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You are here: Home / Library / RBINS Staff Publications 2021 / Foreword for the thematic volume of the PalEurAfrica project international symposium Evolution and paleoenvironment of early modern vertebrates during the Paleogene

Thierry Smith, Thierry De Putter, Stephen Louwye, Johan Yans, Matthew Borths, and Nancy J Stevens (2021)

Foreword for the thematic volume of the PalEurAfrica project international symposium Evolution and paleoenvironment of early modern vertebrates during the Paleogene

Geobios, 66-67:1-6.

Peer Review, PDF available, International Redaction Board, Impact Factor
Foreword, PalEurAfrica Belspo Brain projet
Received 5 April 2021 Accepted 14 April 2021 Available online 24 April 2021
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2021.0