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RBINS Staff Publications 2021 OA

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 44 references in this bibliography folder.

Kint, L and Van Lancker, V (2021).
Seabed substrate coding on nautical charts in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. Report, prepared for the Flemish Authorities, Flemish Hydrography.
RBINS - OD Nature.

Laforest, C and Polet, C (2021).
Analyse des ossements humains
In: Le château Renaud à Virton. Une fortification du Bas-Empire romain, ed. by Cahen-Delhaye A.. Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine, vol. 41, chap. -, pp. 448-458. Études et Documents - Archéologie.

Lamberts-Van Assche, H and Compernolle, T (2021).
Economic feasibility studies for Carbon Capture and Utilization technologies: a tutorial review
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 24(2):467--491.

Liu, Y, Grootaert, P, and Yang, D (2021).
Notes on species of Hybos Meigen (Diptera: Hybotidae) from Hong Kong
Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society. St Petersburg, 92:72-76.

Mapalo, M, Robin, N, Boudinot, B, Ortega-Hernandez, J, and Barden, P (2021).
A tardigrade in Dominican amber
Proceedings of the Royal Society - Biological Sciences.

Montereale Gavazzi, G, Kapasakali, D, Kerckhof, F, Van Lancker, V, and Degraer, S (2021).
What lies beneath the busiest shipping lane of the world? Stony reefs in the Belgian Continental Shelf: a quantitative mapping approach.
In: Proceedings Geohab21 on Marine and Biological Habitat Mapping. International E-conference. 5/5/2021.

Obona, J, Beuk, PLT, Dvorakova, K, Dvorak, L, Grootaert, P, Haenni, J, Jezek, J, Mlynarova, L, van der Weele, R, and Manko, P (2021).
Selected Diptera of City Park Kolmanka, Prešov (Slovakia)
Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales, 70:125-134.

Peccue, E, Paoletti, S, Van Hoey, G, Vanelslander, B, Verlé, K, Degraer, S, Van Lancker, V, Hostens, K, and Polet, H (2021).
Scientific background report in preparation of fisheries measures to protect the bottom integrity and the different habitats within the Belgian part of the North Sea. ILVO-Mededeling 277. ISSN 1784-3197 Wettelijk Depot: D/2021/10.970/277
ILVO & RBINS - OD Nature.

Pelebe, ROE, Toko, II, Verheyen, E, and Van Steenberge, M (2021).
Molecular Identification of an Invasive Sarotherodon Species from the Atchakpa Freshwater Reservoir (Ouémé River Basin, Benin) and Comparison within S. melanotheron Using COI Markers
Diversity, 13(7):297.

Polet, C (2021).
Paléopathologie du ventre : apport de l’étude des tissus mous et des calcifications biologiques
In: Histoire du Ventre. Entrailles, tripes et boyaux. Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Époque moderne, ed. by Collard F. & Samama E.. L'Harmattan, Paris, chap. -, pp. 131-149.

Prassack, K, Dubois, J, Lázničková-Galetová, M, Germonpré, M, and Ungar, P (2021).
Of dogs, wolves, and debate: A reply to Janssens et al. (2021)
Journal of Archaeological Science, 126:105228.

Rohacek, J, Bartak, M, Celechovsky, A, Grootaert, P, Kanavalova, L, Mazanek, L, and Pollet, M (2021).
New and interesting records of Diptera on glacial sand deposits in Silesia (NE Czech Republic). Part 2 – Brachycera except for Schizophora
Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales, 70:1-32.

Salvador, RB, Wahab, A, Phillips, NE, and Breure, AS (2021).
South American and Trinidadian terrestrial Gastropoda in the collection of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Tuhinga, 32:64-80.

Tack, G, Blondé, P, Van den Bremt, P, Hermy, M, Alderweireldt, M, Aukema, B, Bosmans, R, Crevecoeur, L, De Becker, P, De Beer, D, De Knijf, G, Dekoninck, W, Denys, L, Dillen, A, Esprit, M, Grootaert, P, Gysels, J, Heijerman, T, Hendrickx, F, Jacobs, M, Libert, P, Lock, K, Maes, B, Meijer, K, Mortelmans, J, Noordijk, J, Peeters, K, Pollet, M, Ravoet, J, Ruysseveldt, H, Samsoen, L, Scheers, K, Steenman, R, Struyve, T, Thys, N, Uitterhaegen, B, Van Braeckel, A, Vandekerkhove, K, Van de Kerckhove, P, Van de Meutter, F, Van Den Broeck, D, Van der Aa, B, van Dort, K, Vankerkhoven, F, Van Malderen, M, Vanormelingen, P, Van Uytvanck, J, Veraghtert, W, and Verhaeghe, F (2021).
Een biodiversiteitsaudit voor het Bos t’Ename na een Alle Taxa Biodiversiteit Inventarisatie en 30 jaar natuurbeheer
Natuurpunt, Report(2021/12), Mechelen.

Toussaint, E, De Borger, E, Braeckman, U, De Backer, A, Soetaert, K, and Vanaverbeke, J (2021).
Faunal and environmental drivers of carbon and nitrogen cycling along a permeability gradient in shallow North Sea sediments
Science of the Total Environment, 767:144994.

United Nations Environment Program UNEP, V and Van Lancker (2021).
What is sand? Results from a UNEP/GRID-Geneva expert discussion

Van Daele, J, Ferket, H, and Barros, R (2021).
Optimal geodata centralization and disclosure as support for subsurface exploration
In: 7th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2021, pp. 346-347.

Van Lancker, V, Van den Eynde, D, Degraer, S, and Lauwaert, B (2021).
Preliminaire evaluatie van mogelijke gevolgen van de inplanting van een eiland aan de rand van het Habitatrichtlijngebied Vlaamse Banken
RBINS - OD Nature.

Vanmechelen, B, Zisi, Z, Gryseels, S, Goüy de Bellocq, J, Vrancken, B, Lemey, P, Maes, P, and Bletsa, M (2021).
Phylogenomic Characterization of Lopma Virus and Praja Virus, Two Novel Rodent-Borne Arteriviruses
Viruses, 13(1842).

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