., VANDERMENSBRUGGHE C.-M. & VERSLYPE L. , vol. 45, pp. 29-46, AWAP. Études et Documents, Archéologie.

Drumont, A (2022).
Description d’une nouvelle espèce du sud du Vietnam appartenant au genre Sarmydus Pascoe, 1867 (7e contribution à l’étude du genre Sarmydus Pascoe, 1867) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
Lambillionea, 122(2):128-132.

Drumont, A, Dahan, L, Ignace, D, Limbourg, P, and Raemdonck, H (2022).
Nouvelles données pour le genre Euplectus Leach, 1817 en Belgique (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae)
Lambillionea, 122(2):75-78.

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