Michael P Perring, Lionel R Hertzog, Stefanie RE De Groote, Daan Dekeukeleire, Wouter Dekoninck, Pallieter De Smedt, Willem Proesmans, Bram K Sercu, Thiebe Sleeuwaert, Johan Van Keer, Irene M van Schrojenstein Lantman, Pieter Vantieghem, Lander Baeten, Dries Bonte, An Martel, Kris Verheyen, and Luc Lens (2021)
Overstorey composition shapes across-trophic level community relationships in deciduous forest regardless of fragmentation context
Journal of Ecology:1-16.
biodiversity, co-inertia analysis, Fagus sylvatica, forest fragmentation, Quercus robur, Quercus, rubra, tree composition
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